Running a process on every combination between files in two folders - bash

I have two folders where the 1st has 19 .fa files and the 2nd has 37096 .fa files
Files in the 1st folder are named BF_genomea[a-s].fa, and files in the 2nd are named [1-37096]ZF_genome.fa
I have to run this process where lastz filein1stfolder filein2ndfolder [arguments] > outputfile.axt, so that I run every file in the 1st folder against every file in the 2nd folder.
Any sort of output file's naming would serve, as far as it allows for id which particular combination of parent files they came from, and they have extension .axt
This is what I have done so far
for file in /tibet/madzays/finch_data/BF_genome_split/*.fa; do for otherfile in /tibet/madzays/finch_data/ZF_genome_split/*.fa; name="${file##*/}"; othername="${otherfile##*/}"; lastz $file $otherfile --step=19 --hspthresh=2200 --gappedthresh=10000 --ydrop=3400 --inner=2000 --seed=12of19 --format=axt --scores=/tibet/madzays/finch_data/BFvsZFLASTZ/HoxD55.q > /home/madzays/qsub/test/"$name""$othername".axt; done; done

Ad I said in a comment, the inner loop is missing a do keyword (for otherfile in pattern; do <-- right there). Is this in the form of a script file? If so, you should add a shebang as the first line to tell the OS how to run the script. And break it into multiple lines and indent the contents of the loops, to make it easier to read (and easier to spot problems like the missing do).
Off the top of my head, I see one other thing I'd change: the output filenames are going to be pretty ugly, just the two input files mashed together with a ".atx" on the end (along the lines of "BF_genomeac.fa14ZF_genome.fa.axt"). I'd parse the IDs out of the input filenames and then use them to build a more reasonable output filename convention. Something like this
for file in /tibet/madzays/finch_data/BF_genome_split/*.fa; do
for otherfile in /tibet/madzays/finch_data/ZF_genome_split/*.fa; do
tmp="${name#BF_genomea}" # remove filename prefix
id="${tmp%.*}" # remove extension to get the ID
otherid="${othername%ZF_genome.fa}" # just have to remove a suffix here
lastz $file $otherfile --step=19 --hspthresh=2200 --gappedthresh=10000 --ydrop=3400 --inner=2000 --seed=12of19 --format=axt --scores=/tibet/madzays/finch_data/BFvsZFLASTZ/HoxD55.q > "/home/madzays/qsub/test/BF${id}_${otherid}ZF.axt"

The code can nearly directly been translated from your requierements:
for b in {a..s}
for z in {1..37096}
lastz $base/BF_genome_split/${b}.fa $base/ZF_genome_split/${z}.fa --hspthresh=2200 --gappedthresh=10000 --ydrop=3400 --inner=2000 --seed=12of19 --format=axt --scores=$base/BFvsZFLASTZ/HoxD55.q > /home/madzays/qsub/test/${b}-${z}.axt
Note that oneliners easily lead to errors, like missing dos, which are then hard to find from the error message (error in line 1).


BASH Shell Find Multiple Files with Wildcard and Perform Loop with Action

I have a script that I call with an application, I can't run it from command line. I derive the directory where the script is called and in the next variable go up 1 level where my files are stored. From there I have 3 variables with the full path and file names (with wildcard), which I will refer to as "masks".
I need to find and "do something with" (copy/write their names to a new file, whatever else) to each of these masks. The do something part isn't my obstacle as I've done this fine when I'm working with a single mask, but I would like to do it cleanly in a single loop instead of duplicating loop and just referencing each mask separately if possible.
Assume in my $FILESFOLDER directory below that I have 2 existing files, aaa0.csv & bbb0.csv, but no file matching the ccc*.csv mask.
#here as an example I would like to do a loop through $ALLFILES and copy anything that matches to $ARCHIVEFOLDER.
for f in $ALLFILES; do
cp -v "$f" "$ARCHIVEFOLDER" > "$LOGFILE"
echo "$ALLFILES" >> "$LOGFILE"
The thing that really spins my head is when I run something like this (I haven't done it with the copy command in place) that log file at the end shows:
filesfolder/aaa0.csv filesfolder/bbb0.csv filesfolder/ccc*.csv
Where I would expect echoing $ALLFILES just to show me the masks
filesfolder/aaa*.csv filesfolder/bbb*.csv filesfolder/ccc*.csv
In my "do something" area, I need to be able to use whatever method to find the files by their full path/name with the wildcard if at all possible. Sometimes my network is down for maintenance and I don't want to risk failing a change directory. I rarely work in linux (primarily SQL background) so feel free to poke holes in everything I've done wrong. Thanks in advance!
Here's a light refactoring with significantly fewer distracting variables.
folder="$(dirname "$script")"
log="$folder"/log.txt # you would certainly want this in the folder, not $script/log.txt
shopt -s nullglob
for prefix in aaa bbb ccc; do
cp -v "$folder/$prefix"*.csv "$archive" >>"$log" # append, don't overwrite
echo "${all[#]}" >> "$log"
The change in the loop to append the output or cp -v instead of overwrite is a bug fix; otherwise the log would only contain the output from the last loop iteration.
I would probably prefer to have the files echoed from inside the loop as well, one per line, instead of collect them all on one humongous line. Then you can remove the array all and instead simply
printf '%s\n' "$folder/$prefix"*.csv >>"$log"
shopt -s nullglob is a Bash extension (so won't work with sh) which says to discard any wildcard which doesn't match any files (the default behavior is to leave globs unexpanded if they don't match anything). If you want a different solution, perhaps see Test whether a glob has any matches in Bash
You should use lower case for your private variables so I changed that, too. Notice also how the script variable doesn't actually contain a folder name (or "directory" as we adults prefer to call it); fixing that uncovered a bug in your attempt.
If your wildcards are more complex, you might want to create an array for each pattern.
tmpspaces=(/tmp/*\ *)
for file in "${tmpspaces[#]}" "${homequest[#]}"; do
: stuff with "$file", with proper quoting
The only robust way to handle file names which could contain shell metacharacters is to use an array variable; using string variables for file names is notoriously brittle.
Perhaps see also

Randomly shuffling lines in multiple text files but keeping them as separate files using a command or bash script

I have several text files in a directory. All of them unrelated. Words doesn't repeat in each file. Each line has 1 to 3 words in it such as:
potato soup
vitamin D
guinea pig
life is good
I know how to randomize each file:
sort -R file.txt > file-modified.txt
That's great but I want to do this in over 500+ files in a directory and it would take me ages. There must be something better.
I would like to do something like:
Maybe this is possible with an script that go through each file in the directory until finished.
Very important is every file should only randomize the words within itself and do not mix with the other files.
Thank you.
Something like this one-liner:
for file in !(*-modified).txt; do shuf "$file" > "${file%.txt}-modified.txt"; done
Just loop over the files and shuffle each one in turn.
The !(*-modified).txt pattern uses bash's extended pattern matching to not match .txt files that already have -modified at the end of the name so you don't shuffle a pre-existing already shuffled output file and end up with file-modified-modified.txt. Might require a shopt -s extglob first, though that's usually turned on already in an interactive shell session.

Iterating through pairs of files with glob

I'm having a difficult time trying to iterate through a long set of files that I need to pair up to run through some process. I'd like to generate a bit of a batch file, pairing each set of matching files one per line. I've done this kind of thing before when it's a simple replacement (e.g. file1 = something.txt, file2 = something.csv). But in this case, the end of the file string is a random UUID, and I can't figure out how to get bash to properly expand the glob the second file.
Given a directory of files like this:
How can I get a file that looks like:
banana_pre-proc_b101a65a-31c7-5e4f-b433-bac4fb1efc1f.txt banana_proc_a75b3a3e-7140-1cb6-2ad1-c10f7db6743f.txt
cherry_pre-proc_f5d0716f-c205-b0b4-5c63-d33755767de4.txt cherry_proc_025ff6d5-534d-0020-5446-5da3ed04adc6.txt
kiwi_pre-proc_26075f3b-e3a2-fc1a-a741-615cacfc1a7e.txt kiwi_proc_be1760f6-413d-edc0-1efc-a134b1b6bfbb.txt
peach_pre-proc_ecafbb30-3df0-6014-61ee-11d1d5745b53.txt peach_proc_bb3ea3fc-671e-e024-6e61-06a2bc147363.txt
pear_pre-proc_c2db376f-f351-7141-114e-a2ebc3cfc410.txt pear_proc_ccb2f16a-27cd-c70d-7aac-ce72c3af6575.txt
I thought I could do something like
for f in *pre-proc_*txt; do echo "$f" "${f/-pre-proc_/-proc_}"; done
But that doesn't deal with the UUID at the end of the file. I've tried a few other iterations of this strategy too, but none get any closer. What is the trick to doing this? Obviously for a few files like this, I can just manually do it. But, the actual set of files I need to process is quite long and apart from just pulling them all into a text doc and then using some Vim macro or something, I'm a bit baffled as to how to get Bash to expand the glob like I'm intending.
This seems to work:
for preproc in *_pre-proc*; do
echo $preproc $proc
We get a base name by stripping of the _pre_proc<uuid> part, and
then use the base name to find the matching _proc file.
This I think should be sufficient:
printf "%s %s\n" *[-_]proc_*.txt
Glob expansions are sorted and the pairs of files share the same prefix.

Bash scripting print list of files

Its my first time to use BASH scripting and been looking to some tutorials but cant figure out some codes. I just want to list all the files in a folder, but i cant do it.
Heres my code so far.
# My first script
echo "Printing files..."
for f in $FILES
echo "this is $f"
and here is my output..
Printing files...
this is /Bash/sample/*
What is wrong with my code?
You misunderstood what bash means by the word "in". The statement for f in $FILES simply iterates over (space-delimited) words in the string $FILES, whose value is "/Bash/sample" (one word). You seemingly want the files that are "in" the named directory, a spatial metaphor that bash's syntax doesn't assume, so you would have to explicitly tell it to list the files.
for f in `ls $FILES` # illustrates the problem - but don't actually do this (see below)
might do it. This converts the output of the ls command into a string, "in" which there will be one word per file.
NB: this example is to help understand what "in" means but is not a good general solution. It will run into trouble as soon as one of the files has a space in its nameā€”such files will contribute two or more words to the list, each of which taken alone may not be a valid filename. This highlights (a) that you should always take extra steps to program around the whitespace problem in bash and similar shells, and (b) that you should avoid spaces in your own file and directory names, because you'll come across plenty of otherwise useful third-party scripts and utilities that have not made the effort to comply with (a). Unfortunately, proper compliance can often lead to quite obfuscated syntax in bash.
I think problem in path "/Bash/sample/*".
U need change this location to absolute, for example:
Or use relative path, for example:
On most systems this is fully equivalent for:
Where username is your current username, use whoami to see your current username.
Best place for learning Bash:
This should work:
echo "Printing files..."
FILES=(/Bash/sample/*) # create an array.
# Works with filenames containing spaces.
# String variable does not work for that case.
for f in "${FILES[#]}" # iterate over the array.
echo "this is $f"
& you should not parse ls output.
Take a list of your files)
If you want to take list of your files and see them:
ls ###Takes list###
ls -sh ###Takes list + File size###
If you want to send list of files to a file to read and check them later:
ls > FileName.Format ###Takes list and sends them to a file###
ls > FileName.Format ###Takes list with file size and sends them to a file###

method for merging two files, opinion needed

Problem: I have two folders (one is Delta Folder-where the files get updated, and other is Original Folder-where the original files exist). Every time the file updates in Delta Folder I need merge the file from Original folder with updated file from Delta folder.
Note: Though the file names in Delta folder and Original folder are unique, but the content in the files may be different. For example:
$ cat Delta_Folder/
$ cat Original_Folder/
Now, I need to merge Delta_Folder/ with Original_Folder/ so, my updated Original_Folder/ will be:
Solution i opted is:
find all *.properties files in Delta-Folder and save the list to a temp file(delta-files.txt).
find all *.properties files in Original-Folder and save the list to a temp file(original-files.txt)
then i need to get the list of files that are unique in both folders and put those in a loop.
then i need to loop each file to read each line from a property file(
then i need to read each line(delta-line="") from a property file of delta-folder and split the line with a delimiter "=" into two string variables.
(; delta-line-string2=New-Email;)
then i need to read each line( from a property file of orginal-folder and split the line with a delimiter "=" into two string variables.
(; orig-line-string2=Old-Email;)
if delta-line-string1 == orig-line-string1 then update $orig-line with $delta-line
if == then replace in original folder/ with
Once the loop finishes finding all lines in a file, then it goes to next file. The loop continues until it finishes all unique files in a folder.
For looping i used for loops, for splitting line i used awk and for replacing content i used sed.
Over all its working fine, its taking more time(4 mins) to finish each file, because its going into three loops for every line and splitting the line and finding the variable in other file and replace the line.
Wondering if there is any way where i can reduce the loops so that the script executes faster.
With paste and awk :
File 2:
$ cat /tmp/l2
File 1 :
$ cat /tmp/l1
The command + output :
paste /tmp/l2 /tmp/l1 | awk '{print $NF}'
Or with a single awk command if sorting is not important :
awk -F'=' '{arr[$1]=$2}END{for (x in arr) {print x"="arr[x]}}' /tmp/l2 /tmp/l1
I think your two main options are:
Completely reimplement this in a more featureful language, like perl.
While reading the delta file, build up a sed script. For each line of the delta file, you want a sed instruction similar to:
That way you don't loop through the original files a bunch of extra times. Don't forget to escape & / and \ as mentioned in this answer.
Is using a database at all an option here?
Then you would only have to write code for extracting data from the Delta files (assuming that can't be replaced by a database connection).
It just seems like this is going to keep getting more complicated and slower as time goes on.
