Changing request level for google project - google-api

How do I lower the requested access level of an existing google project?
It's currently asking for:
View your email address
View your basic profile info
Manage your contacts
When all I really want is to authenticate a user for login purposes, and I think all I need for that is:
Have offline access

One of the parameters you are passing when you create a credential is called scope, and contains a list of each of the services your users must authorize.
From the OAuth 2.0 docs, scope contains a string or iterable of strings. Change it to the new scopes you want.


Implementing RBAC using okta

Currently our spring boot app uses okta for login. There is a need to implement RBAC for the application so I was trying to see if I can leverage okta itself for mapping users to specific roles.
I would like to implement the standard RBAC model in which I would map multiple permissions under a role and the roles are associated to users. Basically it involves 3 levels permissions > roles > users.
But in okta I don't see the standard way for mapping roles and permissions. RBAC is achieved by creating groups and associating groups to the users, which is two levels. And groups needs to be added as a custom claim.
How do I achieve the standard RBAC mapping(permissions > roles > users) in okta or it's something that needs to handled outside the IDP provider.
Thanks in advance.
Possible Solution:
You can make the scopes (scp in access token) be your permissions. Below are the steps:
In your Authorization Server, create your custom scopes(permissions) and set them as default scopes (this is necessary).
For example create 2 default scopes: (default=true)
books.write (default=true)
Go to access policies in your Authorization Server create one if none is defined.
Create access policy rules in the access policies page, the rules will be your mapping between groups and scopes.
Test that in Token Preview tab, the trick here is to leave scopes field empty so that the Authorization server can return the default scopes that are set for the user, as explained by Okta:
A default scope will be returned in an access token when the client omits the scope parameter in a token request, provided this scope is allowed as part of the access policy rule.
Now in your application when requesting an authorization code make sure that scope query param is empty.
Depending on the library you are using you may face some issues if by default they are expecting an id_token to be always returned but you will probably be able to customize it. For example:
Solution Limitations:
As mentioned in steps 4 and 5 we are omitting the scope query parameter, this mean that only our custom scopes assigned for the user or his groups will be returned, since the base scopes that are predefined by Okta such as profile, openid, email ... will not be returned. Which also means that we are skipping OIDC which needs the openid scope, so id_token will not be returned and only an access_token will. So this solution assumes that you don't need any of the base scopes predefined by Okta.
In case you need any of the base scopes
As described in the limitations, the solution assumes that you don't need any of the base scopes predefined by Okta. But in case you do then below is a solution that works in that case but not that nice.
When requesting an authorization code in the oauth flow, you need to send the request twice
first one: omit scope query param, so the default scopes are returned.
second one: append the returned scopes returned from the first request to the list of base scopes you wanted such as openid, profile, 'email`. So you would send something like (encoded already)
The above solution may not be recommended, but it works. If anyone can find any security issues with the above solution please leave it in the comments.
When you get into the details of roles and permissions, the data tends to be domain specific and to change often. I would advise against trying to manage it in the Authorization Server.
One design pattern that will give you full control over claims is to form a custom AuthenticationPrincipal that includes roles or permissions from your application database(s).
If interested in this pattern, see these resources of mine:
Custom Claims Blog Post
Java Custom Claims Code
How to run Java Code Sample

Okta not returning custom claims in tokens

I just signed up for a dev test account with Okta to test OIDC using Okta's auth service and user management.
Using their management portal, I created a second group called Test Group along with the default group of Everyone and added my single user to both groups.
I then added an application called My SPA and assigned the Test Group access to this application.
Using the classic UI, I then edited the OpenID Connect ID Token section and set Group claims type to Expression and added groups as the claim name and getFilteredGroups(app.profile.groupwhitelist, "", 40) as the expression.
I then went and edited the authorization server. I added a claim called 'groups' with a RegEx of *. to be used with any scope, access tokens and always include.
I then use the Token Preview selecting my user and using implicit grant flow but no groups show up.
How do you get a user's groups to show up as claims in the ID or Access Token from an Okta auth server?
Screen shots of what I have:
I’ve only ever used the Developer Console to configure things. Here’s how I did it:
Navigate to API > Authorization Servers, click the Authorization Servers tab and edit the default one. Click the Claims tab and Add Claim. Name it "groups" or "roles", and include it in the ID Token. Set the value type to "Groups" and set the filter to be a Regex of .*.
You need to add the "groups" scope. In the scope, add "groups" in addition to profile and openid
I think the Groups here are created in order to park users in respective buckets (e.g. Admins / Users etc) so that by knowing the Group of User, the role can be derived for Authorizations.
However, I will recommend to use Okta's Custom Attribute in Users' Profile so that the User Info can have required attribute.
The Custom Attribute can be set as Dropdown styled Enumeration to choose from and can also be marked as Mandatory while adding User in system.
Adding Custom Attribute -
And Mapping Attributes to Okta Profile -
Hope this also helps.

what values i can pass to scope apart from empty string ("") to OAuth2Authenticator constructor in Xamarin.Auth?

What values i can pass to scope apart from empty string ("") to OAuth2Authenticator constructor in Xamarin.Auth?
Please refer to the below link for more information
on OAuth2Authenticator usage
Well It depends on the Authentication Provider you are making use of.
Let me explain you this in detailed,
say for example ,
you want to authenticate users by their gmail accounts in that case
,you can use following scopes
For more information on OAuth with Google , you can refer to
You can refer to the below link for scope values ,if you want to authenticate users using Micrsoft as third party Authentication provider
Similarly for other providers , check corresponding website documentation.
Hope this helps.
OAuth 2.0 Scopes are normally used to define what type of access (permission) that you are requesting. Thus if the access token is granted, only those scopes are assigned to that token, if you need to change the type of scope/permission needed say from a "read_only" scope to a "readwrite" scope, you have to request a new token using the new scope.
Scopes are dependent upon the service that you are trying to access and will be defined by that service, they are commonly used scopes, like "read_only", but again, the service defines what they are.
I.e. To ask for permission for read and write permissions and offline access at the same time to user's Microsoft OneDrive account you would ask for this scope:
"onedrive.readwrite wl.offline_access"
To access a Google Calendar, you might ask for only view access (read only) via the scope:
To change/manage the user's calendar, you would ask for:
When requesting multiple scopes at one, you might need to separate each scope by a space or a comma or some other service defined delimiter. While the space delimiter is very common, again this is defined by the service you are interfacing.
Ref: Access Token Scope /

Using o-auth to authentify users on my API

I've got a project made of two websites:
The front : A Laravel website without database and logic (just showing static pages and my javascript)
The API : A project using Lumen/Dingo API with my endpoints, my database, my logic and my models
I want to allow my front to ask data to my API depending the user.
Ex. I want to log the user, retrieve his friends, add some post to his
account, etc. (from the Javascript)
What is the best solution?
Using an identification per user (using o-auth or JWT)
Allow my front project to ask to my API then each javascript call needs to use my front without knowing my API) (In this solution I need to create routes similars to my API's routes)
Identification per user is always a better solution as the claims can be decided per user, also in future when it is required to provide permissions to access API based on claims or roles, it becomes easy to give information using the claims and amount of access you can give to a specific user.
So the way it will work is:
There will be identity server which will be containing the list of users in the system, and also the clams and scopes per user.
The API project will trust the identity server, that means any token provided by the identity server can get verified.
Based on the token per user your API app can decide how much information you want to give to the user.
That way in future you can have methods based on roles, claims and users will be provided with only the information that they have access to.

Where to put logic for auto-login and creating members

Im new to Umbraco development, but im plenty familiar with ASP.Net & MVC etc. So Im getting to grips with the object model and terminology used, but Im not sure where to start. I need to use windows authentication on my Umbraco site, which will be for internal use only.
What I envision:
- When a domain user hits any area of the website, grab the user identity
- Lookup to see if matching user(or member) exists and if not create it
- Login this user to Umbraco
- By default all new visitors, if their user identity doesnt match a current member, then create that member and log them in.
Sounds like I need to create my own controller that overrides the base controller (RenderMvcController ?) and check the user identity on each and every request? Maybe do this by overriding the Index action method? Or could I do this with a macro - or as ive seen mentioned, are macros loosing favor with the new version of Umbraco?
Also, Im not sure how to deal with members vs users? As I understand it, members are who have access to the front part of the website, whereas users are those that have access to the back office area and can create/manage content.
Are all users also members?
There will be some that I want to give access to create/manage content, so when Im auto-creating users, its actually members that I need to create, not users?
[ update ]
Actually, I think I will need to create my own membership provider if I want every request routed through the check for a valid domain user? In my research, I keep coming across this example
I have overridden the default RenderMvcController in numerous projects with success, you could of course use the built in Umbraco auth to redirect to an authentication page for users that do not have a valid Umbraco Auth token and set it only only on that page based on their windows identity.
RE: Are users also members?
No. Users & Members are entirely independent of one another; users being back office users & members being front end users. You will need to create 2 accounts.
