Incremental import of Oracle tables which does not have primary key to HDFS - hadoop

I have Oracle database with almost 300 tables out of that 200 tables doesn't have any primary key and few tables have composite primary key. My requirement is to import all tables data in incremental manner to HDFS. Can you please let me know how this can be achieved using Sqoop. It would be great help if any other option is suggested.

Unfortunately, being unable to recognize updated rows (you indicate that you do not track update timestamps), makes it practically impossible to use incremental loads to capture the changes.
Some possibilities:
Add timestamps
Do a full load
Use the rownumber to identify new records, and don't process updated records


Oracle table incremental import to HDFS

I have Oracle table of 520 GB and on this table insert, Update and delete operations are performed frequently.This table is partitioned on ID column however there is no primary key defined and also there is no timestamp column available.
Can you please let me know what is best way I can perform incremental import to HDFS on this table.
This totally depends on what is your "id" column. If it is generated by ordered sequence, that's easy, just load the table with --incremental append --check-column ID.
If ID column is generated with noorder sequence, allow for some overlap and filter it on hadoop side.
If ID is not unique, your only choice is a CDC tool. Oracle GG, Informatica PWX and so on. There are no opensource/free solitions that I'm aware of.
Also don't need any index to perform incremental load with sqoop but an index will definitely help as its absence will lead to fullscan(s) to the source (and possibly very big) table.
your problem is not that hard to solve, just look for some key things in you db.
1. is you column id run by conditions "not NULL and 1=1 ", if so then use sqoop for you task
using following sqoop tools
--incremental append/lastmodified -check-column [column id]
--split-by [column id] // this is useful if there is not primary key also allows you to run multiple mappers in case of no primary key, you have to specify -m 1 for one mapper only.
prefered way is to do this task using sqoop job using --create tool.
for more information check
Hope this Helps !

De-duplication from two hive tables

We are stuck with a problem where-in we are trying to do a near real time sync between a RDBMS(Source) and hive (Target). Basically the source is pushing the changes (inserts, updates and deletes) into HDFS as avro files. These are loaded into external tables (with avro schema), into the Hive. There is also a base table in ORC, which has all the records that came in before the Source pushed in the new set of records.
Once the data is received, we have to do a de-duplication (since there could be updates on existing rows) and remove all deleted records (since there could be deletes from the Source).
We are now performing a de-dupe using rank() over partitioned keys on the union of external table and base table. And then the result is then pushed into a new table, swap the names. This is taking a lot of time.
We tried using merges, acid transactions, but rank over partition and then filtering out all the rows has given us the best possible time at this moment.
Is there a better way of doing this? Any suggestions on improving the process altogether? We are having quite a few tables, so we do not have any partitions or buckets at this moment.
You can try with storing all the transactional data into Hbase table.
Storing data into Hbase table using Primary key of RDBMS table as Row Key:-
Once you pull all the data from RDBMS with NiFi processors(executesql,Querydatabasetable..etc) we are going to have output from the processors in Avro format.
You can use ConvertAvroToJson processor and then use SplitJson Processor to split each record from array of json records.
Store all the records in Hbase table having Rowkey as the Primary key in the RDBMS table.
As when we get incremental load based on Last Modified Date field we are going to have updated records and newly added records from the RDBMS table.
If we got update for the existing rowkey then Hbase will overwrite the existing data for that record, for newly added records Hbase will add them as a new record in the table.
Then by using Hive-Hbase integration you can get the Hbase table data exposed using Hive.
By using this method we are going to have Hbase table that will take care of all the upsert operations and we cannot expect same performance from hive-hbase table vs native hive table will perform faster,as hbase tables are not meant for sql kind of queries, hbase table is most efficient if you are accessing data based on Rowkey,
if we are going to have millions of records then we need to do some tuning to the hive queries
Tuning Hive Queries That Uses Underlying HBase Table

How can I export/import subset data from/to Oracle Database?

I was wondering what would be the approach to get rid of a lot of records from an Oracle database in order to create a lighter database for developer's laptops.
We aim to reduce the exports from different production environments NOT excluding entities, but reducing the number of records in each table mantaining the referential integrity.
Is there a tool/script around?
I was also wondering if transforming all the FKs on a replica DB to "on delete cascade" and deleting a subset of record from the entities on the top of the relational hierarchy would do the job.
Any suggestion?
With Jailer you can export data to an SQL script which can traverse foreign key constraints to include all data needed to maintain referential integrity.
If you wanted to export/import limit object from/to database, then you could EXCLUDE the objects, which you don't wanted to be part of your dump.
You can exclude any specific table to be exported/imported by specify the object type and object name.
AFAIK, I don't see, if Oracle provides such flexibility to export subset data, but Oracle does have option to export partitioned data from TABLES
TABLES=[schema_name.]table_name[:partition_name] [, ...]

Does sqoop preserves order of imported rows as in Database

I am sqooping a table from oracle database to AWS S3 & then creating a hive table over it.
After importing the data, is the order of records present in database preserved in hive table?
I want to fetch few hundred rows from database as well as hive using java JDBC then compare each row present in ResultSet. Assuming I don't have a primary key, can I compare the rows from both ResultSets as they appear(sequentially, using or does the order gets changed due to parallel import?
If order isn't preserved whether ORDER BY is a good option?
Order is not preserved during import, also order is not determined when selecting without ORDER BY or DISTRIBUTE+SORT due to parallel select processing.
You need to specify order by when selecting data, does not matter how it was inserted.
ORDER BY orders all data, will work on single reducer, DISTRIBUTE BY + SORT orders per reducer and works in distributed mode.
Also see this answer

Why we need to move external table to managed hive table?

I am new to Hadoop and learning Hive.
In Hadoop definative guide 3rd edition page no. 428 last paragraph
I don't understand below paragraph regarding external table in HIVE.
"A common pattern is to use an external table to access an initial dataset stored in HDFS (created by another process), then use a Hive transform to move the data into a managed Hive table."
Can anybody explain briefly what above phrase says?
Usually the data in the initial dataset is not constructed in the optimal way for queries.
You may want to modify the data (like modifying some columns adding columns, making aggregation etc) and to store it in a specific way (partitions / buckets / sorted etc) so that the queries would benefit from these optimizations.
The key difference between external and managed table in Hive is that data in the external table is not managed by Hive.
When you create external table you define HDFS directory for that table and Hive is simply "looking" in it and can get data from it but Hive can't delete or change data in that folder. When you drop external table Hive only deletes metadata from its metastore and data in HDFS remains unchanged.
Managed table basically is a directory in HDFS and it's created and managed by Hive. Even more - all operations for removing/changing partitions/raw data/table in that table MUST be done by Hive otherwise metadata in Hive metastore may become incorrect (e.g. you manually delete partition from HDFS but Hive metastore contains info that partition exists).
In Hadoop definative guide I think author meant that it is a common practice to write MR-job that produces some raw data and keeps it in some folder. Than you create Hive external table which will look into that folder. And than safelly run queries without the risk to drop table etc.
In other words - you can do MR job that produces some generic data and than use Hive external table as a source of data for insert into managed tables. It helps you to avoid creating boring similar MR jobs and delegate this task to Hive queries - you create query that takes data from external table, aggregates/processes it how you want and puts the result into managed tables.
Another goal of external table is to use as a source data from remote servers, e.g. in csv format.
There is no reason to move table to managed unless you are going to enable ACID or other features supported only for managed tables.
The list of differences in features supported by managed/external tables may change in future, better use current documentation. Currently these features are:
DROP deletes data for managed tables while it only deletes
metadata for external ones
ACID/Transactional only works for
managed tables
Query Results Caching only works for managed
Only the RELY constraint is allowed on external tables
Some Materialized View features only work on managed tables
You can create both EXTERNAL and MANAGED tables on top of the same location, see this answer with more details and tests:
Data structure has nothing in common with external/managed table type. If you want to change structure you do not necessarily need to change table managed/external type
It is also mentioned in the book.
when your table is external table.
you can use other technologies like PIG,Cascading or Mapreduce to process it .
You can also use multiple schemas for that dataset.
and You can also create data lazily if it is external table.
when you decide that dataset should be used by only Hive,make it hive managed table.
