Visual Studio Installer Download Stops at 5MB - visual-studio

I am running Windows 7 with the Service Package using Visual Studio 2017.
Anything that I try to install using Visual Studio Installer just stops downloading once it reaches 5MB and the error message will disappear too quickly for me to read it. I am not an Administrator.
A few suggestions I have searched have told me to look through a 'Certificates' folder but I do not seem to have this folder in my program files. Any help appreciated!

I had an administrator come to my computer and run the installer, and it worked just fine.


unable to uninstall/repare/modify visual studio 2013 getting vs2013 has stopped working error

Today i am trying to uninstall visual studio 2013 on my windows 7 PC when ever i click on change option in programs and features it goes to visual studio stopped working error window i even tried with the setup file as well its same with that as well tried the total uninstaller mentioned # Still no luck
tried Revo Uninstaller as well its of no use
I tried disabling .Net Framework 3.5 no go uninstalled 4.5 no go re enabled 3.5 no go
So now i want to uninstall the VS2013 but have no idea how to do it
any help would be appreciated
Try to download this tool from here.
Perform these steps to complete uninstall Visual Studio:
Extract .zip file
Open an administrator command prompt
Execute Setup.ForcedUninstall.exe
Type 'Y' to uninstall

Visual Studio Remote Debugger Failed to Start

I recently installed Visual Studio 2017 on my laptop (running Windows 10). I have a C++ project using the OpenCV and Eigen libraries, and it seems to compile correctly, but when I try to run the Local Windows Debugger, I get an error message that says:
Visual Studio Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. If this problem persists, please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel
I ran the Repair tool it suggested, with no luck. I also checked for a solution online, and came across a support page (Link). I tried turning off my anti-virus and firewall as per the suggestions on the support page, but that didn't get rid of the error message. My laptop is brand new, and I just installed Visual Studio and the Remote Debugger, so I don't think it would be the case that the version of the Remote Debugger doesn't match with that of Visual Studio. All of the other suggestions are for people doing remote debugging, but I'm doing a local debug.
Any help/suggestions on resolving this issue would be appreciated.
Firstly close the Visual Studio.
Goto AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio and select version (Ex: VS 2015 has 14.0 folder).
Then delete ComponentModelCache folder.
Start the Visual Studio.
Find what's preventing msvsmon.exe from running.
I encountered this error in Visual Studio 2019 while trying to start debugging a .net 5 console application. I tried to run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe and found that User Access Control dialog opens and is asking to run it as an administrator. So two solutions were possible for me, either run VS2019 as Administrator or remove the Run this program as an administrator setting for msvsmon.exe.

How can I fix PreEmptive Dotfuscator (VS2013)?

I have Visual Studio 2013 which included "PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics".
It's always worked fine for me until recently.
Suddenly it will not open from Visual Studio, icon or commandline.
Even when I manually open it, it does not show up in the task manager.
It simply does nothing.
There's nothing in the Event Viewer logs.
Visual Studio shows no error.
Basically, I can't even begin to find the problem.
I tried to find a download to attempt to reinstall it but all I've seen on the website for this version is that it's included in VS2013.
There's other sites in search results which claim to have the installer but none I trust.
Has anyone had this issue in the past?
It's Visual Studio 2013 Professional on Windows 8.1.
I'm not sure how to address this so I would greatly appreciate any possible input.
Thanks in advance!
You can try uninstalling, wiping the settings, and reinstalling. Dotfuscator Community Edition is uninstallable via the Windows control panel. Once uninstalled, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\PreEmptive Solutions. You may be able to reinstall it as a component via the Visual Studio installer. If not, it is actually a standalone installer, so if you have a Visual Studio disc or .iso, it will be in \packages\Dotfuscator.

Visual Studio 2013 Issue: Installation got stuck on android SDK

I am trying to install Multi-Device Hybrid Apps extension on Visual Studio 2013 (Ultimate). But Installation got stuck when Android SDK being install. I have waited for 2 to 3 hours but it stuck there. I have cancelled the process and tried again but same issue.
Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
Thank you
I had a similar problem for Visual Studio 2015 RC1. The Android images take a long time to download, especially if you are downloading other things on the same network and have slow internet.
I found the AndroidSDK_SI.log file in %temp% and it shows it was actually still downloading even after 3 hours!
I believe the installer really needs to show better feedback. It seemed like the installer was hung, but it was actually downloading very slowly. Something as dirty as an option to read the currently running log file being in a text box would even help.
You can also kill the SecondaryInstaller.exe in Task Manager to stop the Android SDK sub-installer. You can then try fix it yourself or Repair Visual Studio if the install continues and completes.
Repair is available by right clicking on Visual Studio in the Microsoft Windows "Programs and Features" control panel section and clicking "Change". This will bring up a Visual Studio dialog where you can Modify or Repair the install.

Visual studio 2013 installation issue: not running installer

I'm struggling on an installation problem with visual studio ultimate 2013: after the download of the web installer I tried to open it but the installer started just for a split second and than it went away, I tried with the iso, same story, tried to repair the .net framework but nothing's changed, I also made an attempt running as administrator but even that didn't work.
Do you have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
