Displaying a warning box on pages generated by python-sphinx - python-sphinx

How to display a warning box in the html generated using the sphinx-build?
Do not use the directives sectnum, header and footer.
I want to show the above message as something like this:
(apologies, SO doesn't allow me to embed the image in the post here)
Please ignore the text formatting, my main aim to show a box with some text to get the attention of the user like on sphinx-doc site

The reStructuredText syntax you want is for things called admonition directives.
That specific example exists in the documentation source:
.. warning::
Do *not* use the directives :dudir:`sectnum`, :dudir:`header` and


Drupal 8 stripping style attributes from table tags

I'm using Full HTML filter, with CKEditor. The following filters are enabled:
Align images
Caption images
Track images uploaded via a Text Editor
Collapsible text blocks
Note that Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML is NOT enabled.
when I add a style attribute to a table element in Ckeditor using the Source view, specifically "width=75%", it is stripped when the page is rendered. When I edit the page again and go to Source view, the style tag is there.
What is stripping it on render?
I believe inline styles are removed by default for security reasons. But, there has been a lot of discussion about this issue on Drupal.org over the past few years. If you're looking for a workaround and accept the risk, here are two approaches I have found:
How to fix: CKEditor is removing style attributes. Drupal 8.
Refactor Xss::attributes() to allow filtering of style attribute values
Fair warning: I have not personally implemented either of these.
Inline style is stripped by default with Basic HTML formatter. Unless you have a specific reason why you don't want to turn on Limit allowed HTML tags I highly recommend that you do because it gives you a lot of control over what tags you and others can use in the wysiwyg. In addition, it allows you to add a "Styles" button with pre-configured styles so you don't have to insert inline CSS code repetitively.

Django mardownx not displaying header and blockquotes

Simple blog in Django (1.11.7 - Python3) in which I have impemented the Markdownx plugin. The plugin works for most of the markdown in preview in my 'edit_article' page, and in the normal view where users can read an article. BUT some of the markup isn't working in either:
Not working:
blockquotes using >
headers using one or more # or _
double-space and carriage return doesn't add a line-break
Links, images, numbered lists, emphasis and bold etc all work.
I posted my markdown in here, but of course it all worked here...
Don't really have any code to post, because most things work, so I'm guessing there isn't any problem with my model/view etc.
Anyone experienced this?
# So, let's try a header
doesn't work, neither does
> this type of blockquote
but they shoud produce
So, lets try a header
this type of blockquote
So I found the answer to this myself. I am using a CSS framework that resets the styling on the 'broken' markup tags. Until I add back the framework's CSS classes to the H1-H6 tags for example, the reset makes all headers appear as plain text.
So I have to add some custom CSS to the css framework's styling for those tags that are being overridden, or use html in the textarea in the form which should also work.

Printable PDF output with links as footnotes

I'm using sphinx to generate the documentation of a python project and I'm making heavy use of external links. I'd like to build html and latexpdf outputs with these as clickable links (which is the default), but also a PDF version that will be printed, with these links showing up in footnotes.
In short: is there a way to write external links in a .rst file like this:
Ask a question on `my favorite Q&A website <http://stackoverflow.com/>`_.
and have a special output that will interpret this as if it was a footnote written like this:
Ask a question on my favorite Q&A website [#SO]_.
.. [#SO] http://stackoverflow.com/
while keeping the normal behavior (clickable link without a footnote) in other outputs?
Jongware's comment made me look at parts of the sphinx documentation I didn't see, and I realized there actually is a configuration variable that does what I want:
latex_show_urls = 'footnote'
As I wanted to be able to generate the usual pdf and the one with the footnotes without changing the conf.py file, I left the default value and added the following rule to the sphinx's Makefile:
.PHONY: printpdf
printpdf: SPHINXOPTS+=-Dlatex_show_urls=footnote
printpdf: latexpdf
This rule calls the regular latexpdf rule, adding -Dlatex_show_urls=footnote to the options given to sphinx-build.
With this, we can generate the PDF to be printed (with footnotes) with:
make printpdf
And if we want a regular PDF, without the potentially numerous and (here) useless footnotes, the regular rule still does it:
make latexpdf

Markup tags in product descriptions

I'm trying to use markup tags to link to info pages within the "description" attribute of a product. However, it's not giving me a clean URL path when the description is printed to the page.
Contact Us
does not give the expected url. I've confirmed i'm doing this outside of WYSIWYG mode too.
When the text is rendered is returned to the browser as this html:
Contact Us
A resulting click on the link then ends up as:
From what I can tell the markup tags aren't designed to be used in this way. Is it possible to extend it so it could work? Otherwise I guess I need to include the actual URL in the description?
Thanks for suggestions.
You can´t use the double-curly syntax because the attributes value is not being processed by magento´s template filter, which does the magic. You can use them e.g. in CMS or email Templates out of the box.

Confluence export dynamic PDF title

I am using Confluence 4.0.3, I am trying to create a PDF layout/stylesheet so that it would grab the main title from the page content and move it to the title page.
What I have tried so far:
use the way that confluence suggests - it did not work well at all because it came with extra toc (np, I can hide it) and extra page content because it requires me to export from the parent level for it to work
I define a macro which contains the page title and I can use css to make it land on the title page. This works however if I was to export multiple docs this could pose a issue
Style the h1:first-child, this works but again on multiple docs this would be an issue.
Question: Is there a good way to do this on multiple doc exports? If not, does the page title have its own class that I can target instead of the h1:first-child? I tried h1.pagetitle (in their documentation) but it does not work, thanks
I used a user defined macro to put the title in and use the PDF export css to position it on the title page. This works as long as you are only exporting 1 document at the exporting level. If you are exporting 2 or more docs from the same exporting level then you can only define 1 of the macros or else they will all be at the same position on the title page.
This seems like the easiest way I found to implement something like this.
I would try employing a minor work-around. You could use a .asp page, which is located off of confluence, to pull the the pdf title and display it how you like. Then you can use an html-include macro to display the .asp page, and the pdf title it shows, wherever you like on confluence.
