What permission give me access to code branches in Azure DevOps? - visual-studio

I don't see the Branches link in Azure DevOps in the Repos menu:
The Azure admin has confirmed that I'm in the Contributor group and I can access branches through Visual Studio Team Services.
I haven't been able to find the setting that will let me manage branches in Azure DevOps / visualstudio.com.
So dumb... I needed to change this dropdown from the TFVC project in the Azure DevOps header:
To the Git repo:
And now I see options for Branches and Pull Requests in my Repos sub-menu:

According to your screenshot,seems you are using TFVC as your source control. This is the expected behavior.
For TFVC project the option under Repos should be
For Git project the option under Repos should be
You could do some manages in Visual Studio from Source Control Explorer.
Or use tf branch command line to handle this.

The branches menu looks to only be available when you are using Git as your source control system. When you are using TFVC that option is not available. The actual branches are shown under the repository menu structure. It appears you will probably have to use Visual Studio for the branch operations.


Communication with TFS from client project

I have client project (angular) that hosted on tfs.
In Solution explorer in Visual Studio window I don't see any indication showing connection to tfs.
Is there a way to see an indication of the tfs in such a project?
For different source control, there is different indication.
If you are using TFVC. In the front of your project, there should be a lock icon which indicate the project file already in TFS Server.
If you are using Git. You could find this info in the status bar.
2 shows the number of unpublished commits in your local branch. Selecting this opens the Synchronization view in Team Explorer.
3 shows the number of uncommitted file changes. Selecting this opens the Changes view in Team Explorer.
FabrikamFiberWeb shows the current Git repo. Selecting this opens the Connect view in Team Explorer.
master shows your current Git branch. Selecting this displays a branch picker to quickly switch between Git branches or create new
If you don't see any icons such as 2 or 3, ensure that you have a project open that is part of a Git repo. If your project is brand new or not yet added to a repo, you can add it to one by selecting on the status bar, or by right-clicking your solution in Solution Explorer and choosing Add Solution to Source Control.
More details about how to use Visual Studio and Azure DevOps Git Repo please refer this official tutorial--Share your code with Visual Studio 2017 and Azure Repos Git.
The solution is to add the project folder to a new project template: Blank Azure Node.js Web Application.

Source control terminology?

I store visual studio code using my online developer account at https://mycode.visualstudio.com/, using Team Foundation Version Control (not Git).
When it comes to accurate wording for documentation and folder structures, how should I best refer to this repositry?
"TFS", "VSTS", "TFVC", "VSTS-TFVC", etc ?
Which correctly describes the type of source control and the location of the repository I'm using?
You can say:
TFVC repository hosted in VSTS.
VSTS is a cloud platform - a set of services. It can host repositories of two types: Git and TFVC. You can host multiple repositories of each kind in any team project of your VSTS account.
Here is a good article about both source control systems: Choosing the right version control for your project.

Does Visual Studio Team Services have private repository?

Can I create a project on Visual Studio Team Services and hide code files from all the users besides me?
Yes, you can see these settings in Manage Repositories option under Code section:
Please have a look at this as well.
Yes you can. Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server have the concept of Team Projects. These containers can be easily secured. You can have as many Team Projects was you want. By inviting users to your Team Project, you give them access to the artifacts.
Within a Team Project you can create both TFVC (centralized version control) and Git (distributed version control) repositories. You can have one TFVC and as many Git repositories per Team Project as you want. By configuring specific permissions you can control access to a repository.
See Create a new Git repo in your project for more information
Be aware that administrators by default have access to all Team Projects and all code repositories.

Configure Git Source Control Provider For Development Team

I'm totaly newbie to Source Control idea, so please be kind.
My situation is that we are a development team which contains 2 developers and 1 designer.
We use Visual Studio 2010 and we need to use a Git as a Source Control.
I've installed Git Source Control Provider and GitExtensions using Extensions Manager on all machines.
But there is only one thing I don't get it, how can I configure every Git on every machine to find a central repositry where we can Push and Update all work in one place?
Does that mean everyone will take a copy of a solution into his own machine (Locally) and configure Git to a repositry OR are we going to run on the same solution?
Honestly, I have not found articles regarding this issue and how teams on same project on Visual Studio 2010?
Git is distributed version control system means that whenever you clone a repository you can work on your copy and commit too. Once you done you can push the commits to remote repository.

Uploading project to GitHub from Visual Studio 2010

I have a GitHub account.
I have a Visual Studio 2010 with Git Extensions and Git Source Control provider installed.
I have created a clean project. How do I upload it to GitHub?
P.S. A tutorial on this particular topic would be fine.
In order to upload a Visual Studio Project to GitHub one needs to perform a push operation in GitExtension commit dialog.
Basically syncing the project with GitHub server is called "push"ing in Git terminology.
In order to be able to push, one needs to do the following:
Create a local repository. This is covered in detail by both GitHub and GitExtensions manual.
Create a repository online from GitHub account. This is covered in detail by GitHub help.
Map a local repository to an online one. This requires going to Manage Remotes dialog of GitExtensions (accessed via Git->Manage Remotes menu item in Visual Studio main menu) and saving a new instance of a remote repo.
Then, at commit, choose to "Commit & push", and point push to a remote repo created in step 3.
Create a new repository in your github account. It will give you the step by step instructions for you.
