Install Ruby 2.3.2 on Windows 10 - ruby

I have an old Ruby 2.3.2 app I've been asked to help maintain on Windows 10. RubyInstaller ( would normally be great, but it seems like 2.3.2 was not ported over.
Since RubyInstaller was not an option, installing RVM on the Windows Subsystem for Linux was the next option. While this sometimes works, it has issues with our VPN pretty regularly, which seems like a recurring issue with WSL ( &&
Is there a way to convert any of the 2.3.2 builds ( to run on windows?


How to access ruby from Ubuntu bash for windows

I started ROR development on windows using Ubuntu bash. For now it was going well but when i tried to debug ruby on window using Rubymine it said no ruby SDK specified. How can i access the ruby sdk from ubuntu bash?
In resume: maybe Rubymine is a windows-program which is not aware of the ruby (ROR) environment installed inside the windows10-WSL.
In more detail: before windows10 (with winxp, win7, etc) ubuntu and linux programs could not be installed inside windows. So in those cases, if you needed to use a linux program, you could download virtualbox, create a separate VirtualMAchine, install there your Ubuntu and then inside install the ubuntu programs (Ruby, ROR, etc)
With windows10, there is a new feature called WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows a ubuntu system to be installed inside window. It uses some hidden virtualization/conversion to make it transparent for the user, and so any ubunut command can be run from the windows-console, without VirtualBox nor VirtualMachine - its looks as if windows could execute linux programs natively (but its just an ilusion though)
It looks like you installed ROR in the WSL-Ubuntu. And then installed RubyMine on windows. And then Rubymine tried to find the ROR-things in the windows directories but it did not found any. I guess its because Rubymine is not prepared to search within the WSL-Ubuntu for the ROR-things and so fails.
My second guess, is that the easiest solution could be to avoid using WSL-Ubuntu (as other programs wont be ready for it - currently it looks more of an experiment, not a real stable standard). And instead, try to do it all inside a Virtual-Box VirtualMachine, where you install ubuntu, all the programs you want (and they will run fine there), and avoid the WSL-mix. Even if this way requires a bit more work in the start - to prepare the VirtualBox and VM with ubuntu (youtube has many tutorials for this) - it will definitely save you time/headaches in the long-run when you need to install additional library/program/gem for your ROR environment

How to install Ruby with rvm on Windows 10 with Cygwin64 Terminal?

I have been trying to install Ruby on a Windows 10 using the Cygwin64 Terminal so that I can us RVM to manage my Ruby version and gems. This is a first time install so I do not have any Ruby currently. Every time I try to run rvm install 2.1.7 the process errors out on compiling. Below is a screen shot of the terminal window:
enter image description here
Edit: Nowadays (2021) the best way to go is not to use Cygwin but rather WSL2. Then you have plenty of tools since you basically have a Linux install. rvm, rbenv or asdf should be able to do the job.
Old answer:
Best way is to use RailsInstaller. It handles most dependencies for you. I wouldn't mess around with RVM in Windows, AFAICT you will have issues along the road trying to use it on a non-UNIX environment.

Upgrade Git 1.9.3 on Mac OS X or not?

Xcode installed Git 1.9.3 on Mac OS X 10.10.1.
When I run Heroku, the following message shows up:
Your version of git is 1.9.3. Which has serious security
vulnerabilities. More information here:
Should I download from Git from official website and upgrade to 2.x? Will it affect Xcode's operation?
I am running git 2.1.2 and everything seems fine, including Xcode – I use git extensively there. I installed using homebrew, and I highly recommend using that method if you plan to upgrade.

Want to install Jruby but intimidated by RVM

Want to install Jruby and I am pretty sure that I want to manage it with RVM. My problem is that I am a little intimidated by RVM with its command line and all the dependencies (bash, git, etc.) I am on Windows 7, ruby 1.9.3.
Can someone please help a newbie out and explain this in English.
RVM is not supported on windows.
"If you would like to manage multiple versions of ruby on windows please use pik which is an excellent tool by Gordon Thiesfeld. You can find it on GitHub."
Options to manage ruby version over windows:
pik is a tool to manage multiple versions of ruby on Windows. It can be used from the Windows command line (cmd.exe), Windows PowerShell, or Git Bash. Github-pik
You can also use Cygwin and then install the various packages required.
How to install rvm on windows using cygwin
I would recommend using linux/mac OS when working with open source.
If you want to install ruby on Windows I suggest you to use PIK. It's sponsored by RubyInstaller.
And, about install Jruby on Windows ... all that you have to do is go to JRuby website and download the .exe file.
JRuby Website Link here:

run buildbot on Windows XP

I recently stumbled over buildbot and wanted to give it a try.
My problem is that I have to run it under Windows because we don't use Linux on workstations or servers in my company.
I've already tried different installations:
python 2.6, Twisted-9.0.0-py2.6, buildbot 0.7.12
python 2.6, pywin32-214-py2.6, Twisted-9.0.0-py2.6, buildbot 0.7.12
python 2.4, pywin32-214-py2.4, Twisted-9.0.0-py2.4, buildbot 0.7.12
and tried to run it in a Windows XP VM.
In all installations I ran the buildbot test suite and got several errors and the buildbot documentation sais that no test should fail.
Does anybody here have experience with buildbot under Windows?
Is it worth the pain or do I have to use Linux?
Have you tried running it with Python 2.4 and Twisted 2.5 (old, I know). Also, make sure you have ZopeInterface installed.
I have personally never used it with Windows, but will try and let you know what results I get.
I don't think that many people are running buildmasters on Windows.
I have a Windows buildslave running:
buildbot 0.8.0
twisted 10.0.0
zopeinterface 3.6.1
which appears to work fine though haven't tried the test set.
