Source control terminology? - visual-studio

I store visual studio code using my online developer account at, using Team Foundation Version Control (not Git).
When it comes to accurate wording for documentation and folder structures, how should I best refer to this repositry?
"TFS", "VSTS", "TFVC", "VSTS-TFVC", etc ?
Which correctly describes the type of source control and the location of the repository I'm using?

You can say:
TFVC repository hosted in VSTS.
VSTS is a cloud platform - a set of services. It can host repositories of two types: Git and TFVC. You can host multiple repositories of each kind in any team project of your VSTS account.
Here is a good article about both source control systems: Choosing the right version control for your project.


Use a sharepoint location as common repository to store visual studio project like TFS/Azure DevOps

I am given a sharepoint location from my organization. I have to save my Visual Studio project onto this location and use it as a repository/TFS/AzureDevOps like integration where my team members can access the project, map them to their space and work on the project.
Please help on this
Agree with #Daniel Mann. SharePoint is used to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization. SharePoint isn't designed to be a source control tool for code. Based on my knowledge, it won't integrate with any IDEs, and it does not have customized GUI to manage source control code, etc.
There are many version control tools, like Azure DevOps Services, which can host unlimited free private repos and start free.

What permission give me access to code branches in Azure DevOps?

I don't see the Branches link in Azure DevOps in the Repos menu:
The Azure admin has confirmed that I'm in the Contributor group and I can access branches through Visual Studio Team Services.
I haven't been able to find the setting that will let me manage branches in Azure DevOps /
So dumb... I needed to change this dropdown from the TFVC project in the Azure DevOps header:
To the Git repo:
And now I see options for Branches and Pull Requests in my Repos sub-menu:
According to your screenshot,seems you are using TFVC as your source control. This is the expected behavior.
For TFVC project the option under Repos should be
For Git project the option under Repos should be
You could do some manages in Visual Studio from Source Control Explorer.
Or use tf branch command line to handle this.
The branches menu looks to only be available when you are using Git as your source control system. When you are using TFVC that option is not available. The actual branches are shown under the repository menu structure. It appears you will probably have to use Visual Studio for the branch operations.

Does Visual Studio Team Services have private repository?

Can I create a project on Visual Studio Team Services and hide code files from all the users besides me?
Yes, you can see these settings in Manage Repositories option under Code section:
Please have a look at this as well.
Yes you can. Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server have the concept of Team Projects. These containers can be easily secured. You can have as many Team Projects was you want. By inviting users to your Team Project, you give them access to the artifacts.
Within a Team Project you can create both TFVC (centralized version control) and Git (distributed version control) repositories. You can have one TFVC and as many Git repositories per Team Project as you want. By configuring specific permissions you can control access to a repository.
See Create a new Git repo in your project for more information
Be aware that administrators by default have access to all Team Projects and all code repositories.

One out of two Team Projects not shown in Source Control Explorer

I'm trying to understand how to use TFS/TSA but it's a complete mess. I can't find any complete guides or better explanations than what Microsoft is offering (And I can't understand them).
Why am I unable to see all my projects even when I am the owner of them?
And at my Source Controller Explorer all I see is this.
And what is "Hosted Service Provider" and "Local Git Repositories".
Please explain this to me like I am five years old.
The team projects that you can't see in Source Control Explorer should use Git version control. You can only use Source Control Explorer to browse and work with your codebase under TFVC(Team Foundation version control).
TFS/VSTS supports two types of version control Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). Git is a distributed version control system, and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) is a centralized version control system. Git is the default version control provider for new projects. You should use Git for version control in your projects unless you have a specific need for centralized version control features in TFVC. More details you can refer to
Get Started with Git and Team Services
Use Team Foundation Version Control

Share source between TFS & Codeplex TFS

I am wanting to use to link work-items and user stories to source control check-ins for a current project of mine that is hosted on Codeplex.
The project is an open source project and has been hosted on Codeplex for several years. Now that I am doing a re-write, I am wanting to use an Agile process, creating user stories and building it in sprints, while I develop the app. The issue is that Codeplex's hosted TFS does not support this, while Visual Studio online does.
Visual Studio online is geared more towards closed-source projects with team members. It's offered for free, so I'm a bit bummed that they didn't open it up to support Open Source projects. Is there a way for me to have Visual Studio online host my source, and when I am ready to distribute a build, merge my branch in to Codeplex? I assume something along these lines is possible as the Prism team seems to do this with their releases. Since I don't have control over either TFS though, I'm not sure if external parties can do this or not.
If you use git on both projects (you can ask the Codeplex team to convert your project for you) then you can simply set up your git repo with two remotes.
Do you work locally and push to the main VSO git repo whenever you wish. When you've made enough changes that you want to push to Codeplex, just do a separate push to that remote and it'll be good to go.
If you're using TFVC on both then you're out of luck, unless you want to mess with the TFS Integration Platform (which I wouldn't recommend)
