Get long live Facebook picture URL - profile

I am implementing leaderboards so, my first approach was when the user first logs in his display name and picture url is saved on playfab so in my code I first get the leaderboards then download the image and display well this would take much time already until now I got that the url is not long enough and leaderboard did not work properly
What would be the best and valid approach for this?
btw I am using unity.
I have tried using the redirect=true pram but no luck.


Part of Image Missing From Data URL

Backstory to the below issue:
I'm using the jQuery plugin Cropit to produce an image which I get in data URL form (the user uploads an image and Cropit allows them to manipulate it, when the user is happy, Cropit exports the final image).
This data URL is attached to the product (this is a Shopify website) via Shopify properties (in a similar way you would attach text for an engraved product) and then when the order is created, I have an app listening for new orders and I pull the data URL from the order.
From testing, I can confirm that the data URL is wrong / corrupted / broken at the time the order is placed and not being broken in transit.
Original Question
I have a bit of a weird situation and I can't find any similar situations online.
I'm being sent an image in data URL format (from Shopify if it's relevant, I have written a private app and their webhook is sending me an image)
The image is in a data URL format that starts with, as an example,
The problem I am having is sometimes (and it's maybe less than 10% of the time) when I get the image and try to print it, it's missing the bottom chunk of the image. In a PDF, it considers the image corrupt, and in a web browser, it just sees the bottom of the image as transparent, however much is missing.
This is what it looks like in Inspect Element on Google Chrome when you hover over the image URL (image has been purpled out for anonymity)
My question is, does anyone know why?
We can't find a correlation with browser or device type. And I'm not sure if it's because part of the data URL is somehow missing (maybe a character limit, because it's a really long string!) or if it's the type of image. Might possibly be something going wrong in the upload process?
Is anyone able to shed any light? It's such a weird issue I'm not even sure what to google!
And just to confirm, the image absolutely has to be sent in this format for a whole series of reasons, mainly Shopify restrictions so I can't send the image in file format.

What exactly is going on with this image URL

I was copying image links from google and I'm seeing more and more urls like this. What exactly is going on here and why are developers doing this? Heres a example.
That is the image, stored as a base64 encoded string.
So they're not giving you a link to the image, and are instead giving you the image data directly.
Copy and paste everything after the first comma into e.g. and you'll see the picture.
This article gives a very detailed breakdown on why someone might choose to do so. One of the main reasons is to cut down the number of requests to your webserver. (clicking that link did not make a request to google, as you had already downloaded the data)
this image is just encoded using base64.
why people do this ? depend on the project. This way your page will be a bit heavier, but your image will be inside the page. If you use an URL, to load your image the browser will need to make a call.
Maybe the best call to do that, is this way you don't depend on another website to save and keep your image

Open graph single image but showing multiple

We are using the og:image property to supply facebook with the correct image, but in some instances it get's more images which it parses from the DOM. eg:
Only the first image should be shown there. If you look in the debugger it looks fine:
Anyone knows whats going on here?
I've just encountered this issue in a site I maintain.
It appears that bloody Facebook changed again things without notifying anything to developers..
Image for og:image must be now at least 200x200px.
If it is smaller, than facebook will take other images that it parses from the same URL, even if these images have nothing to do as leading image for that URL.
Just take care that og:image is big enough and it will be ok.
* Notice that even after you change it, it may appear wrong for some time, if the URL is already cached in FB. To solve it immediately, just pass again the URL to the FB debugger.

Posting link to Page now includes thumbnails when none is set

As of this morning (12th July) a server script we used to automatically add updates to a facebook page is including a thumbail of the website logo.
We add an image ourselves if there is a suitable one - but leave the picture variable as blank otherwise.
As of today Facebook grabs the image set in the webpage og:image setting (or the first off the page if that is disabled) and adds it to the post update.
Net result, every single post this morning has the site logo as an image, and it looks a right mess.
Question - how can I set the image variable to NULL (or equiv) so that it wont try to generate a thumbnail where one is not explicitly defined?
(Every help search I make returns results explaining how to add a thumbail - I want to get rid of it!)
A slight workaround has been to define the thumbnail image as a 1x1 png file, which forces it to use that instead of grabbing the site logo off the linked webpage.
Would still prefer to find a way of forcing it to not use a thumbnail at all though - as was the default behaviour until a couple of days ago.

how does facebook select the picture when implementing a "like" feature with multiple og:image

Here's what I'm trying to do : I have about 20 og:image in meta tags on one page, and on this page I have both a like button AND a share button (the deprecated one). I need all the 20 og:image for the share feature, and I want Facebook to pick a particular image when building the popup window (or "flyout"), which will also be the image displayed on a facebook wall after publishing.
Currently, the picture in the popup window is the first og:image, but when I publish and go on my facebook wall, facebook picked another picture to display (the 7th of the og:image list, to be more precise).
I got nearly the same problem on the share feature, I can't obtain the first og:image to be the first thumbnail of the available thumbnails list. The 7th image in og:image list is always the first thumbnail proposed.
Anyone knows the picking algorithm of Facebook or something? I've been searching everywhere and I can't find a single clue on this.
I tried to swap images but I have to avoid putting the same image twice (1st and 7th). I really need some help.
Thank you
I think it's supposed to be random - regardless, if you only want one image, just use one og:url tag
