File encrypt by format - format

I am new to computers, and I want to know if there is a way to make files two-format-usable. For example, there is a jpg format file, but actually it is a docx format file, and we can decode it by changing the file format from .jpg to .docx. Can anyone help me? Thanks!!!

Changing the file extension does not change the file data or format. It does keep some programs from opening the file.
This is done often on .zip files, changing the file extension to something different. This just adds confusion, not security.
If you want security encrypt the file data with a key and use any extension you choose. The password can be something you enter on encryption and again of later opening that will decrypt the file.


CSV download is splitting into CSV and CSV.part

I'd like to download a CSV file from JupyterLab.
It's 66MB and it shows the file is downloading, but it's split into CSV and CSV.part.
According to JupyterLab, the download has finished but they haven't combined into a single CSV.
When I open the csv.part, it says there are no applications to open it.
When I open the csv, it's empty.
I've tried re-downloading and it's always the same.
What do I do here?
Whatever application you used to download the file - a web browser? Safari? Chrome? - downloads the data into a temporary file (with .part on the end) and it is supposed to rename it to myfile.csv after the download has completed.
For whatever reason, it has not done this last step.
Simply delete the empty file myfile.csv and rename myfile.csv.part to myfile.csv. You will see a warning ("Are you sure you want to rename this?") - yes. You are sure.
There is nothing magical about file name extensions, except of course that they tell MacOS which application to open the file with. They should also give you a clear indication of what sort of data is in the file, but this is not actually enforced by anything. If you rename a file to something inappropriate for the content (e.g. if you name your file "myfile.mp3"), it simply won't load into the application as the data isn't valid. But, there is nothing special about the .part file - the name is just supposed to indicate that the download (probably) hasn't finished yet. Except in this case, I assume you know that it has.
(This seems like a bug to me, perhaps with JupyterLab - but that's beside the point).

Convert Excel-XML to XLS

My task is to convert Excel .xls file to Excel-XML format file(here). Edit cell values and write it back to .xls.
Convert from xls to xml maybe can't be done automatically. Editing file is easy with XMLTABLE and XMLQUERY in Oracle. When I save XML content with XLS extension it give me Error:
The file you are trying to open MyFile.xls is in a different format than
specified by the file extension. Verify the file is not corrupted and
is from trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open
the file now?
When I select "Yes" option file is opening and everything work fine. I want to avoid this Error/Warning message.
There is some way to convert Excel-XML file to other Excel's format and not xml? I know the problem is that I change only file extension without change format, but maybe there is solution hint excel to open file without Warning or convert to real xls.
Error/Warning can be see displayed edit file content. Steps are: Open Excel file, Save as Excel XML(file is save with .xml extension), Close file, Rename file extension to .xls, Open file with Excel and Error is displayed.

How to convert ArcMap file to log file

I'm trying to use MCK(map comparison kit) but all I have right now is ArcMap file. According to the MCK user manual, it says MCK supports log file. So I tried to convert ArcMap to log file by renaming to ".log", but MCK shows that it is an empty log file.
So i was wondering what is the way to correctly convert ArcMap file to log file? Thanks!
This might be a bit late, but just in case:
I assume you have a Arc ASCII file, which is one of the file formats MCK supports. You can't simply convert ASCII file into log file, since log file only contains pointers to raster images of a certain theme. ASCII file contains much more, like headers and the actual data.
You can create a new log file in MCK by choosing New from the File menu in the Menu bar. This opens the Log File Editor, and there you can specify the contents of the log-file with an easy UI. There is an Import button, which allows you to import the ASCII files. If you have downloaded the MCK software, just see the User Guide that comes with it. It has the whole Log File Editor explained!

Redirect default program to another program when a file opens in Windows OS

This is only under windows env.
As I know windows os identifies associated application of a particular file by file extension.
Like wise each file (binary) starting with corresponding symbols ("starting symbols"). For an example .JPG starts with ÿØÿà. Let say I open this .JPG file in a Hex editor or a Text editor and then I change that starting symbols into another file type. for an example I can change ÿØÿà to .Eߣ (.mkv). So when I double click on the .JPG the Windows Photo Viewer says there are some errors or similar message. So I need to get some information about the application that tries to open that kind of a file. If I can, I need to open that file using the application that associated with "starting symbols".
Briefly when I open .JPG I need to open a default video player .mkv files. But It may not work for this example. Because I changed only the "starting symbols" of my .JPG.
Please give me any idea to do this.
When you encrypt the file, give it a new extension. e.g. Picture.jpg becomes Picture.encrypted-jpg. You then register as the handler for encrypted-jpg, decrypt the file, then launch the normal jpg handler.
When the shell is asked to perform a verb on a file, the shell does not use the contents of the file to determine which app to pass it to. The file extension is what determines how the file will be treated.
You wish to use the contents of the file to influence which app processes a shell verb. In order to do so you would need to create a launcher app that reads the file header and then decides which app to pass the file on to. You would assign your launcher app as the handler app for all file extensions that you were interested in.
Although you could do this, it would be much easier just to set the file extension appropriately.
The proper way to do this sort of thing is to replace the files with reparse points.
The downside is that this involves writing a file system filter driver, i.e., an operating system extension, which is a whole level of trouble above and beyond ordinary application programming. (Since Windows already does file encryption, I doubt it would be worth the effort.)

.vcf file not opening

I am trying to create a .vcf file programmatically in C#, and writing a bunch of strings in the correct format in that file. But when i try to open it manually, the following message appears. Could not start Microsoft Outlook.The file maynot exist, you may not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program.
But when i create a text file manually write the same bunch of strings in the vcard format and change the extension to .vcf and then open the file, it opens properly with outlook
Any help!!!
You don't say so explicitly, so I have to ask: have you elimated all of the suggestions Outlook gives you? The file isn't currently still open with a lock by your program? The file permissions are such that it can be read by the outlook user? The file does exist?
This reply may help someone. I got a similar error, the problem for me was that there was no data in the vcf file. As soon as i printed the VCARD info after the headers (and then opened the resultant vcf file) the error disappeared.
My error
Verify you used CrLf for line terminiators in your code. If you use Environment.NewLine or just \n's, that may be the problem.
You probably saved the file as UTF-8 or Unicode. To test, open the file in VS in binary, delete the first three bytes and see if the file opens.
Had a very similar problem when constructing a .vcf file from a vCard string. The contact form would be completely blank when opening in Outlook. I solved the problem by converting the string to a UTF8 Encoded Byte Array.
byte[] vCard = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(vCardString);
