CSV download is splitting into CSV and CSV.part - macos

I'd like to download a CSV file from JupyterLab.
It's 66MB and it shows the file is downloading, but it's split into CSV and CSV.part.
According to JupyterLab, the download has finished but they haven't combined into a single CSV.
When I open the csv.part, it says there are no applications to open it.
When I open the csv, it's empty.
I've tried re-downloading and it's always the same.
What do I do here?

Whatever application you used to download the file - a web browser? Safari? Chrome? - downloads the data into a temporary file (with .part on the end) and it is supposed to rename it to myfile.csv after the download has completed.
For whatever reason, it has not done this last step.
Simply delete the empty file myfile.csv and rename myfile.csv.part to myfile.csv. You will see a warning ("Are you sure you want to rename this?") - yes. You are sure.
There is nothing magical about file name extensions, except of course that they tell MacOS which application to open the file with. They should also give you a clear indication of what sort of data is in the file, but this is not actually enforced by anything. If you rename a file to something inappropriate for the content (e.g. if you name your file "myfile.mp3"), it simply won't load into the application as the data isn't valid. But, there is nothing special about the .part file - the name is just supposed to indicate that the download (probably) hasn't finished yet. Except in this case, I assume you know that it has.
(This seems like a bug to me, perhaps with JupyterLab - but that's beside the point).


Pages files split into pieces

Occasionally when using FineUploader to upload .pages files, they got split into their components.
You'll see what I mean in that image. That was supposed be one .pages file. Any ideas on how to prevent this?
It looks like, in some cases, you are uploading a folder containing the component files you have mentioned. In that case, provided the browser supports folder uploads (Chrome/Opera), each file in the folder will be sent in a separate request. If you are simply uploading a single file, Fine Uploader will always send a single upload request, containing the file. If the file is split into pieces in that case, the issue is specific to your server code.
Older .pages files are actually packages: folders in OS X which are represented as a single file in Finder and open in an application when double-clicked. You can see this by changing the extension to something other than .pages and the file will appear like any other folder.
Newer versions of Pages (5.5 or later) saves files as actual documents which are like other files, except when the file is greater than 500 MB in size, as packages are more efficient then. You will see the following message when this occurs, giving you the option:
Older versions of Pages allows you to change this option in Preferences, whilst newer versions of Pages allows you to change this on-the-fly:
You can switch between a single file and a package at any time. Open your file. Then choose File > Advanced > Change File Type and select the type you'd like to use.
Source: http://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202887

Is there a way to listen for non-saved changes of a file?

Currently, I am using the ruby Listen gem that listens for file saves in an ongoing manner and then my application can reacts accordingly after a file is saved. What I would like to do is be able to be updated if a user is updating a file, but not rely on save to get that information.
The use case would be that User X opens a .txt file (which I have predefined) and starts typing in it. With every cursor move, change, keystroke etc I can hear that something has changed and be able to know what the current contents of that .txt file are.
Any thoughts?
Since most editors read the file to memory, and let the user edit it there, the file system has no idea whether any editor is currently editing any file in memory...
The only thing the file system 'knows' is when a file is read or written...

Redirect default program to another program when a file opens in Windows OS

This is only under windows env.
As I know windows os identifies associated application of a particular file by file extension.
Like wise each file (binary) starting with corresponding symbols ("starting symbols"). For an example .JPG starts with ÿØÿà. Let say I open this .JPG file in a Hex editor or a Text editor and then I change that starting symbols into another file type. for an example I can change ÿØÿà to .Eߣ (.mkv). So when I double click on the .JPG the Windows Photo Viewer says there are some errors or similar message. So I need to get some information about the application that tries to open that kind of a file. If I can, I need to open that file using the application that associated with "starting symbols".
Briefly when I open .JPG I need to open a default video player .mkv files. But It may not work for this example. Because I changed only the "starting symbols" of my .JPG.
Please give me any idea to do this.
When you encrypt the file, give it a new extension. e.g. Picture.jpg becomes Picture.encrypted-jpg. You then register as the handler for encrypted-jpg, decrypt the file, then launch the normal jpg handler.
When the shell is asked to perform a verb on a file, the shell does not use the contents of the file to determine which app to pass it to. The file extension is what determines how the file will be treated.
You wish to use the contents of the file to influence which app processes a shell verb. In order to do so you would need to create a launcher app that reads the file header and then decides which app to pass the file on to. You would assign your launcher app as the handler app for all file extensions that you were interested in.
Although you could do this, it would be much easier just to set the file extension appropriately.
The proper way to do this sort of thing is to replace the files with reparse points.
The downside is that this involves writing a file system filter driver, i.e., an operating system extension, which is a whole level of trouble above and beyond ordinary application programming. (Since Windows already does file encryption, I doubt it would be worth the effort.)

How can I make TFS2010/VS2010 save one solution file with a given encoding?

I have a batch file that executes during my build. Every time I check it in with changes, the file gets saved as UTF-8 (or UTF-16, hell I don't know), and thus gets a BOM. That makes it so that whenever the batch file is run, execution will fail because batch files have to be encoded as plain ASCII.
While it is simple to change the encoding on the file when I save it, I forget a lot of times.
Is there a way that I can get TFS or Visual Studio to ALWAYS save that one file in the proper format? (I know I can set VS up to always save all files as a certain type, but I was hoping I could make the change for just one file)
From within Source Control Explorer right-click the file you 're interested in & select 'Properties'.
On the 'General' tab there's the option to "Set Encoding". Check it out to see if you can find a suitable encoding to your purpose.

Does Windows cache the contents of .url (Internet Shortcut) files?

I'm implementing a custom URL handler in .NET. To test this, I have created a few different .url files and put them on my Desktop. This generally works fine, but behaves oddly if I change the file's contents, specifically the URL= line. Doing so has no effect — the old URL continues to be opened. Renaming the file, however, works. The file looks like this:
All shortcuts I create through New → Shortcut receive the same UUID, so changing that probably won't help.
Is there some internal .url file / URL mapping cache in Windows?
I have a reason to believe that URL files are interpreted by some Internet Explorer component at the time of creation (not biblical). They are only interpreted initially, the first time the file is created. Any modifications to the URL file later on will not be committed. This is because the shortcut is not stored in the file. This is why the file can be modified later on so that it becomes empty, as a 0 byte file and the URL file will appear to be working anyway. The shortcut data is stored in the "Web Document" field as a file property in the NTFS file system. The file merely serves the purpose of pointing to it. You might be able to modify these property fields programmatically, which would supposedly "edit the file". It's a painful exercise just to edit what appears to be a simple text file.
Additionally, once a file name has been used for a URL file, it cannot be reused for new files, no matter what disk or path you save it to. So you have to keep assigning unique file names, never used previously, for each new URL file you create. This has to do with how Internet Explorer caches web content. It remembers what file names have been used already and maps those names to previously defined URL addresses. To reuse a name (or when you run out of ideas for new and unique file names) you have to clear Temporary Internet Files.
Windows 7: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
Windows 8: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
To directly answer your question: yes, it does.
Windows 7 Caches your Filenames and sometimes, as you said, the filenames in specific locations.
Start regedit and search for the following
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-x-x-x-x\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
where S-1-5-21-x-x-x-x is your currently logged in User.
There you can see that most (or all?) files have been cached which you have ever accessed.
Maybe you can also deactivate the MUICaching programatically. Maybe this site helps you: Disable Caching
I had a similar issue, and it turns out the culprit was Firefox.
If by chance your web browser is Firefox, your cache directories may be corrupted.
You can either create a new Profile, or take your chances cleaning things out of C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>\
I've found my desktop .url shortcut contents cached in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Caches.
There are a few (several?) files with filenames like {<SOME_GUID>}.<x>.ver0x<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>.db. Two of them had the .url files cached.
Unfortunately, I've found no information on what they are or how to refresh them. Everybody just deletes them as part of some cache clean-up operation.
