Visual Studio: Designer crashed and now it is gone - visual-studio

a coupple days ago, out of the blue I got a message from VS saying: XAML Designer Version xy crashed. Do you want to stop the plug in?
I said yes.
Now, this is my xml page:
The Designer is completely gone. Usually, there would be atab on the left corner to go to the designer but even restarts didnt solve the issue. What can I do?

I hate to answer my own question BUT: Extras- Extensions and UPdates - Android Designer was deactivated there. Hitting activitate solved that obviously. Thanks go.


Visual Studio 2015 Taskbar Title and Taskbar Previews Vague

Visual Studio 2015 is nice and all, but it's very hard to use when having multiple instance open. I have my Taskbar on the right, and this is what it looks like:
Any ideas on how to clear this up and make it easy to select the project I want, without hunting around?! Extensions welcome.
What do you guys do? Or should I utilize my memory powers more and remember which is which heh.
In VS 2013, there was VS Commands which helped, but they are yet to update it for VS2015...
One suggestion was to have my taskbar at the bottom of the screen. To me this is not feasible on a wide screen because you're losing even more height, where as you generally have more width that you can afford to lose...
I then tried it at the bottom, and it's even worse, since you fit less items in, and they group sooner, so you'd have to hover over VS before you can pick which one to switch to.
As Sergey Vlasov mentioned, here is the window title change in action. Very nice solution, thanks!
You can create short abbreviations for your solutions using the Visual Studio Window Title Changer extension.

How can I increase the scrolling sensitivity in Visual Studio?

I've encountered a weird issue in which that the mouse wheel scrolling sensitivity when browsing code is slow, but however when I open an older project the mouse's scrolling speed is normal.
If I create a brand new project, scrolling speed is normal.
It should be like this:
..but is instead like this (from an older project):
I've looked around but however the only results suggest increasing the DPI on the screen, but however this can't be right since the scrolling speed differs between projects on the same computer.
How can I reset the scrolling speed of my project's code back to normal?
Turns out that it's an issue related to Windows 8, 8.1, and earlier versions of 10.
I had set the scrolling speed via PC Settings, but however (for some unknown reason) there seems to be two separate settings for the mouse scrolling speed: one for PC Settings and one for Control Panel.
This issue is simple to resolve; simply adjust the mouse's scrolling speed via Control Panel instead of Settings. Doing this also seems to change the PC Settings' value also.
This is no longer an issue with Windows 10 since the November 2015 update, with Visual Studio 2017. It is present in Visual Studio 2019, to fix this you'll want to refer to Swifty's answer.
This problem is still happening in 2020. I'm using VS 2019 Community with the latest Windows 10 update. I had to go here in the Options dialog to change the scroll speed.
Tools >> Options... >> Text Editor >> Advanced >> Scrolling sensitivity
From there, you can adjust the vertical and horizontal scrolling speeds.
I've encountered that issue, too. On my machine (a notebook), it appears to happen under the following circumstances: I open VS2017 without external monitor first. When I then plug in the external monitor and move the VS-window onto there, then the scorlling-speed is super-slow. Closing and reopening VS solves the issue in this situation. Probably, opening a new project will also reset VS appropriately, so this might be a viable explanation.
Go to the registry editor
Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Elantech\SmartPad
Then set the scrollControll_mode value to 1.
Via Reddit

Why is my Visual Studio taskbar Icon animated

The icon for Visual Studio on my Windows 7 taskbar is animated with a green bar moving left to right. What does it mean, and how can I stop it?
I've not got any extensions installed, but I do have resharper (version 7 until I can afford to upgrade). I can't find anything relevant through google, and I can't see an option in the options panels.
The animation is used to represent progress. It's the same as for file copies (for example). I've seen ReSharper do this while running unit tests. Perhaps that, or maybe another extension?
I know this is an old post, but I am still experiencing the issue where the animation persists even though the tests have long finished (with VS2015 and Resharper 2016.1.2).
One way to get around this problem is to disable taskbar animations altogether:

Visual Studio 2010 no longer showing DataTips during debug

Once upon a time, I could hover over any variable while debugging and stopped at a break-point, and would be able to get that variable's properties and values. I recently discovered this functionality is called a DataTip.
About a month ago, I lost this ability. Now, when I hover over a variable, nothing happens. I never knew how much I loved this feature until I lost it.
Can anyone tell me how I can re-enable DataTips?
I've been through the Debug menus but nothing jumps out at me and yells "HERE. This is what you are looking for!" The internets haven't been fruitful either.
As a side note, the only change that I can remember that occurred around the time that I lost DataTips was connecting to our newly set up TFS for the first time. I don't see how this would affect the DataTips, but stranger things have happened.
I figured it out! Turns out there was one other change I had recently made to VS that was responsible.
Not long ago, co-worker had sent me a link about Debugger Canvas. I thought it looked pretty cool so I gave it a shot. After a while I decided it was not for me but left it sitting around in case I found I had a use for it. Naturally, I completely forgot I had it installed to VS.
Long story short, I stumbled onto a forum post titled Debugger Canvas broke my Data Tips.
Thinking, "why not?", I uninstalled Debugger Canvas via Tools > Extension Manager and viola! My DataTips are back.
This isn't quite a fix if you are actively using Debugger Canvas (until they, themselves fix the issue), but it is certainly a fix for me.
After much searching I discovered why I was having an issue with data tips not showing.
To my knowledge no one has yet mentioned it in all the blogs I scoured.
It wasn't the VS SP1, Debugger Canvas or any other software installation.
As I was about to start systematically uninstalling a bunch of stuff, I realized that my current mouse problems might be contributing to this.
I had a wireless mouse that was acting up. It wouldn't scroll, or activate within a window or allow me to click on the task bar among other things.
So, I spent $20 bucks an bought a wired Microsoft mouse, the cheapest they had.
Well, wouldn't you know my data tips appeared.
Keep in mind I uninstalled/reinstalled my mouse driver already.

Preview Handlers (Office 2007, Vista & Win7) - issue w/ reisize

I'm working on a preview handler for Office 2007, Vista and Windows 7. I'm basing my code off the following
MSDN article.
The "guts" are done as it was pretty straight forward. I've been testing in Windows 7 (64-bit) Explorer. One thing I've noticed is the preview handler appears to "lock" the Explorer window and doesn't allow it to resize.
My handler derives from FileBasedPreviewHandler, the Control from FileBasedPreviewHandlerControl. The #Load override simply does:
MyViewer viewer = new MyViewer();
viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
viewer.SetFile( file.FullName );
Controls.Add( viewer );
A couple things I've tried, a variety of times is to set, in the design view, the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode to true and GrowAndShrink
Now, the funny thing, i swear it worked once. Now, I can't get it to work at all.
If anyone has any input, that would be great. I think I posted all the relevant info, but if I missed something vital, let me know. I appreciate your attention to this question.
Apparently, by setting the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode as state above, does work. Explorer is simply temperamental. What I found was if you get strange behavior, you can use task manager to close the explorer process than relaunch it.
For the record, what I found works 99% of the time is to to:
make sure all Explorer windows areclosed (w/ preview panel off)
unregasm/remove from ga
add to gac/regasm
run Explorer and check preview panel
rinse & repeat
I'm also using a throw-away win forms app to test changes that don't involve the integration.
Hope this helps someone looking.
