Using #ConfigurationProperties statically - such as on #RequestMapping - spring

Let's ignore for a moment whether doing this is a great idea, but I'm creating Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for an internal library and as part of this I want to auto-register a Controller that accepts GET/POST/DELETE requests (it is responsible for setting/clearing a cookie value for application testing purposes)
The issue is that I would like the request mapping path to be configurable by the end user. I have a #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.configs") class that contains all the configuration values with their defaults for example: private String path = "default-path"
Ideally i'd be able to reference this in my controller like so: #RequestMapping(path=${my.configs.path}) but this does not work, Spring reports that it is unable to find that configuration parameter, if I place it into a properties file instead of into a the type-safe #ConfigurationProperties it works as expected.
I know I could get around this by putting a default value into the Request mapping, but I'd like to understand just what is happening here, and why I cannot statically refer environment variables read / defaulted into #ConfigurationProperties in the way that I can those defined in files.

#RequestMapping is a Spring MVC annotation and it gets processed by Spring MVC - no matter if it is all wrapped in Spring Boot app or not.
#ConfiguationProperties is on the other hand 100% Spring Boot code and to my knowledge both types of properties are processed at different moments during Spring Context startup lifecycle.


How to load PropertySources sooner in Spring Boot

I have currently a problem in my DEV environment. I have for Spring Security two configurations, one for the Admin part of my application and the other for the rest of the user. For the admin part, I create one or another depending on beans decorated with a Conditional annotation. This conditionals rely on some property that is loaded from a class that is annotated with #PropertySource and this is important, this property I cannot set it neither in nor application-<environment>.properties. The problem comes that when these conditionals are evaluated because are spring security classes, the properties that are expected to perform such evaluation are not available, they come in a later stage, when Spring boot do some refresh context. My question is how I can do it do this class annotated with #Configuration #PropertySources to be loaded much sooner, right after the Profile is processed.
Thanks in advance.

Spring Boot - Load bean only if it is enabled by a property

I have a Spring Boot application with different submodules which also contains spring components.
And in the main web modules I use 70% of the beans from the submodules. It depends on the application.yml properties, if the property group (which points to a bean) is enabled or not.
First I wanted to create Aspect-s, so when a method of a bean (which is not enabled by it's property) is called, then throw an exception. This solution could work, but then I would need to create Aspect classes, method annotations, import more and more dependencies.
So I am just wondering, would be there any other easier solution to disable a bean, or do not load at all to the spring boot container?
I would imagine something like #DependsOn, but for this you need to give a name of a bean name, but you cannot use this annotation to work with yml property.
Other easy solution is to #Bean or #Import every bean I want to managed by spring container, instead of #Import everything once from submodules, but then it is a static setting, cannot be overwrite by a single property from yml.
Spring introduced the concept of conditionals quite some time ago. Spring Boot uses this to a great extend to conditionally enable features. It even created a lot of conditional rules which you can use.
One of those rules is the conditional on a property rule. To use this rule add an #ConditionalOnProperty annotation to your bean. Now it will only be included if said property is enabled or has the specific value.

Spring mvc : Access properties file value in controller without #Value

I have a properties file for messages in my Spring application.I want to access these value directly in controller.How can i do this ?.
Note: I don't want to use #Value annotation to store data in another variable.
You can reference this question and answer regarding accessing files directly within controller.
It is what i used to implement mine.
Accessing multiple property files with #PropertyResource in spring
As M.Deinum suggested already, you should have a MessageSource bean definition if the purpose of the properties file is to externalize messages. A message source is automatically picked by the application context, meaning it is available for injection in every other bean. You can autowire it for example in your controller:
private MessageSource messageSource;
and then use its methods to access any message in any locale

Displaying spring #controller provided rest services in a jsp file

I currently have a group of rest services provided by Spring 3.1.0 #Controller and wondered if there was any way that I could easily provide a list of the services (links to the restful services) in my index.jsp file. I know reflection is an option but thought spring may have a way to see the services provided by #Controller and allow me to display them.
Depending on the specific implementation of the HandlerMapping interface that your DispatcherServlet is using, you may be able to figure it out from there.
For example, if you are using the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping, there is a method present called getUrlMap(), which returns a map of the url path mappings.
What nicholas is pointing out is that there are different ways to maps requests. You've to check which HandlerMapping you're using exactly and then see how to get the mapping information it stores via class getters.
Here is an example for Spring MVC 3.1 #Controllers:

integrating spring 2.5.6 and Struts 1.3.8

I want to clear some moments about integrating spring and struts. I have only one action class per application extended from MappingDispatchAction. So, actually my app when doing something uses not Action objects, but methods from my action. All I want from spring is to initialize this action and all for now. Just simply set DAO object. I looked through documentation, but I don't understand following:
We use action path from struts-config.xml as a name of bean in action-servlet.xml. Okay, but am I supposed to write beans in action-servlet.xml for every path name and set this poor DAO ref or what ?
The Struts 1 config file will use the DelegatingActionProxy class as the type attribute for all action configurations.
The Spring config file will contain the bean definitions of each action implementation. I don't know what DAO you're talking about, but actions that require DAO or service injection need to have them listed, yes--that's what Spring configuration is.
You may also be able to use annotations if you're not interested in using XML configuration, or use bean inheritance if many beans share the same DAO/service/etc. property values.
