How to install Typo3 in Windows 10 with XAMPP? - windows

I have installed XAMPP in Windows, It is working perfectly. but when I installed Typo3 version 8 and it Showed some errors
PHP OpenSSL extension not working.
PHP extension soap not loaded.
Current directory is not within in the current path.
Low PHP Script Execution Time.
PHP max_input_vars very low.
Windows apache thread stack size.
But I can't able to fix the following:
PHP OpenSSL extension not working.
PHP extension soap not loaded.
Current directory is not within in the current path.
Windows apache thread stack size.
What should I do?
Thank you

Here is the full configuration for the Apache On windows server. This working fine with my windows 10 with SSL.
<script src=""></script>
Hope this will work for you.

The errors above are not something you have to worry about.
You don't need openSSL for development, it is working without soap (maybe this is used by TER), you have to paste all typo3 src in root path because windows doesn't support symlinks.
But if you want to make all things work you have to use vagrant or docker.
Vagrant requires VirtualBox or other Virtual machine tool.
But docker has a boilerplate ready to use:


Curl Module not loading on UWAMP and Windows 10?

So I'm trying to install vanilla forums with Uwamp, PHP 7.2.7 and apparently al the extensions enabled, still the installer prompts that Curl isn't enabled. It's ok in php.ini and the dll is in the proper folder, What might be happening?
Restarting Apache or even my computer does have no effect at all.

Error in configuring ffmpeg in Windows 8 , 5.3 PHP

I am trying to configure ffmpeg using this tutorial -
but after I had done initial configuration, it is throwing error.
I copied php_ffmpeg.dll in ext folder also added it in php.ini file extension=php_ffmpeg.dll
copied other files to system32 folder. but it is throwing error while restarting apache. it is throwing below errow
httpd.exe - System Error
The program can't start because avcodec-52.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I can see that above tutorial was for PHP 5.4 and above so I found this tutorial
this is for PHP 5.3 but still it seems to show same error for me
I cant understand what went wrong can some help me please.
In the guide you are looking at it says that you need PHP 5.4 or higher. You should first have installed PHP 5.4 and then to download the files from this link and place php_ffmpeg.dll in C:/xampp/php/ext and the rest of the files in C:/windows/system32.
Also, if you are on 64-bit system try to add the files that you placed in C:/windows/system32 to be in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 too.
Then go to your Xampp Services, and click on stop Apache. When its stopped, then click start again and it should work.

Symfony2 and Assetics : symlink on Windows 7?

I'm having a hard time using assetics to load resources in my views (I work with Symfony2).
I was working on Linux (Ubuntu 10.4) and switched to Windows 7 a few days ago. I've always been having trouble (some images didn't load for example), but at least most images, and all styles and scripts were loading alright.
When I switched to Windows, some resources weren't loading, so I tried a php app/console assets:install web --symlink
I was quite surprised to see that it had deleted the whole public folder of the bundle I was working on. And there was no way to find the sources again (fortunately, I had saved some of them, and I was able to retrieve most of my work thanks to cached files).
After I've recovered my files (and backed them up), I tried to command again. Same result. I tried without the --symlink and it created some folders in the web/bundle folder, instead of files that were there before (supposedly, the symlinks).
Now the command doesn't even answer anymore (it has been erasing my sources even in some of my backup folders!!).
Bottom-line : is there a way to configure assetics on Windows 7 so that it doesn't eat my files and loads the resources (including images in css) correctly?
Thanks in advance!
Edit :
I just ran the command again and this time it worked (copied the files in web/bundle/...). I must say I don't really understand how or why it worked this time... If by chance anyone knows...
In order to run assets:install web --symlink on a PC you need an elevated command prompt (fancy word for cmd.exe in Administrator mode).
Symfony2 uses the PHP symlink function, according to the docs it should work for Windows Vista, Server 2008 or greater.
By default only Administrators can create symlinks in Windows. So you'll have to use an elevated prompt or give your user the SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege privilege.
You can do it with windows console, but Git Bash is much nicer. Get it and download. Ps. If you never used git before this is the right time to start. :)
When you installed it search in windows programs for git bash and right click it to run as administrator. If you have Git bash opened from the right click in the current folder "git bash here" it wont work because it is not launched by default in administrator mode. If you done this you get this warning.
app/console assets:install web --symlink
Warnings. Hard copy where used instead of symlinks.
However if you play nice and do it as i said. (run as administrator.. you will get everything work nice and smooth.
app/console assets:install web --symlink
Symlinks where created! :) Now you don't need to assets:install every time you made changes to your css files.
Ps. git bash console is nicer then native windows console but... for example Unix system such as Ubuntu would look even better. Also Symfony on Windows with Xamp will run much slower than on Linux Ubuntu system. I am talking about 5x to 20x faster page response on Linux.
You can use configure the composer.json and use forever without any problems,puting in it --symlink.Here is how you can do it.
You can add this configuration option in your composer.json:
"extra": {
"symfony-assets-install" : "symlink",

Glassfish v3 Mac

I have trouble launching Glassfish v3 on Mac
In Windows, after installation of Glassfish v3 Shortcuts for Starting and Stopping server are added to Start Menu
In Mac how do I start the server? I tried executing ./asadmin start-domain domain1
but it gives me an error for missing .xml files
Any sort of help is appreciated,
Thank you
You don't mention how you installed, but it sounds like the install didn't complete correctly.
I start Glassfish on my Mac every day with
./asadmin start-domain
in the bin directory of the install home. Note that if you don't specify the domain, it uses domain1 as the default.
Try using the Unix installer, it's a self-extracting shell program - b69 is the latest for v3. After a complete install, it should work fine. The usual caveats (make sure you have enough diskspace, etc) apply.

loaded php.ini file doesn't 'work'

The php.ini file that is loaded (checked through phpinfo) does not seem to have any effect when I change something (after restarting apache). I'm using vista for this (please no answers about use linux, I use that too, I want to have it work on vista also).
edit: version 5.3 VC6 x86 Thread Safe, apache 2.2
edit2: version 5.2.10 VC6 x86 Thread Safe works normal
call phpinfo() function or in CLI php -i
and check "Loaded Configuration File" to see exact php.ini file loaded
Are you sure that the php.ini file is placed in the correct place? Are you using IIS with PHP or just apache?
You could try to reinstall the webserver.
There could be multiple php.ini. In the case of XAMPP, there is one at "U:\xampp\php\" and one in "U:\xampp\apache\bin". The former is for PHP CLI.
