How to use Rails include? - ruby

I have a model user with many orders
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :orders, inverse_of: :user, dependent: restrict_with_exception
and a model order as follows :-
Class Order < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user, inverse_of: :order
I want to fetch all orders but with details of user like and in same set. How do I use include in this case?

You can use includes using the below mentioned query:
#users = User.where(id: 1).includes(:orders)
then iterate over #users and fetch the corresponding user and order data.
Also, you could use lazy loading as well using the below query:
#users = User.where(id: 3).joins(:orders => [:order_data]).select("orders.*, users.first_name")
In this you will be getting all the data in the single query without rails caching the db objects in memory as in the case of includes.


Query an ActiveRecord on several tables?

Sorry to ask this question but I'm really newbie with Ruby and I need help to update several records on my database.
I'm using ActiveRecord to query the database. Let say I have a table Product that contains SubProduct that also contains SubSubProduct. Now I would like to write a simple query to get all SubSubProduct of Product.
To get a list of SubSubProduct I usually do this
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example")
Now to use a where clause on relational element how can I do
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example", SubProduct.Product.type: "sample")
Set up ActiveRecord associations in your models:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sub_products
class SubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
class SubSubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sub_product
What you wanted:
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example", SubProduct.Product.my_type: "sample")
The correct syntax:
ssp = SubSubProduct.includes(sub_product: :product).where(sub_sub_type:"example", products: {my_type: "toto"})
This is performed via associations.
class SubSubProduct
has_many :products
Then you can do things like
and it will product all the products associated with them.
Try a nested includes:
`Product.includes(subproducts: :subsubproducts)'
For this, you'll want to set up ActiveRecord associations in your models:
In product.rb:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sub_products
has_many :sub_sub_products, through: :sub_products
In sub_product.rb:
class SubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
has_many :sub_sub_products
In sub_sub_product.rb:
class SubSubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sub_product
Then, if you have a Product and want its SubSubProducts, you can use:
# p is a Product object

Issues with Polymorphic/STI in Ruby

We're having a problem with polymorphism & STI in Ruby
Our database has two tables: 'account' and 'list'. 'list' has columns 'account_id', 'type', 'description'.
Our classes look like so:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lists
has_many :subscription_lists
has_many :email_lists
class List < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
class SubscriptionList < List
class EmailList < List
Inside Account, methods email_lists and subscription_lists work exactly as expected. Our goal is we want to be able to call lists which will return an array of all lists. Currently, that doesn't work, nor does self.lists
Oddly, Account.find( DOES give us an array of all the lists associated.
What gives? How do we fix this?
You can use List.all which will return an ActiveRecord::Relation of all List objects, regardless of type.
Additionally, you can use #instance_variable.lists on any instance variable of Account
What's more, you could use a query on a class method to accomplish the job, like so, which will also return an ActiveRecord::Relation:
List.where('account_id = ?', id)
Lastly, your Account association with List should not include the children of List:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lists, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy

ruby remove common element collections

I have three classes: User, Subscription and Plan. I want to load all of the Plans that the User doesn't have. What's the best way to do it in Rails?
I have two collections: current_user.subscriptions and Plan.where(active: true)
And i am using mongoid
def dashboard
#plans = Plan.where(active: true)#.each { #plans.delete_if has_current_user_plan subscription.title }
def has_current_user_plan(name)
current_user.subscriptions.where(title: name, active: true).exists?
class User
has_many :subscriptions
class Subscription
belongs_to :plan
belongs_to :user
class Plan
has_many :subscriptions
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions
has_many :plans, through: :subscriptions # !!!
Plan.where(active: true).where.not(id: current_user.plans)
I'm not really sure what's the best approach for Mongoid because I've never used it. From what I've gather from the documentation, something like the following might work although I'm not running the code.
Plan.where(active: true).not_in(_id: Subscription.where(user_id:

Rails get related items through two different relationships

I have a "two middleman" model setup as shown below:
has_many :comments
has_many :ratings
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :movie
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :movie
has_many :comments
has_many :ratings
Whats the best way to get all Movies that a User is associated with (either commented on or rated)?
I'd like to be able to call User.get_movies(user_id) and get back an ActiveRecord::Relation object so that it's chainable (i.e. User.get_movies(user_id).limit(3).order(...)). This returns a regular old array, and I suspect I'm hitting the database way more than I need to be.
def self.get_movies(user_id)
user = self.where(:id => user_id).includes({:comments => :movie}, {:ratings => :movie})
movies = []
user.comments.each do |comment|
user.ratings.each do |rating|
def movies
Movie.includes(:ratings, :comments).where("`ratings`.user_id = ? OR `comments`.user_id = ?",,
Untested, but I'm pretty sure using a joins instead of includes also works.

Ruby on Rails: Associations when a user likes a song

I'm trying to figure out the best way to setup my database and models for the following scenario.
A user can like an infinite number of songs.
A song can be liked once by an infinite number of users.
I have these tables:
songs, users, likes etc... Following RoR conventions.
The table named likes has these foreign keys: user_id, song_id. And also a field named 'time' to save a timestamp when the song was liked.
I'm not sure of how to do this, I would like to be able to use code like this in my controllers:
This should not return from the likes table, but join the songs table and output all the songs that the user likes.
What are the best practises to achieve this in Ruby on Rails following their conventions?
Unless you need to act specifically on the likes table data, the model itself is probably not necessary. The relationship is easy:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :songs
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
This will join through the currently non-existent song_users table. But since you want it to join through likes you can change each one to this:
has_and_belongs_to_many :songs, :join_table => 'likes'
If you want to be able to call User.find(1).likes and get songs, then change the user's version to this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :likes, :join_table => 'likes', :class_name => 'Song'
And you could change the songs version to something like this:
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :liked_by, :join_table => 'likes', :class_name => 'User'
This will give you Song.find(1).liked_by.all and give you the users (You could keep it to users if you wanted using the first version)
More details on habtm relationships can be found here:
Edit to add
If you want to act on the join table for whatever reason (you find yourself needing methods specifically on the join), you can include the model by doing it this way:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :songs, :through => :likes
has_many :likes
class Like < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :song
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :through => :likes
has_many :likes
This will let you do User.find(1).songs.all, but User.find(1).likes.all will give you the join data
