Add-Member to WMI object best practice? - windows

I'm writing a function for getting the Windows version using WMI object. But I wanted to add the Windows 10 ReleaseId ("1709") (from a registry key) into the object.
Is this a stupid idea? (It works, I just don't know if it's a smart thing to do.)
function Get-OSVersion {
[version]$OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OSVersion.Major -ge '10') {
$OSVersion | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReleaseId -Value $([int]::Parse($(Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" ReleaseId).ReleaseId)) -Force
return $OSVersion
$OSVersion = Get-OSVersion
if ($OSVersion -ge '6.1') {"At least Win7"} else {"Too old"}
if ($OSVersion.ReleaseID -ge '1703') {"At least 1703."} else {"Too old"}
Also, would it be unwise to overwrite the member "Revision" (value is always -1) instead of adding a new member "ReleaseId"?

To expand on my comment:
I wouldn't suggest changing a wmi class that you don't need to, but you're not doing that. I don't see anything wrong about your approach besides adding a member to a defined standard library class (System.Version) and doing a number comparison against a string.
What I would suggest doing is creating a [pscustomobject] with the members you need:
function Get-OSVersion {
$OSVersion = [version](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OSVersion.Major -ge 10) {
Version = $OSVersion
ReleaseId = [int](Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId
} else {
Version = $OSVersion
In use:
$OS = Get-OSVersion
if ($OS.Version -ge [version]'6.1') {
'At least Win7'
} else {
'Too old'
if ($OS.ReleaseId -ge 1703) {
'At least 1703.'
} else {
'Too old'
To serve an alternative: Use a hashtable since it looks like you're just doing key/value accessing and comparisons without any method implementation.
function Get-OSVersion {
$OS = #{
Version = [version](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
if ($OS.Version.Major -ge 10) {
$OS['ReleaseId'] = [int](Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId
return $OS

My recommendation would be to use calculated properties:
function Get-OSVersion {
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem |
Select-Object #{n='Version';e={[version]$_.Version}},
if (([version]$_.Version).Major -ge '10') {
[int](Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').ReleaseId


Powershell - Loop Install of Available Software Updates (SCCM)

I have the below script which I am using to run on critical desktop clients to install all available updates (quarterly) that have been deployed by SCCM.
As some deployed updates only become available when other dependent updates have been installed the script is stopping before the reboot.
I ideally want it to loop and continue to install all available updates until all have installed and then proceed to automatically reboot.
Any ideas?
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore, PresentationFramework
switch (
'This action will download and install critical Microsoft updates and may invoke an automatic reboot. Do you want to continue?',
) {
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\CCM\ClientUX\scclient.exe" "softwarecenter:Page=InstallationStatus"
$installUpdateParam = #{
NameSpace = 'root/ccm/ClientSDK'
ClassName = 'CCM_SoftwareUpdatesManager'
MethodName = 'InstallUpdates'
$getUpdateParam = #{
NameSpace = 'root/ccm/ClientSDK'
ClassName = 'CCM_SoftwareUpdate'
Filter = 'EvaluationState < 8'
[ciminstance[]]$updates = Get-CimInstance #getUpdateParam
if ($updates) {
Invoke-CimMethod #installUpdateParam -Arguments #{ CCMUpdates = $updates }
while(Get-CimInstance #getUpdateParam){
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$rebootPending = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/ccm/ClientSDK -ClassName CCM_ClientUtilities -MethodName DetermineIfRebootPending
if ($rebootPending.RebootPending){
Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/ccm/ClientSDK -ClassName CCM_ClientUtilities -MethodName RestartComputer
# Exit-PSSession
You may loop indefinitely to start the process and stop only when $updates is $null or empty.
while($true) {
Start-Process ...
[ciminstance[]]$updates = Get-CimInstance #getUpdateParam
if ($updates) {
Invoke-CimMethod #installUpdateParam -Arguments #{ CCMUpdates = $updates }
while(Get-CimInstance #getUpdateParam){
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
else {

PowerShell Scipt for adding new Credentials

I'm trying to make script to automaticly assign credidentials based on the group that was chose. I'm getting a lot of syntax errors. Can you help?
Function Add-OSCCredential
$target = Read-Host "Group number"
If($target -eq 1)
{[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group1 /user:Group1 /pass:Pass1}
[ElseIf($target -eq 2)
{[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group2 /user:Group2 /pass:Pass2}]
[ElseIf($target -eq 3)
{[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group3 /user:Group3 /pass:Pass3}]
If($result -match "The command line parameters are incorrect")
{Write-Error "Failed to add Windows Credential to Windows vault."}
ElseIf($result -match "CMDKEY: Credential added successfully")
{Write-Host "Credential added successfully."}
Write-Error "Internet(network address) or username can not be empty,please try again."
I'd suggest you use a proper editor such as vscode which will give you lots of hints concerning bad syntax.
In your case there are a lot of [] and {} parenthesis that do not make sense.
Only considering the syntax of that function, the following should 'work':
Function Add-OSCCredential {
$target = Read-Host "Group number"
If ($target) {
If ($target -eq 1) {
[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group1 /user:Group1 /pass:Pass1
ElseIf ($target -eq 2) {
[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group2 /user:Group2 /pass:Pass2
ElseIf ($target -eq 3) {
[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group3 /user:Group3 /pass:Pass3
If ($result -match "The command line parameters are incorrect") {
Write-Error "Failed to add Windows Credential to Windows vault."
ElseIf ($result -match "CMDKEY: Credential added successfully") {
Write-Host "Credential added successfully."
Else {
Write-Error "Internet(network address) or username can not be empty,please try again."
you'd most likely want to look into a ready-to-use PowerShell Module such as CredentialManager, this way you wouldn't have to fiddle with cmdkey.exe yourself.
The returned value for Read-Host is always a string, but you treat it like an integer in your tests.
For better readability, I suggest using a switch rather that yet another set of if..elseif..else statements.
Something like this:
function Add-OSCCredential {
$target = Read-Host "Enter Group number (1-3)"
if ($target -match '1|2|3') {
switch ([int]$target) {
1 {[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group1 /user:Group1 /pass:Pass1}
2 {[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group2 /user:Group2 /pass:Pass2}
3 {[string]$result = cmdkey /add:Group3 /user:Group3 /pass:Pass3}
if($result -match "The command line parameters are incorrect") {
Write-Error "Failed to add Windows Credential to Windows vault."
elseif ($result -match "Credential added successfully") {
Write-Host "Credential added successfully."
else {
Write-Warning $result
else {
Write-Warning "Group number must be either 1, 2 or 3. Please try again."

Powershell - check if file exist and contains string pattern

wrote this small part of code to check if file exist and contains string pattern
try {
$SEL = Select-String -Path \\$serversPing\c$\Scripts\compare_result.txt -Pattern "no differences encountered" -ErrorAction SilentlyCOntinue
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
Finally {
if ($SEL | Test-Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
#write-host $serversPing $SEL.Pattern
#write-host $serversPing $SEL
if ($SEL.Pattern -eq "no differences encountered")
$SoftCheckResult = "ok"
$SoftCheckResult ="Verify"
$SoftCheckResult = "NotInScope"
But, it does not do what it should. First of all it partially recognize that path exist and secondly it does partially recognize pattern in txt file. Can you please help me?
I suspect that PATTER is partially recognizable on multiply server.(whitepaces etc) even so how to skip that?
Strange think is that it does not see that pattern is missing in file, it return
NotinScope instead Verify
Below file without this pattern
And below you can see normal pattern
Since you use plural in $serversPing, I suspect this variable comes from an earlier part of your code and contains a COLLECTION of servers.
I would change the order of checks and start with a test to see if the file exists on that server or not:
# As you mentioned a possible whitespace problem the pattern below uses regex `\s+` so multiple whitespace characters are allowed betwen the words.
$pattern = "no\s+differences\s+encountered"
foreach ($server in $serversPing) {
if (Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -Quiet) {
$filePath = Join-Path -Path "\\$server" -ChildPath 'c$\Scripts\compare_result.txt'
if (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Leaf) {
# -Quiet: Indicates that the cmdlet returns a Boolean value (True or False), instead of a MatchInfo object.
# The value is True if the pattern is found; otherwise, the value is False.
if (Select-String -Path $filePath -Pattern $pattern -Quiet) {
Write-Host "Pattern '$pattern' found in '$filePath'"
$SoftCheckResult = "ok"
else {
Write-Host "Pattern '$pattern' not found in '$filePath'"
$SoftCheckResult = "Verify"
else {
Write-Host "File '$filePath' not found"
$SoftCheckResult ="NotInScope"
else {
Write-Host "Server '$server' is off-line."
$SoftCheckResult ="OffLine"
I added a Test-Connection in the foreach loop to first see if the server is online or not. If you have checked that before and the $serversPing variable contains only servers that are online and reachable, you may skip that.
Concerning the -Path of the Select-String cmdlet, you should put the value between "" :
$SEL = Select-String -Path "\\$serversPing\c$\Scripts\compare_result.txt" -Pattern "no differences encountered" -ErrorAction SilentlyCOntinue
This should do the trick :
try {
$SEL = Select-String -Path \\$serversPing\c$\Scripts\compare_result.txt -Pattern "no differences encountered" -ErrorAction SilentlyCOntinue
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
Finally {
if ($SEL){
$SoftCheckResult = "ok"
$SoftCheckResult ="Verify"
$SEL = $null
$SEL = Select-String -Path \\$serversPing\c$\Scripts\compare_result.txt -Pattern "no differences encountered" -ErrorAction Stop
if ($SEL)
$SoftCheckResult = "ok"
$SoftCheckResult = "Verify"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$SoftCheckResult = "NotInScope"
return $softCheckResult
Please try like below :
$SEL = "Fiile path location"
if ($SEL | Test-Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
if ($SEL Get-Content | Select-String -pattern "no differences encountered")

Retrieve the Windows Identity of the AppPool running a WCF Service

I need to verify that the underlying server-side account running my WCF Service has correct ACL permissions to various points on the local file system. If I can get the underlying Windows Identity, I can take it from there. This folds into a larger Powershell script used after deployment.
Below is my powershell snippet, that get the ApplicationPoolSid, how do you map this to the AppPool's Windows Identity?
$mywcfsrv = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\<MyWCFServiceName>;
Updated below to include Keith's snippet
For completeness, here's the solution:
Function Get-WebAppPoolAccount
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
$AppPoolName )
# Make sure WebAdmin module is loaded.
$module = (Get-Module -ListAvailable) | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -like 'WebAdministration') { $_ } };
if ($module -eq $null)
throw "WebAdministration PSSnapin module is not available. This module is required in order to interact with WCF Services.";
Import-Module $module;
# Get the service account.
$mywcfsrv = Get-Item (Join-Path "IIS:\AppPools" $AppPoolName);
catch [System.Exception]
throw "Unable to locate $AppPoolName in IIS. Verify it is installed and running.";
$accountType = $mywcfsrv.processModel.identityType;
$account = $null;
if ($accountType -eq 'LocalSystem')
elseif ($accountType -eq 'LocalService')
elseif ($accountType -eq 'NetworkService')
elseif ($accountType -eq 'SpecificUser')
$account = $mywcfsrv.processModel.userName;
return $account;
Like so:
$mywcfsrv = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\<MyWCFServiceName>

Trouble with Powershell functions in .ps1

I'm trying to modify a working script, to make it modular. The purpose of the script is to connect to a DPM server, get the attached libraries, and inventory them. Once the inventory is done, the script marks the appropriate tapes as 'free'. The script is below
I have two problems. The first one has come and gone, as I've edited the script. When I run the script: .\script.ps1, Powershell says:
C:\it\test.ps1 : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'DPMLibrary'. The argument is null. Supply a non-null argument and try the command again.
At line:1 char:11
+ .\test.ps1 <<<<
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,test.ps1
The second problem comes when I've just copied the functions into the shell. The Get-Libraries function works fine and returns the properties of the connected library. When I pass the parameter to Inventory-DPMLibrary, the inventory completes. When I pass the library parameter into the Update-TapeStatus function, I get an error that says
Bad argument to operator '-notmatch': parsing "slot" - Quantifier {x,y} follo
wing nothing..
At line:6 char:77
$tapes = Get-DPMTape -DPMLibrary $lib | Where {$_.Location -notmatch
<<<< " *slot *"} | Sort Location
CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
? + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadOperatorArgument
It looks like the $liblist parameter is null, even though the variable isn't. What gives?
Here is the script:
[string]$InventoryType = 'Fast',
[string]$DPMServerName = 'server1'
Function Import-DPMModule {
Try {
Import-Module DataProtectionManager -ErrorAction Stop
Catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
Throw ("The DPM Powershell module is not installed or is not importable. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Catch {
Throw ("Unknown error importing DPM powershell module. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Function Get-Libraries {
Write-Verbose ("Getting list of libraries connected to {0}." -f $DPMServerName)
Try {
$libraries = Get-DPMLibrary $DPMServerName -ErrorAction Stop | Where {$_.IsOffline -eq $False}
Catch [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Utils.DlsException] {
Write-Error ("Cannot connect to the DPM library. It appears that the servername is not valid. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Catch {
Write-Error ("Unknown error getting library. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Return $libraries
Function Inventory-DPMLibraries ($liblist) {
Foreach ($lib in $liblist) {
If ($InventoryType -eq "Fast") {
Write-Verbose ("Starting fast inventory on {0}" -f $lib)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -FastInventory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Else {
Write-Verbose ("Starting detailed inventory on {0}" -f $lib)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -DetailedInventory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
While ($inventoryStatus.HasCompleted -eq $False) {
Write-Output ("Running {0} inventory on library: {1}" -f $InventoryType.ToLower(),$lib.UserFriendlyName)
Start-Sleep 5
If ($inventoryStatus.Status -ne "Succeeded") {
Throw ("Unknown error in inventory process. The specific error message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Function Update-TapeStatus ($liblist) {
Foreach ($lib in $liblist) {
write-host ("in tapestatus. the lib is: {0}" -f $lib)
Write-Verbose ("Beginning the process to determine which tapes to mark 'free' on {0}" -f $lib)
Write-Verbose ("Getting list of tapes in {0}." -f $lib)
$tapes = Get-DPMTape -DPMLibrary $lib | Where {$_.Location -notmatch "*slot*"} | Sort Location
Foreach ($tape in $tapes) {
If ($tape.DisplayString -eq "Suspect") {
Write-Verbose ("Remove suspect tapes from the DPM database.")
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {osql -E -S server2 -d DPMDB_server1 -Q "UPDATE tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia SET IsSuspect = 0"} -whatif
Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -FastInventory -Tape $tape -whatif
#Run a full inventory on "unknown" tapes
#Make recyclable tapes "free"
If (($tape.DisplayString -notlike "Free*" -and $tape.DataSetState -eq "Recyclable") -or ($tape.DisplayString -like "Unrecognized")) {
Write-Output ("Marking the tape in slot {0} as free." -f $tape.Location)
Set-DPMTape $tape -Free -whatif
If ($tape.OMIDState -eq "Unknown") {
Write-Warning ("Unknown tape found in slot {0}. Beginning detailed inventory." -f $tape.location)
$inventoryStatus = Start-DPMLibraryInventory -DPMLibrary $lib -DetailedInventory -Tape $tape -whatif
While ($inventoryStatus.HasCompleted -eq $False) {Write-Output ("Running full inventory on the tape in slot {0} (label {1})" -f $tape.Location,$tape.Label); Start-Sleep 10}
#Calling functions
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Try {
$liblist = Get-Libraries
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Update-TapeStatus $liblist
Your function Inventory-DPMLibraries expects a parameter ($liblist):
Function Inventory-DPMLibraries ($liblist) {
However, you don't supply that parameter when you call the function:
Try {
Catch {
Write-Error $_
Change the above into this:
Try {
Inventory-DPMLibraries $liblist
Catch {
Write-Error $_
