How can I increase the scrolling sensitivity in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

I've encountered a weird issue in which that the mouse wheel scrolling sensitivity when browsing code is slow, but however when I open an older project the mouse's scrolling speed is normal.
If I create a brand new project, scrolling speed is normal.
It should be like this:
..but is instead like this (from an older project):
I've looked around but however the only results suggest increasing the DPI on the screen, but however this can't be right since the scrolling speed differs between projects on the same computer.
How can I reset the scrolling speed of my project's code back to normal?

Turns out that it's an issue related to Windows 8, 8.1, and earlier versions of 10.
I had set the scrolling speed via PC Settings, but however (for some unknown reason) there seems to be two separate settings for the mouse scrolling speed: one for PC Settings and one for Control Panel.
This issue is simple to resolve; simply adjust the mouse's scrolling speed via Control Panel instead of Settings. Doing this also seems to change the PC Settings' value also.
This is no longer an issue with Windows 10 since the November 2015 update, with Visual Studio 2017. It is present in Visual Studio 2019, to fix this you'll want to refer to Swifty's answer.

This problem is still happening in 2020. I'm using VS 2019 Community with the latest Windows 10 update. I had to go here in the Options dialog to change the scroll speed.
Tools >> Options... >> Text Editor >> Advanced >> Scrolling sensitivity
From there, you can adjust the vertical and horizontal scrolling speeds.

I've encountered that issue, too. On my machine (a notebook), it appears to happen under the following circumstances: I open VS2017 without external monitor first. When I then plug in the external monitor and move the VS-window onto there, then the scorlling-speed is super-slow. Closing and reopening VS solves the issue in this situation. Probably, opening a new project will also reset VS appropriately, so this might be a viable explanation.

Go to the registry editor
Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Elantech\SmartPad
Then set the scrollControll_mode value to 1.
Via Reddit


Visual Studio windows Tile and cross questions

I've recently (about 3 months ago) started using Visual Studio 2017 Community, v15.6.2. Questions that stump me:
1) How do I get all my windows to be tiled and remain on-screen as I move from one window to the next? At the moment I could have two or more windows in the workspace. As soon as I click on one to work in it, the others disappear. Don't know how to fix it!
2) What is that cross that appears in the center of the workspace when I am busy moving windows around. Cross seems to have arrows and made up of blocks by the looks of it.
3) How do I get the Properties Window to be vertically tabbed on the rhs side of the workspace? i.e. if I click on the Properties tab the Properties window appears, else it is not visible.
Thanks in advance.
By default only one code file is visible in VS. To see multiple code windows at once you can create several tab groups or float document windows outside the IDE. Another option is to use my Task Canvas extension - after you add code files or fragments to the Task Canvas window they are automatically tiled.
For the guide diamond and other window management options please refer to the Customize window layouts in Visual Studio documentation.

SSMS 17.5 Not showing ellipse when cell data is larger than available display area

I noticed an issue with Sql Server Management Studio 17.5 (maybe other versions too) where the ellipse (indicates a cell has more data than what it shown) is missing. It is problematic when dealing with ID columns since there is no indication that there is more data than what is being displayed.
Here's some screen shots
Problematic Data
Actual Data
Ideally, the first screen shot would show an ellipse after the first digit, but instead it shows as if the cell is displaying its complete contents. Has anyone else found this to be an issue, and did you find any work arounds? There was nothing available in the Tools->Options menu.
I found the same behavior in Windows 10 Windows Explorer. Would this type of thing be a registry setting? Maybe it's being shared between Windows and SSMS
It turns out this was a bug in Windows build 1803
With a newer version it has been fixed.
I've confirmed it in both SSMS and Windows Explorer, and I cannot reproduce the above examples.

Why is my Visual Studio taskbar Icon animated

The icon for Visual Studio on my Windows 7 taskbar is animated with a green bar moving left to right. What does it mean, and how can I stop it?
I've not got any extensions installed, but I do have resharper (version 7 until I can afford to upgrade). I can't find anything relevant through google, and I can't see an option in the options panels.
The animation is used to represent progress. It's the same as for file copies (for example). I've seen ReSharper do this while running unit tests. Perhaps that, or maybe another extension?
I know this is an old post, but I am still experiencing the issue where the animation persists even though the tests have long finished (with VS2015 and Resharper 2016.1.2).
One way to get around this problem is to disable taskbar animations altogether:

Vs2011 beta display hangs

I installed Visual Studio 2011 beta and it seemed to install fine apart from the display badly lags begind control input, the display doesnt refresh and I need to hover my mouse over the code editor window like an etch a sketch. I've tried to tweak all the display settings btw: i5/GeForce 415M, single/dual monitor. refresh is 60hz.
Any ideas appreciated.
Update: Here was the fix for me - Right Click VS launcher, Run using -> Integrated Graphics.

Visual Studio 2010 looks "zoomed in"

Today, I installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional on a new laptop with a fresh Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit install. I, being quite used to the look of Visual Studio 2010, instantly spotted that something was wrong. It seems that the Visual Studio application is "zoomed in", in a way. The text is much larger (even though it says that the zoom level is 100%, and the text size is 10, which is the same as what I used before), and generally, so are the other windows like the Solution Explorer and Output console. The quality of the icons and images is also very bad.
Here are two comparison images (I wasn't allowed to post images, so some links will have to do):
This is the look that I'm used to. I see plenty of text in the windows, and the icons are fine.
This is what greeted me when I installed VS2010 on my new laptop. The icons look stretched, and I can fit a lot less code in the window.
The screen resolution on my old computer is 1920x1200 and the resolution on my new computer is 1920x1080. (I resized the VS window on my old computer to about 1920x1080 to show the difference).
It looks like my image host resized the images as well, but you should still be able to see the difference.
Has anyone had the same problem? I'm hoping it's just some visual settings. If anything is missing, I will be happy to provide more information.
Thanks in advance.
It seems your Font Size DPI is at 150% on the second screenshot. If you right click on the Desktop and select Personalize > Adjust Font Size (DPI)* you should be able to see what it is currently set at.
that your screen is at native resolution (there can only be one, the native max)
that your OS font is
at normal size
antialiasing (i believe windows calls that cleartype or something)
the screen density is 'standard' (usually 96DPI IIRC)
I strongly suspect the latter (the DPI setting). It's under
Desktop Properies
Display Properties
Display Settings
DPI Settings
in my Windows
If you hold down Ctrl and roll the wheel on the mouse it will zoom it in and out. You can then get the desired size that you want. I hope that solves it.
Also if you go to Tools->Options and then under Environment->Font and Colors you can then customize the font size for the whole application.
I didn't find any setting that could case this effect.
Did you try reseting the settings of visual studio (Tools - Import and Export Settings) or Import the settings of your working maschine.
Maybe you have configured big-icons / big-font in windows?
