THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order - three.js

I set {Object3D}.eulerOrder = 'YZX'; and then rotate the object with {Object3D}.rotation.set(...), and I get the following warning: "THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order.".
I tried changing the {Object3D}.rotation.order to all the different permutations, but the warning remains.

kudos to #Mugen87
answer: use rotation.order instead of eulerOrder


Binding Resolution Laravel 5.3

What is the difference between
This one works!
But this one doesn't work. What's the problem?
Given that this works:
you have a namespace issue. You can use this as-is with the leading \s, but chances are putting this at the top of the file will resolve it:
use App\Http\Controllers\StaffController;
use App\Repos‌​itories\User\UserInt‌​erface;
use App\Repositories\U‌​ser\StaffRepository;

Background segmentation from multiple files.jpeg

I am trying to cut off background from currency notes. I used a blobsDemo.m codes I found here, used on coins.jpeg. it worked we quite well for me, on one note.
But when I tried it on multiple images, it returns results on just one note:
For k=1:16
Imshow(original image);%displays all my 16 distinct images.
%but when I run
Binaryimage=originalimage>threshold. value(k);
%it returns for one image.
What am I doing wrong please? I need help. Thankyou
for example if your resultant image is stored in variable "IM_out" then use IM_out(:,:,k)

XPath: using or

I need to find elements on a dynamic website that contain either test.gif or test2.gif. Tt my be that one of those is not present. Whats the correct synax to do it? My take with:
'.//*[#src="http://test/test1.gif"] or .//*[#src="http://test/test2.gif"]'
doesn't seem to work.
have you tried with:
#src="http://test/test1.gif" or #src="http://test/test2.gif"

How do I set the texture sampler state in XNA for BasicEffect?

According to microsoft the BasicEffect.Texture uses the TextureFilter state and if it's not set it uses TextureFilter.Linear.
Where can I set the TextureFilter state for BasicEffect?
Is it possible to set a clamp/wrap method for texture sampling?
This can also be specified in SpriteBatch.Begin().
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
See a discussion on this at:
Got rid of my last answer. I knew that I had written it a cleaner way before.
GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerState.LinearWrap;
SamplerState members can be found here.

How do you print nicely in LEDA

How do you print 'nicely' in LEDA?
I am looking for the equivalent to
I have got a little further with this.
There is a difference between precision and output precision.
I can set LEDA's output precision with e.g bigfloat::set_output_precision(4);
but I still do not know what LEDA's equivalent to fixed is.
Also, I do not know what the latest LEDA of todouble is
I have tried mu.todouble() where mu is declared as a bigfloat, but I get a compiler error
A further answer is mu.to_double()
