about spring Bean Factory Post Processors - spring

How to configure BeanFactoryPostProcessors (like PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer) in 100 percent code based Spring environment without using xml file?
i have configured through xml by using context:property-placeholder tag but when it comes to 100 percent code approach i want to eliminate xml file so i configured user defined class using stereotype annotation and i linked them with Configuration class by using #ComponentScan but i dont know how to configure this BeanFactoryPostProcessors.So this is my doubt.


Using #ConfigurationProperties statically - such as on #RequestMapping

Let's ignore for a moment whether doing this is a great idea, but I'm creating Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for an internal library and as part of this I want to auto-register a Controller that accepts GET/POST/DELETE requests (it is responsible for setting/clearing a cookie value for application testing purposes)
The issue is that I would like the request mapping path to be configurable by the end user. I have a #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.configs") class that contains all the configuration values with their defaults for example: private String path = "default-path"
Ideally i'd be able to reference this in my controller like so: #RequestMapping(path=${my.configs.path}) but this does not work, Spring reports that it is unable to find that configuration parameter, if I place it into a properties file instead of into a the type-safe #ConfigurationProperties it works as expected.
I know I could get around this by putting a default value into the Request mapping, but I'd like to understand just what is happening here, and why I cannot statically refer environment variables read / defaulted into #ConfigurationProperties in the way that I can those defined in files.
#RequestMapping is a Spring MVC annotation and it gets processed by Spring MVC - no matter if it is all wrapped in Spring Boot app or not.
#ConfiguationProperties is on the other hand 100% Spring Boot code and to my knowledge both types of properties are processed at different moments during Spring Context startup lifecycle.

<context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan>

I was going through some of the Spring documentation and from there I got to know that <context:annotation-config> is subset of <context:component-scan>, which means that what we can achieve with the help of the <context:annotation-config> , we can achieve the same using the <context:component-scan> with some add on functionality (i.e, scanning the specified basePackage for any defined component). So my question is what are the uses of these two?
in simple words: annotation-config: Annotation config main job is to activate all the annotations that are present in java beans and those are already registered either by defining in your application context file or being registered while component scanning. Important point is they need to be registered.
component-scan: Component scan can do everything that annotation config does,in addition to it,it also registers the java classes as spring bean those are annotated with #Component , #Service ,#Repository etc.

Configuring Spring dynamic language bean through annotation

I am using the dynamic language support in spring for Groovy to setup a groovy class that implements one of my interfaces in a .groovy file. In the spring docs the recommended approach to configure a dynamic language bean is in the XML as follows:
<lang:groovy id="messenger" script-source="classpath:Messenger.groovy">
<lang:property name="message" value="I Can Do The Frug" />
I can get this to work, but I was wondering is there a way to configure a dynamic language bean through annotation instead of through XML. The scenario I am thinking of is if I created a new class implementation for an interface that is currently not configured in the XML. I would have to stop the container in order to add the entry to the spring XML. This defeats the purpose of dynamic language support in that I want to be able to hot deploy the new service implementation.
So, my question is, is there an equivalent annotation approach to configure lang:groovy as shown above in XML that I can include in my .groovy file or elsewhere that will force spring to scan and compile the .groovy file?

create beans with annotation spring

In struts2 i almost did not use any xml configs and used much of annotations for MVC. I build a small application in that way using struts2. Now i want to develop same project using spring 3.2. Now i want to use annotation to create beans and request mapping (this i used). I want a clear example of using bean annotations and is it possible to set properties using annotations. I am getting confused because the documentation is too large, and many annotations. providing a simple list of annotations and their usage with simple example will be a great help.
Iam doing sample project on Spring 3.1.
I have used some annotations to create beans.Below are the annotations i have used.
#Component - Annotation used to create a bean given by Spring
JSR Annotations: #Controller,#Repository, #Service
If you are annotating your class with above annotations Spring Container will create beans for you.
Your properties will be set with help of #Autowired annotation.

integrating spring 2.5.6 and Struts 1.3.8

I want to clear some moments about integrating spring and struts. I have only one action class per application extended from MappingDispatchAction. So, actually my app when doing something uses not Action objects, but methods from my action. All I want from spring is to initialize this action and all for now. Just simply set DAO object. I looked through documentation, but I don't understand following:
We use action path from struts-config.xml as a name of bean in action-servlet.xml. Okay, but am I supposed to write beans in action-servlet.xml for every path name and set this poor DAO ref or what ?
The Struts 1 config file will use the DelegatingActionProxy class as the type attribute for all action configurations.
The Spring config file will contain the bean definitions of each action implementation. I don't know what DAO you're talking about, but actions that require DAO or service injection need to have them listed, yes--that's what Spring configuration is.
You may also be able to use annotations if you're not interested in using XML configuration, or use bean inheritance if many beans share the same DAO/service/etc. property values.
