Import class PowerShell5 module - windows

I've created some classes, which I would like to split into several files. Unfortunately, the inheritance does not work. My only working solution is:
Using Module "<Path>"
That is not flexible and a nightmare for adjustments.
My test folder structure looks like this:
+-- classes
| |
| +-- domain
| | |
| | +---Domain.psm1
| |
| +-- dns
| |
| +--DNS.psm1
+-- functions
+-- test
+-- test.ps1
My current approach including classes is mentioned here:
class Domain
[string] fullname () {
return "test.local";
static [Domain] $instance
static [Domain] GetInstance() {
if ($null -eq [Domain]::instance) {
[Domain]::instance = [Domain]::new()
return [Domain]::instance
# Working:
#using module "C:\Users\test\Desktop\Project\classes\domain\Domain.psm1"
# Not working:
$scriptDir = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath ..\.. -Resolve
$classFile = -join($scriptDir, "\classes\domain\Domain.psm1")
$scriptBody = "using module $classFile"
$script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptBody)
. $script
class DNS : Domain
[int] testRecord() {
return 9000;
# Init Singleton
static [DNS] $instance
static [DNS] GetInstance() {
if ($null -eq [DNS]::instance)
[DNS]::instance = [DNS]::new()
return [DNS]::instance
$scriptDir = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath ..\.. -Resolve
$classFile = -join($scriptDir, "\classes\dns\DNS.psm1")
# Working:
# Include DNS.psm1
$scriptBody = "using module $classFile"
$script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptBody)
. $script
$task = [DNS]::GetInstance()
In my test.ps1 I create an instance of the DNS class which extends the Domain class. Extending Domain fails with:
+ . $script
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (C:\Users\test...\dns\DNS.psm1:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound
Is there an easy way to get this working ?


Can I check the contents of encrypted zip-archive without using password?

I've encrypted .zip archive with some files. Later archive contents must be checked by someone who doesn't know encryption password. Is there any way to do this in powershell?
Ubuntu has zip -sf command but I couldn't find any simular in powershell.
If you're just looking to list the zip contents, then this function will do. As for extracting the Zip contents, ZipArchive does not support encrypted Zips as of today. There are third party PowerShell Modules as well as libraries that can do this though.
function Get-ZipContent {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $Path,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[string[]] $LiteralPath,
[switch] $Force
begin {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
process {
try {
$arguments = switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
Path { $Path, $Force.IsPresent, $false }
LiteralPath { $LiteralPath, $Force.IsPresent, $true }
foreach($item in $ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Get.Invoke($arguments)) {
try {
$fs = $item.OpenRead()
$zip = [IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($fs, [IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Read)
foreach($entry in $zip.Entries) {
$entry.PSObject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('Source', $item.FullName))
catch {
finally {
$zip, $fs | ForEach-Object Dispose
catch {
PS ..\pwsh> Get-ZipContent path\to\myfolder\*.zip
PS ..\pwsh> Get-ChildItem path\to\things -Recurse -Filter *.zip | Get-ZipContent
To further expand the usage since it seems not quite clear:
# load the function in memory:
PS ..\pwsh> . ./theFunctionisHere.ps1
# call the function giving it a path to a zip:
PS ..\pwsh> Get-ZipContent ./
Source : path/to/pwsh/
Archive : System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive
Crc32 : 0
IsEncrypted : True
CompressedLength : 165
ExternalAttributes : 32
Comment :
FullName : other thing.txt
LastWriteTime : 10/29/2022 10:31:30 AM -03:00
Length : 446
Name : other thing.txt
Source : path/to/pwsh/
Archive : System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive
Crc32 : 0
IsEncrypted : True
CompressedLength : 165
ExternalAttributes : 32
Comment :
FullName : thing.txt
LastWriteTime : 10/29/2022 10:31:30 AM -03:00
Length : 446
Name : thing.txt

Using Powershell to get a list of users who have logged into a machine in the past year

We have a few computers that are used in a lab for processing and users can log in directly on-site or via remote desktop. We are trying to clean up the machines and decided to remove user folders for those who have not logged on in the past year. I am able to use windows event viewer to find the information, but I haven't figured out a way to export the information I need.
I found this script which seems to do exactly what I need, except I'm getting the following error when I run it:
PS C:\Users\vmc\Documents> .\userevents.ps1
Get-WinEvent : Could not retrieve information about the Security log. Error: Attempted to perform an unauthorized
At C:\Users\vmc\Documents\userevents.ps1:48 char:29
+ ... ($events = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computer -LogName $logNames - ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WinEvent], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : LogInfoUnavailable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand
Get-WinEvent : There is not an event log on the BIGBERTHA computer that matches "Security".
At C:\Users\vmc\Documents\userevents.ps1:48 char:29
+ ... ($events = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computer -LogName $logNames - ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Security:String) [Get-WinEvent], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoMatchingLogsFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand
C:\Users\vmc\Documents\userevents.ps1 : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '.'.
At line:1 char:1
+ .\userevents.ps1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [userevents.ps1], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,userevents.ps1
I do have a log called 'Security' when I look at the Windows Event Viewer, so I'm not sure why I can't query this log?
Thank you for any help- suggestions to get this script to run or another way to compile this list are very much appreciated!
Script from the link (saved to userevents.ps1, called from powershell above)
This script finds all logon, logoff and total active session times of all users on all computers specified. For this script
to function as expected, the advanced AD policies; Audit Logon, Audit Logoff and Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events must be
enabled and targeted to the appropriate computers via GPO or local policy.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
An array of computer names to search for events on. If this is not provided, the script will search the local computer.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-ActiveDirectoryUserActivity.ps1.
None. If successful, this script does not output anything.
[string[]]$ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
try {
#region Defie all of the events to indicate session start or top
$sessionEvents = #(
#{ 'Label' = 'Logon'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStart'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4624 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Logon
#{ 'Label' = 'Logoff'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStop'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4647 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Logoff
#{ 'Label' = 'Startup'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStop'; 'LogName' = 'System'; 'ID' = 6005 }
#{ 'Label' = 'RdpSessionReconnect'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStart'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4778 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events
#{ 'Label' = 'RdpSessionDisconnect'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStop'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4779 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events
#{ 'Label' = 'Locked'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStop'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4800 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events
#{ 'Label' = 'Unlocked'; 'EventType' = 'SessionStart'; 'LogName' = 'Security'; 'ID' = 4801 } ## Advanced Audit Policy --> Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events
## All of the IDs that designate when user activity starts
$sessionStartIds = ($sessionEvents | where { $_.EventType -eq 'SessionStart' }).ID
## All of the IDs that designate when user activity stops
$sessionStopIds = ($sessionEvents | where { $_.EventType -eq 'SessionStop' }).ID
## Define all of the log names we'll be querying
$logNames = ($sessionEvents.LogName | select -Unique)
## Grab all of the interesting IDs we'll be looking for
$ids = $sessionEvents.Id
## Build the insane XPath query for the security event log in order to query events as fast as possible
$logonXPath = "Event[System[EventID=4624]] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'Window Manager']] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'NT AUTHORITY']] and (Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '2']] or Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '11']])"
$otherXpath = 'Event[System[({0})]]' -f "EventID=$((#($ids).where({ $_ -ne '4624' })) -join ' or EventID=')"
$xPath = '({0}) or ({1})' -f $logonXPath, $otherXpath
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
## Query each computer's event logs using the Xpath filter
if (-not ($events = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computer -LogName $logNames -FilterXPath $xPath)) {
Write-Warning -Message 'No logon events found'.
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message "Found [$($events.Count)] events to look through"
## Set up the output object
$output = [ordered]#{
'ComputerName' = $computer
'Username' = $null
'StartTime' = $null
'StartAction' = $null
'StopTime' = $null
'StopAction' = $null
'Session Active (Days)' = $null
'Session Active (Min)' = $null
## Need current users because if no stop time, they're still probably logged in
$getGimInstanceParams = #{
ClassName = 'Win32_ComputerSystem'
if ($computer -ne $Env:COMPUTERNAME) {
$getGimInstanceParams.ComputerName = $computer
$loggedInUsers = Get-CimInstance #getGimInstanceParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName | foreach { $_.split('\')[1] }
## Find all user start activity events and begin parsing
#($events).where({ $_.Id -in $sessionStartIds }).foreach({
try {
$logonEvtId = $_.Id
$output.StartAction = #($sessionEvents).where({ $_.ID -eq $logonEvtId }).Label
$xEvt = [xml]$_.ToXml()
## Figure out the login session ID
$output.Username = ($xEvt.Event.EventData.Data | where { $_.Name -eq 'TargetUserName' }).'#text'
$logonId = ($xEvt.Event.EventData.Data | where { $_.Name -eq 'TargetLogonId' }).'#text'
if (-not $logonId) {
$logonId = ($xEvt.Event.EventData.Data | where { $_.Name -eq 'LogonId' }).'#text'
$output.StartTime = $_.TimeCreated
Write-Verbose -Message "New session start event found: event ID [$($logonEvtId)] username [$($output.Username)] logonID [$($logonId)] time [$($output.StartTime)]"
## Try to match up the user activity end event with the start event we're processing
if (-not ($sessionEndEvent = #($Events).where({ ## If a user activity end event could not be found, assume the user is still logged on
$_.TimeCreated -gt $output.StartTime -and
$_.ID -in $sessionStopIds -and
(([xml]$_.ToXml()).Event.EventData.Data | where { $_.Name -eq 'TargetLogonId' }).'#text' -eq $logonId
})) | select -last 1) {
if ($output.UserName -in $loggedInUsers) {
$output.StopTime = Get-Date
$output.StopAction = 'Still logged in'
} else {
throw "Could not find a session end event for logon ID [$($logonId)]."
} else {
## Capture the user activity end time
$output.StopTime = $sessionEndEvent.TimeCreated
Write-Verbose -Message "Session stop ID is [$($sessionEndEvent.Id)]"
$output.StopAction = #($sessionEvents).where({ $_.ID -eq $sessionEndEvent.Id }).Label
$sessionTimespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $output.StartTime -End $output.StopTime
$output.'Session Active (Days)' = [math]::Round($sessionTimespan.TotalDays, 2)
$output.'Session Active (Min)' = [math]::Round($sessionTimespan.TotalMinutes, 2)
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
} catch {
First you got this error:
Attempted to perform an unauthorized
There is not an event log on the BIGBERTHA computer that matches "Security"
This clearly indicates that the account used to run the query against the remote computer does not have the necesssary permission. You can't access the and/or find the Security Log because of insufficient acces rights.
In your 2nd run with the right account and elevated shell you did get further, because you now get the error:
The specified query is invalid
That means you have been able to connect to the remote computer and read the security log but get-winevent could not execute the operation because the query syntax is invalid.
This part of the code builds the filter:
$logonXPath = "Event[System[EventID=4624]] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'Window Manager']] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'NT AUTHORITY']] and (Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '2']] or Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '11']])"
$otherXpath = 'Event[System[({0})]]' -f "EventID=$((#($ids).where({ $_ -ne '4624' })) -join ' or EventID=')"
$xPath = '({0}) or ({1})' -f $logonXPath, $otherXpath
The scripts works for me... but in the end you do not need the whole functionality, think this will help:
$XPath = "Event[System[EventID=4624]] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'Window Manager']] and Event[EventData[Data[#Name='TargetDomainName'] != 'NT AUTHORITY']] and (Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '2']] or Event[EventData[Data[#Name='LogonType'] = '11']])"
#Get List containing the dnsHostNames of the computers to query
$computer = gc [path]
#Run Query against computers and gather result
$result = #(
foreach ($computer in $computers){
#run query
$events = get-winevent -LogName security -FilterXPath $XPath -ComputerName $computer
#parse events as xml and extract necessary information, return object
$eventobj = #(
foreach ($event in $events){
[xml]$xml = $event.toxml()
$attrsht = [ordered]#{
#return event object
new-object -TypeName psobject -Property $attrsht
$attrsht = #{
#return object per computer containing all events
new-object -TypeName psobject -Property $attrsht
#As the property events is an array you can export it by using json
$result | ConvertTo-Json | set-content [path]
#If you want a csv we have to flattern the array
$result = #(
foreach ($computer in $computers){
#run query
$events = get-winevent -LogName security -FilterXPath $XPath -ComputerName $computer
#parse events as xml and extract necessary information, return object
foreach ($event in $events){
[xml]$xml = $event.toxml()
$attrsht = [ordered]#{
#return event object
new-object -TypeName psobject -Property $attrsht
$result | export-csv [path] -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"

New-PSDrive : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Root' because it is null

I am trying to run a PowerShell script on local machine. The agenda of this script is to connect multiple shared drives using the CSV file and get the size of the shared drive and then export to result.csv. I have executed line by line, but I'm getting the following error:
New-PSDrive : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Root' because it is null.
Function CleanUp-PSDrive {
Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem |
Where { $_.Name -in (69..90 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) } |
$Csv = Import-Csv "path"
$Csv.Name | ForEach-Object -Begin { $Letter = 69 } {
New-PSdrive -Root $_ -Name ([char]$Letter) -PSProvider FileSystem
#Do some stuff...
if ($Letter -lt 90) {
} else {
$Letter = 69
} -End { CleanUp-PSDrive }

Add-Member to WMI object best practice?

I'm writing a function for getting the Windows version using WMI object. But I wanted to add the Windows 10 ReleaseId ("1709") (from a registry key) into the object.
Is this a stupid idea? (It works, I just don't know if it's a smart thing to do.)
function Get-OSVersion {
[version]$OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OSVersion.Major -ge '10') {
$OSVersion | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReleaseId -Value $([int]::Parse($(Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" ReleaseId).ReleaseId)) -Force
return $OSVersion
$OSVersion = Get-OSVersion
if ($OSVersion -ge '6.1') {"At least Win7"} else {"Too old"}
if ($OSVersion.ReleaseID -ge '1703') {"At least 1703."} else {"Too old"}
Also, would it be unwise to overwrite the member "Revision" (value is always -1) instead of adding a new member "ReleaseId"?
To expand on my comment:
I wouldn't suggest changing a wmi class that you don't need to, but you're not doing that. I don't see anything wrong about your approach besides adding a member to a defined standard library class (System.Version) and doing a number comparison against a string.
What I would suggest doing is creating a [pscustomobject] with the members you need:
function Get-OSVersion {
$OSVersion = [version](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OSVersion.Major -ge 10) {
Version = $OSVersion
ReleaseId = [int](Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId
} else {
Version = $OSVersion
In use:
$OS = Get-OSVersion
if ($OS.Version -ge [version]'6.1') {
'At least Win7'
} else {
'Too old'
if ($OS.ReleaseId -ge 1703) {
'At least 1703.'
} else {
'Too old'
To serve an alternative: Use a hashtable since it looks like you're just doing key/value accessing and comparisons without any method implementation.
function Get-OSVersion {
$OS = #{
Version = [version](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OS.Version.Major -ge 10) {
$OS['ReleaseId'] = [int](Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId
return $OS
My recommendation would be to use calculated properties:
function Get-OSVersion {
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem |
Select-Object #{n='Version';e={[version]$_.Version}},
if (([version]$_.Version).Major -ge '10') {
[int](Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId

Trouble with Powershell functions in .ps1

I'm trying to modify a working script, to make it modular. The purpose of the script is to connect to a DPM server, get the attached libraries, and inventory them. Once the inventory is done, the script marks the appropriate tapes as 'free'. The script is below
I have two problems. The first one has come and gone, as I've edited the script. When I run the script: .\script.ps1, Powershell says:
C:\it\test.ps1 : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'DPMLibrary'. The argument is null. Supply a non-null argument and try the command again.
At line:1 char:11
+ .\test.ps1 <<<<
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,test.ps1
The second problem comes when I've just copied the functions into the shell. The Get-Libraries function works fine and returns the properties of the connected library. When I pass the parameter to Inventory-DPMLibrary, the inventory completes. When I pass the library parameter into the Update-TapeStatus function, I get an error that says
Bad argument to operator '-notmatch': parsing "slot" - Quantifier {x,y} follo
wing nothing..
At line:6 char:77
$tapes = Get-DPMTape -DPMLibrary $lib | Where {$_.Location -notmatch
<<<< " *slot *"} | Sort Location
CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
? + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadOperatorArgument
It looks like the $liblist parameter is null, even though the variable isn't. What gives?
Here is the script:
[string]$InventoryType = 'Fast',
[string]$DPMServerName = 'server1'
Function Import-DPMModule {
Try {
Import-Module DataProtectionManager -ErrorAction Stop
Catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
Throw ("The DPM Powershell module is not installed or is not importable. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Catch {
Throw ("Unknown error importing DPM powershell module. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Function Get-Libraries {
Write-Verbose ("Getting list of libraries connected to {0}." -f $DPMServerName)
Try {
$libraries = Get-DPMLibrary $DPMServerName -ErrorAction Stop | Where {$_.IsOffline -eq $False}
Catch [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Utils.DlsException] {
Write-Error ("Cannot connect to the DPM library. It appears that the servername is not valid. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Catch {
Write-Error ("Unknown error getting library. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Return $libraries
Function Inventory-DPMLibraries ($liblist) {
Foreach ($lib in $liblist) {
If ($InventoryType -eq "Fast") {
Write-Verbose ("Starting fast inventory on {0}" -f $lib)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -FastInventory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Else {
Write-Verbose ("Starting detailed inventory on {0}" -f $lib)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -DetailedInventory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
While ($inventoryStatus.HasCompleted -eq $False) {
Write-Output ("Running {0} inventory on library: {1}" -f $InventoryType.ToLower(),$lib.UserFriendlyName)
Start-Sleep 5
If ($inventoryStatus.Status -ne "Succeeded") {
Throw ("Unknown error in inventory process. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Function Update-TapeStatus ($liblist) {
Foreach ($lib in $liblist) {
write-host ("in tapestatus. the lib is: {0}" -f $lib)
Write-Verbose ("Beginning the process to determine which tapes to mark 'free' on {0}" -f $lib)
Write-Verbose ("Getting list of tapes in {0}." -f $lib)
$tapes = Get-DPMTape -DPMLibrary $lib | Where {$_.Location -notmatch "*slot*"} | Sort Location
Foreach ($tape in $tapes) {
If ($tape.DisplayString -eq "Suspect") {
Write-Verbose ("Remove suspect tapes from the DPM database.")
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {osql -E -S server2 -d DPMDB_server1 -Q "UPDATE tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia SET IsSuspect = 0"} -whatif
Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -FastInventory -Tape $tape -whatif
#Run a full inventory on "unknown" tapes
#Make recyclable tapes "free"
If (($tape.DisplayString -notlike "Free*" -and $tape.DataSetState -eq "Recyclable") -or ($tape.DisplayString -like "Unrecognized")) {
Write-Output ("Marking the tape in slot {0} as free." -f $tape.Location)
Set-DPMTape $tape -Free -whatif
If ($tape.OMIDState -eq "Unknown") {
Write-Warning ("Unknown tape found in slot {0}. Beginning detailed inventory." -f $tape.location)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -DetailedInventory -Tape $tape -whatif
While ($inventoryStatus.HasCompleted -eq $False) {Write-Output ("Running full inventory on the tape in slot {0} (label {1})" -f $tape.Location,$tape.Label); Start-Sleep 10}
#Calling functions
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Try {
$liblist = Get-Libraries
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Update-TapeStatus $liblist
Your function Inventory-DPMLibraries expects a parameter ($liblist):
Function Inventory-DPMLibraries ($liblist) {
However, you don't supply that parameter when you call the function:
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Change the above into this:
Try {
Inventory-DPMLibraries $liblist
Catch {
Write-Error $_
