Is the V2 authorization endpoint fully implemented in Azure Government? - msal

I am using MSAL.JS to attempt to acquire a token within a single-page application (SPA).
This is the authority URI that we are seeing in the traces:
This produces the following error:
AADSTS50038: The API version isn't supported
Trace ID: 38d01881-d864-4ba4-b3d5-c168739f0900
Correlation ID: e9eb70cb-5774-4579-a113-53c4ca762d90
Timestamp: 2018-04-18 15:42:16Z
If I login to the portal with my credentials then call the SPA, the app authenticates and I can continue to use it. I think this is because of the browser caching the session and login information and never making the call to the V2.0 endpoint.

Received the answer to this question on a separate thread.
At present, the V2 application model is not fully implemented or supported in any sovereign cloud (Azure Government, Azure China, Azure Germany).
Once the model is tested and proven in the public cloud, it will be ported to the government clouds.


Microsoft Azure Cloud service management API fails with 401: Unauthorized error?

We are integrating the Role Assignments - List API from Microsoft Azure Cloud Management APIs, Link to documentation:
We have done all of the configs mentioned:
Registered a multi-tenant web app with Azure Active Directory for OAuth using App Registrations option,
Also enabled the scope under Azure Service Management
Same scope is requested by the web app
So far OAuth succeeds but the access token received when used to call an API GET{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2015-07-01 it fails with 401 Unauthorized error. I have replaced the subscriptionId with the appropriate value while making actual call.
I looked at the details of access token using and the scp element only seems to have "scp": "User.Read" scope, Missing the user_impersonation. Though the AUTH dialog from Microsoft login service shows clearly the requested user_impersonation grant. The user account I am using for the OAuth has access to the given azure subscription.
What might be the problem?
It's important to add scope with when requesting for an access token.
Test using implicit grant flow in browser:<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Note: If you use client credentials flow, change scope to

How implement a basic IAM oauth2 flow with spring security?

I am currently developing using spring security oauth2.
Currently, the frontend is SPA, and it is developed as react that operates with client side redering.
My rest api has the spring security starters libraries. But I don't know how to use oauth2 flow provided by spring.
So my question is: Can I use spring security as IAM to protect my web and api?
Does spring security have the known oauth2 grants and how use them ?
Implicit grant
Client Credentials Grant
Password grant
Don't use implicit grant
It is not recommended to use the implicit flow (and some servers prohibit this flow entirely) due to the inherent risks of returning access tokens in an HTTP redirect without any confirmation that it has been received by the client.
With implicit grant, access token is returned immediately without an extra authorization code exchange step. This extra step is usually performed in your backend.
Web > token > Api
SPA frontend and its Rest Api is a very common approach, used since simple startups until big companies. The flow summarized is:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by the authorization server).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
For this flow to work, you will need:
web spa with a hint of backend. Backend is required because you cannot have a proper user session in static solutions like apache or nginx.
authentication and authorization server: Known as identity and access management (IAM) or some third app which provide you the basic oauth2 endpoints to manage a proper security for your apps.
your apis: foo-api , bar-api, baz-api, etc
spring security
In the minimal scenario in which:
you will have only one web + one rest api, and nothing more in the future (mobiles, iot, etc)
you don't have an authentication/authorization server
you have a mix of functional apis (employee, products, etc) and its security (spring-security) in just one artifact
you don't need user session in your web
you don't need a logout feature
Flow could be reduced to:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by spring-security).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token. Since your api is using Spring security, the token generation is covered.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server I think the spring security chain filters handle this.
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
Here some samples of token generation and protected endpoints with spring security. I will try to upload a ready to use sample:
If you will have more applications and complex scenarios in the future, I advice you to choose some open-source iam like:
Glewlwyd,Keycloak,,ORY Hydra,SimpleLogin,SSQ signon,
Commercial services like:
Auth0,Curity Identity Server,FusionAuth,Okta,Red Hat Single Sign-On,cidaas.
Or try to develop a new one using pure spring-security
Some recommended answers with more oauth2 details:

Firebase Auth Token validation with Spring Security for REST API

I am planning to use Firebase for auth purpose for my Application. The app has a java based back-end using Spring Boot. My understanding so far is that Firebase will handle different type of login options interacting directly with my front-end code and in return will give a token after user has logged in(primarily email based,Google or FB login). I have a few questions:
Does it provide a JWT type token that can be used in conjunction with my back-end without having to talk to Firebase servers from my back-end? I guess its not and SDK provides ways to validate token
Is there a good example of configuring my spring security to validate the the token and get user details?
I could not find a working example with Admin SDK of firebase using spring security.
What other tech stack options I have? I read Amazon Cognito could be one. My app is more of a POC and don't want to host my auth server as well.
What the recommendation on storing the user info in my own back-end or should I just rely on firebase servers to handle my user base?
Pardon my primitive understanding of Auth frameworks!

Calling Graph APIs from Web APIs that have Kerberos authentication

I'm trying to figure out which is the ouath2 scenario of my application and how to call Graph APIs in the behalf of a user with SSO.
My app is composed like this:
angular js (anonimous) -> .NET REST Web APIs (Kerberos)
so I have an anonimous client that calls Web APIs using Kerberos as authentication,
and what I need to do is to call Azure to get a oauth2 token from inside those Web APIs.
the idea is to use the context given by Kerberos to impersonate the user and use the
var auth = app.AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth(scopes).ExecuteAsync()
method of the MSAL Library.
Is this the correct approach? Or should I change the flow?
I was also reading that AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth would deadlock if not called in the UI Thread, being this a simple Web API project, could this happens in anyway?

Azure Mobile Services, Auth0, Web Api & Authorize Attribute

For a mobile application (Cordova & AngularJS), I use Azure Mobile Services with Web Api.
I am currently experimenting with different OAuth implementations to see which one fits my needs the most.
Tried OAuth from ngCordova,, WAMS server flow and Auth0 with WAMS delegation.
I also came across the option using the "JsonWebToken DelegationHandler for WebAPI". With this approach, I should use the "System.Web.Http.Authorize" attribute. When I debug the JsonWebTokenValidationHandler, everything looks good (IsAuthenticated is true etc.), but at the end, a 401 is being returned.
I guess, WAMS overwrites the user principal. A look at the WAMS log reveals that "The 'Bearer' HTTP authentication scheme is not supported." As soon as there is such an authentication token present it seems to get rejected by Azure Mobile Services.
My first thought was, that I can probably remove a specific message handler but that doesn't seem to be the case. Does anyone have an idea to get this to work with WAMS?
There is another post with a question very similar to this one:
Azure mobile service using aad "The 'Bearer' HTTP authentication scheme is not supported" error
You can pass the application key in the header like so:
HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-ZUMO-APPLICATION", "<YOUR APP KEY>";
In that link, Matthew mentions details about how to user authentication and posts links on how to set it up properly which you may find valuable.
