Want to install Jruby but intimidated by RVM - ruby

Want to install Jruby and I am pretty sure that I want to manage it with RVM. My problem is that I am a little intimidated by RVM with its command line and all the dependencies (bash, git, etc.) I am on Windows 7, ruby 1.9.3.
Can someone please help a newbie out and explain this in English.

RVM is not supported on windows.
"If you would like to manage multiple versions of ruby on windows please use pik which is an excellent tool by Gordon Thiesfeld. You can find it on GitHub."
Options to manage ruby version over windows:
pik is a tool to manage multiple versions of ruby on Windows. It can be used from the Windows command line (cmd.exe), Windows PowerShell, or Git Bash. Github-pik
You can also use Cygwin and then install the various packages required.
How to install rvm on windows using cygwin
I would recommend using linux/mac OS when working with open source.

If you want to install ruby on Windows I suggest you to use PIK. It's sponsored by RubyInstaller.
And, about install Jruby on Windows ... all that you have to do is go to JRuby website and download the .exe file.
JRuby Website Link here: http://jruby.org/download


How to install Ruby with rvm on Windows 10 with Cygwin64 Terminal?

I have been trying to install Ruby on a Windows 10 using the Cygwin64 Terminal so that I can us RVM to manage my Ruby version and gems. This is a first time install so I do not have any Ruby currently. Every time I try to run rvm install 2.1.7 the process errors out on compiling. Below is a screen shot of the terminal window:
enter image description here
Edit: Nowadays (2021) the best way to go is not to use Cygwin but rather WSL2. Then you have plenty of tools since you basically have a Linux install. rvm, rbenv or asdf should be able to do the job.
Old answer:
Best way is to use RailsInstaller. It handles most dependencies for you. I wouldn't mess around with RVM in Windows, AFAICT you will have issues along the road trying to use it on a non-UNIX environment.

Program added to path but cmd not recognizing/finding it (ruby version manager for windows)

I've installed pik in a windows machine so I can manage my ruby versions I also added the path to the PATH variable, but pik is not being recognized, I also created an alias but that just results in an error when it's used but the program runs fine when I run it directly ("C:\ruby_bin\pik").
What is going on?
p.s. ruby is installed in "C:\ruby", just so you know.
In the end I used the windows installer and that worked, don't know why it worked over the ruby gem version but whatever, so lesson for the future, just use the windows installer.

Nokogiri for Ruby on WindowsXP: 6 hours of my life gone

I just want to install Nokogiri for Ruby on my Windows XP. The process is apparently so obfuscated and divergent that I have about 50 different tabs and windows open trying to install Libxml, devKit, other versions of what I already have, and so on. Does anybody know the secrets of how to install Nokogiri for Ruby on Windows?
On my Windows XP, Version 2002 SP3, I have the following directories:
List item
Both ruby's are installed, I have no idea about the DevKit or the libxml. The libxml2-2.9.1 is some kind of python source, so I thought it would be a great idea to install python, which I know nothing about, and try to compile it; hence the two python folders.
I have
libxml-ruby 2.6.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on hanna_guado.
Ruby Bindings for LibXML2
libxslt-ruby 1.1.0 [rdoc] [www] - depends on libxml-ruby.
Ruby libxslt bindings
installed on ruby, but when I go to do a "gem install nokogiri" it still gives me a
ERROR: Error installing nokogiri:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
C:/Ruby200/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for libxml/parser.h... no
----- libxml2 is missing. please visit http://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html for help with
installing dependencies.
I'd strongly recommend looking into the Bitnami one-click Ruby installers. They might work with XP.
Otherwise I'd try running a VM with a small Linux guest system. It would be a lot less pain.
Windows isn't exactly friendly to open-source languages and yours is pretty old. Finding the individual components installed is hard enough without a full installer on a current version of the OS, on an old one it's harder and becomes like herding cats.
OS languages fit Linux nicely, and work pretty well with Mac OS because it's *nix based.
Those are the things I'd try instead of what you are doing.

Installing VisualRuby on a MAC

I'm trying to understand how to install visualruby on a MAC. I work in ubuntu, and I've developed install instructions for Ubuntu and Windows, but I don't know the corresponding instructions for the MAC:
I know that you need to install the Glade Interface Designer. This should install the graphics toolkit, gtk2 as well. Visualruby needs gtk2. After that you can install visualruby:
gem install visualruby
My friend told me that it needs to be run in the X11 terminal. I don't understand any of this. I'd like to develop step-by-step instructions for installing it on the MAC that includes the correct version of Glade/Gtk2. I know that visualruby requires Glade version 2.6 thru 2.8. The latest version of Glade uses Gtk3 which isn't good.
EDIT: Visualruby will also require "gtksourceview2" installed (perhaps via homebrew?)
Step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm the friend referred to above.
I had the best success with QuartzX11.
I installed glade, gtk+ and gtksourceview via homebrew but perhaps that's not the best way.

ruby of support in vim on windows

I am new to vim and would like to configure command-t plugin to work in vim 7.3. It says it doesn't have ruby support. Is there any way to configure vim to have ruby support on windows 7?
I think you need to compile vim with --enable-rubyinterp flag.
Check if vim has support for ruby using :version in vi.
If that shows -ruby (no ruby support) then you will have to compile from vim source or fetch an installer which was compiled that way.
I guess that your problem is that you do not have ruby installed and that plug-in need it. Try installing ruby:
You can't configure vim to have ruby support (as in checking a box or changing an option). You have to download a distribution of vim with ruby support or download the sources and compile it yourself. Type
vim --version
If it says "-ruby" then you need to install a different vim version that has it supported (+ruby).
You can follow the step-by-step here: My own post or Official doc installation
