is there add the username and role of a user responding to a 'survey monkey' survey on my website?
a link and some description would do ,
If you are sending out a Weblink collector, you can set custom variables (url query paramaters) to the survey to attach any metadata.
If you are sending out an Email collector, you can set custom values on a contact as well as regular contact information.
In both cases those will be available on the response. These are all also available in the public API if you are building an application.
I am using Socialite in Laravel to login with Twitter.
I know that not all twitter users have an email attached to their account, but for my application the user does need an email address. I am fine to block logins from people who do not have an email attached, but at the moment every user does have the email field set to null.
I am using this function to redirect to twitter:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->redirect();
I have already tried using scopes like this:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->scopes(['email'])->redirect();
But twitter is the only provider that does not allow scopes.
The callback returns the email address for other providers like facebook and google, but there seems to be something that I am missing while using twitter.
For OAuth1 there was a setting somewhere to enable the option to return the email field aswell, but since twitter accepts OAuth2 I can not find this setting anymore in the Twitter developers panel.
Any help would my appreciated since most of the information about this topic is outdated.
The solution was found in the twitter developers dashboard.
First of all go to the settings of your app.
Then you have to fill in a link to your privacy policy & terms page.
After that also enable OAuth 1.0 en then an option pops up to also receive the email address from the user that is trying to log in.
Twitter's new Oauth 2.0 user authentication does not currently (at the time of writing this answer) provide access to the user's email address, and will require an additional scope to be added. This is on the Twitter API roadmap and is a known feature request.
You can still use OAuth 1.0A and set the option to request the user's email address.
I need to get owner details like email/username/name of the channel using youtube data API. I've checked the document. Can you please suggest a way how I can get these details for the same?
Email address - emails are usually hidden by a button protected by reCaptcha
If you check the documentation for channels#resource you will notice that the fields you are looking for
Do not exist there is no way to find out the owner of a YouTube channel via the YouTube API even if you are authenticated as that user. If you did authorize the user you could add the profile and email scopes and this would give you access to the Google People API and you would be able to find that information there.
If you are not authorizing the user then there is no way you are going to get private personal information about a user from a public api endpoint.
Is there something similar to the email verifcation feature where a system admin could validate user sign-up/registration requests?
Background: We're building a system with a closed community, where new users can join only if an admin has verified their sing-up data.
Ideally the admin should just receive an email that there's a new registration request and validate the request directly from the email.
The emailVerified column is protected - it can only be updated by the system in response to the target user clicking the link in the validation email.
An admin can not "tick" this field on behalf of another user.
However. From your brief description of the background I would suggest that you want the users to click the link - after all it serves to validate their email address. If you are creating your own app there is nothing to stop you adding your own column to the user model (or preferably a related table) and implement code in your sign up that also checks this extra column. Of course this is more work - but likely not excessive - and you get the desired workflow.
How do I lower the requested access level of an existing google project?
It's currently asking for:
View your email address
View your basic profile info
Manage your contacts
When all I really want is to authenticate a user for login purposes, and I think all I need for that is:
Have offline access
One of the parameters you are passing when you create a credential is called scope, and contains a list of each of the services your users must authorize.
From the OAuth 2.0 docs, scope contains a string or iterable of strings. Change it to the new scopes you want.
I got the user email (not the ID) and i need its profile picture.
Is there a way to retrieve users profile data by email?
Something like that:
There is no way to lookup a Google+ user by email (open feature request). There is no static URL method for retrieving a profile image (open feature request).