Intellij Community version can not add ruby SDK - ruby

I want to open a ruby project in Intellij.
After opened the project. It is not recognized as a ruby project. Because project SDK is not set. My first problem is I can not add ruby sdk into droplist of candidat project SDKs.
no place not add ruby sdk into project sdks
Does any one have any idea on how to solve this problem ? Thanks

IntelliJ IDEA Community has no support for Ruby.
You either need RubyMine IDE or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate version with the Ruby plug-in installed.


Xamarin forms build success but deploy failed

I receive this warning when ever I try to deploy my Xamarin.Froms app to any device or emulator. Also the deploy fails without any errors. I cannot run my app. Can Any one please help me?
The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms.Platform.dll (vv8.0)
is greater than the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for your project (v7.1).
You need to increase the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for your
project. App2.Android C:\Users\subas\source\repos\App2\App2\App2.Android\App2.Android.csproj
Right now JDK9 and the Android SDK tools are not compatible with each other - thus Xamarin.Android does not work with JDK9.
Run the following to see the version of java you have installed:
java -version
If it reports something along the lines of java version "9.0.4" you have JDK9.
Specifically there's an issue with the apksigner. It's not using the -classpath switch that the JDK expects.
Easiest way to fix is to install the JDK8 and make sure your PATH is pointed at it.
This documentation gives a solid overview.
Sounds like the target Android framework in the project needs to be updated to point to the latest version of Android.
First - make sure you have the latest Android SDKs installed. Here's some documentation on that.
Once you have the latest - here is how to make sure you're targeting the latest - depending on the IDE you're using:
Visual Studio Mac
In the solution explorer, right click the Android project and select options.
Under the Build -> General node - select "Use latest installed platform" from the Target Framework dropdown.
Save everything, close the solution, restart VS-Mac
Visual Studio
Right click the Android project in the solution explorer and select properties
Under the Application node, select Use Latest Platform from the Compile Using Android Version dropdown.
Save everything, close the solution, restart Visual Studio

Intellij IDEA 2016.3 Ruby SDK and Gems not shown in Settings

I have new Intellij IDEA 2016.3 installed and just wanted to configure a Ruby SDK for my project. I have installed Ruby Plugin (editor support works as expected) but I cannot find a menu in Settings for "Ruby SDK and Gems" (as I know this from RubyMine that I had before). Shift+Ctrl+A does not deliver any other places for that. Have I overseen something?
The UI for configuring the Ruby SDK is different between RubyMine and the IntelliJ IDEA Ruby plugin. To configure a Ruby SDK in IntelliJ IDEA, you need to go to the Project Structure dialog, select the SDKs page, press the + button and select the Ruby SDK type from the popup.

Deployment Error in Xamarin

I have started getting the following error after I have updated my java. I could not able to find a way to fix it. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Xamarin Android Player.
By the way, I have deleted jdk1.6.9 already but it still pointing the same directory.
But I checked the Xamarin options (Tools-->Options-->Xamarin --> Android), it points to jdk1.7
Xamarin doesn't work properly when you have installed two version of java .
Uninstall one version and try just with on of them .
There's a conflict in the version of java that the visual studio xamarin is fetching.
After Adding the path in Tools-->Options-->Xamarin --> Android
Also check path set in your environment variables in My Computer properties,
Set the same path till bin folder as for JAVA_HOME
it also causes this error.
thank you for bring up this question.
You must uninstall a version of java that not compatible with your android SDK.its better that install java and android SDK and NDK and also xamarin for visual studio manually(do not install with visual studio install file).i promis you that this problem and a lot of problem like it is solved when we setup dependency of xamarin manually .finaly i said this that i can catch all output of xamarin project in all platforms,simulators and real devices.
Uninstall jdk which is pointed to that path from Tools -> Options -> Xamarin and then re install it and update environment variables and then set its jdk path in xamarin.

Using firebreath plugin on Mac

I have developed a test plugin using FireBreath on Visual Studio 2010. I could make it work on windows by registering the output dll...
Now I would like to check whether this plugin works on Mac. I have no idea about this..
Do I need to create plugin for Mac using XCode or I can use the same dll?
Any of your help is much appreciated.. This question may seem to be silly to some of you. But I am new to C++ and plugin...
a DLL is windows-only. To build a plugin on Mac, you need xcode installed on your mac, the firebreath codebase, and the project directory (not the build/ directory) for your plugin.
Then follow the instructions on Building on Mac OS on the firebreath website.

How to write Xcode plugins?

Where can I find resource on how to write Xcode plugins? I don't want to write macros and project templates, but plugins that extend the IDE functionality like the ones that can be developed for Visual Studio - capable of displaying in their own window and accessing Xcode project data.
See following:
Xcode does not have a public plug-in API.
maybe more up-to-date:
found via Regexident's answer on Xcode 4 plugin development
You can install Alcatraz
And then open XCode -> Windows -> Package manager, search XCode plugin in Template tab.
Then you can start a new project with XCode plugin template in OSX category.
