How create this slider with Smart Slider in Joomla? - joomla

I need to create a slider with static content and background image changing. I am a beginner with smart slider 3 and I do not understand how to do this. Thank you.

You need to add all of your images as slide to your slider. Then you just need to add a static slide and put your texts to the static slide.
So your images which switch in the background and you will see the layers on your static slide in the foreground.
Here you can see more examples for static slides:


Drag to resize a bitmap with createJS & Canvas

I'm working on a basic design app where the user can upload images to a canvas, drag them around and resize them. The problem I have is resizing the image with a mouse drag. I'd like the user to position the mouse pointer on either corner of the bitmap image and drag either towards or away from the bitmap to resize it proportionally. I'd be grateful for any code or suggestions.
Lanny mentioned that you had this question here. ZIM, which is based on CreateJS has this functionality built in - it is called transform(). We also have an uploader built in called Loader().
Here is the code that you would use inside the ZIM template available on the code page at ZIM
const loader = new Loader().center();
loader.on("loaded", e=>{;
// or if you want multiple files
// loop(e.bitmaps, bitmap=>{
// });
Below is an image that has been loaded. You can try it here The transform interface will go away when the user clicks off the image and then comes back when they click on the image. There are various options for all of this that you can read about in the Docs available on the ZIM site.
All your regular CreateJS will work and you will find that ZIM is helpful in many other ways too! Aside from transform() there is drag() for normal dragging, and gesture() for pinch zoom and rotate - you would use one or the other of these not combined.

Change background color of transparent PNG images uploaded to blogger

I have a blog hosted by Blogger with a custom template:
Images uploaded to the blog are hosted at (where X is a number). Examples:
I want to have a white background when the image is clicked. (The images look fine on the site itself. This is not a problem with the blog's background, which is set to be solid white.)
Using the Inspect option in Chrome, I see the following information
The body formatting (background: #0e0e0e;) does NOT appear anywhere on my blog or in my template.
How can I fix?
Thank you!
P.S. I have 10 years of legacy posts with images, so I need a global solution that changes the background to white for all images posted to the blog.
Wrap the image in a div and set the background color of that div with css. That should work
.divclass:active {
If you are opening the images in a new tab or window then your only option is changing the background of the images yourself with a photo editor. If you're just trying to give the user a full size view of an image when they click it you could use javascript/jquery and have a full size div with a background and an image pop up in full screen without sending them to the linked image. Theres probably quite a few jquery plugins that will do this with minimal coding knowledge, just google it.
Thanks, Riley.
I can't go back and edit hundreds of images, so the photo editor option won't work.
But based on your suggestion, I used the following solution:
1) Enabled "Showcase Images with Lightbox" on blogger
2) Added CSS from this page ( with no background image and background color set ot white (#ffffff).
Downside is that charts/images now pop up on same page rather than opening in a new tab.
Thank you!

Parsys on top of an image

There is requirement where parsys should be added on top of an image. It is like a background image with the provision of parsys so that other components can be dragged and dropped on top of it. I am using html5smartimage for image component. But, no clue yet on how I can get the parsys on top of the image. Please help if you find any ideas. Thanks.
is the image authorable? If so, how do you intend to provide click-area for the authors to change the image vs edit items in the parsys.
If the image isn't authorable, just target the CSS for your parsys and set the image.
If the image is authorable, in edit mode you want the image to be distinct from the parsys and have separate clickable areas. Then in preview/disabled modes you would generate the actually desired markup & CSS to position the parsys content over the background image.

Proper way to use images in NSMenuItem?

I've put some images next to NSMenuItems using the image option in Interface Builder. The custom image is a simple PNG. I was hoping the system would automatically alter the color of the image during mouse over like it does with stock images. It does not. What am i doing wrong?
Here's a pic of a stock image vs my custom one:
In code, call [menuItem.offStateImage setTemplate:YES]

How to make an image as transparent in BlackBerry?

I am new to BlackBerry Java application development. My scenario is: In my application a gallery list of images will be displayed in a small icons. If I click on any image it will display in a large mode. Here I need to provide controls like front and back buttons. On clicking on those buttons the background image should change. In addition to that those buttons should be highlighted and the back ground large image should be transparent. How to do this?
Please guide me.
You can use Graphics.setGlobalAlpha() on paint() or to modify bitmap before preview.
Don't forget to set back normal global alpha value after bitmap drawing.
