I get an error in Master Detail page - xamarin

So I create a standard xamarin form project with a default template, then I add a Master Detail page template to the project and when I compile this project on the phone I open the side menu and when I click on Page 1 I get the error "System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. " I do not change the default template in any way, but I get an error, I believe that it is related to the transition to Page 1 and I do not understand by what principle this transition occurs. Thanks.
enter image description here

The problem is related to the name of your view is "Page" or already there is a type in xamarin forms with the same name "Page" try making names more clear.
to resolve your problem try forcing the xamarin forms type


Dynamics CRM: Model Driven App: When showing Custom Page as pop up Dialog, formatting error occurs

I am working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and have a question.
I want to show a custom page as a pop up dialog in an entity form. So far, I am able to show it, but the formatting is broken. It looks like everything is on top of each other:
While checking, I saw that every element in the edit form (contained in the custom page) have its CSS position set to Absolute. This seems to be the problem here. The next picture confirms it. I changed the Top value of one of the element and got the following result:
Now, after having had a look into it, my question is the following:
Could you tell me, how exactly do I have to configure the editing form in the custom page to get the correct result (in the page designer)? I am also open for a JavaScript - solution. But I am not sure how to run it in this type of context.
Designer:Left side
Designer:right side 1
Designer: right side 2
I did not solve it. It was solved with the last Microsoft CRM update. (The one which hides the Advanced Find - Icon on certain parts of the system). I cannot say what exactly got changed. What I know is that I have not changed anything on my solution at all.

After updating android studio this code is not working properly

enter image description here
this line has a problem and i can't find the updated way to implement this view holder

In Visual Studio 2010, how can I edit the content of an aspx page with master page in design view?

I've noticed that whenever I add a new asp.net with a master page to a project, I am unable to edit it in the design view. I am able to see the master page content and an element that says ; however, I am unable to edit the content. I'd like to drop things in there and adjust their properties but I am unable to access them in the design view. How can I accomplish this?
I am ignorant. For anyone who has the same problem, be sure that your content is not wrapped inside a user control. I did some testing and found that was the problem.

How to perform a page navigation action for a button which is in the Application.Resource?

I put several ApplicationBars in in the App.xaml because I want to display different ApplicationBar for different pivot pages. However, how do I perform an navigation action using the ApplicationBarIconButton? Because when I put the Navigation code in App.xaml.cs. Visual Studio gives me an error which says "An object reference is required for non-static field, method or property "System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationService.Navigate(System.Uri)".
Help please.
You can obtain the app's frame's NavigationService instance.
(Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Navigate();

Calling reports from forms without displaying the form

As the title says, I would like to call the reports from forms without actually displaying the form. I am very new to Oracle forms. I tried to do the following but it didn't work:
1)Inserted the code to call the reports in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger.
2)Removed the canvas so that the form won't be displayed.
But I got the error
RM-30173: Module contains no canvases
Is it possible to do this?. I am trying to display the report when a menu item in an oracle forms application is clicked which in turn would call the above form but directly displaying
the report instead of displaying an UI.
I am using Forms Builder 10.1.2.
As for why I don't want to do this directly in the menu(MMB), the menu doesn't have an option to attach a report and I've already got a working form that generates an report but the code to call the report is written in a button-pressed trigger.
http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=1107427&tstart=45, I am trying to do what Andreas Weiden, suggested in that thread.
I think your problem may be in limiting your menu options to only opening forms.
For example, you could instead have the menu in your form execute a form trigger which would call the report. Or a web.show_document to the url for the Report.
What version of Forms are you on? It's been a while since I did much with Forms, but this may give you a start.
I am only familiar with Reports 6i, and it was simple to just run the report from the menu.
We created a menu item that was PL/SQL Command Type, dropped the code to run the report module in the Menu Item Code box, and all was good. I'd be surprised if you couldn't do something similar in 10g reports.
Move the code from the form's button into a procedure in a common library. Attach the library to the form and to the menu module. Call the procedure from both the form button as well as the menu.
I solved the problem by creating a blank canvas in the 'dummy form' as 'FRM-30173: Module contains no canvases' was returned when no canvas was found in the form.
The approach suggested by Andreas Weiden here: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=1107427&tstart=45 works well.
You could have also just created the report and just call it behind the menu option but hiding the report parameter form and the report would automatically begin to generate. In the menu option just before you call the report name just set the report paramform to hide and destype to screen. This would have save the trouble of creating a blank canvas and maybe having to suppress error messages if any was thrown.
