How to implement Zipkin in vert.x - spring-boot

I want to implement Zipkin and Sleuth on vert.x application. I have Zipkin server application with Spring Boot and Spring Boot Services and its okay. I have added dependencies and setup them in and its working good. But I have one vert.x application and I have found it difficult to implement the Zipkin there. I have searched but I did not found some good example on how to implement it on vert.x application. So, what I need to do to implement the Zipkin in the vert.x application?


Zipkin and Sleuth integration for non spring boot projects

Can anyone tell me, is there any way to integrate Zipkin (if possible Sleuth also) for non-spring boot projects?
I am trying to integrate Zipkin for my traditional spring application. It is not a microservice. How could I do this? Any suggestions, please?
You should use e.g. openzipkin Brave project or Opentelemetry projects directly. Sleuth works only with boot based projects

Spring Cloud Data Flow - can it be used without spring boot?

Can Spring Cloud Data Flow be used in Spring5 applications - NOT Spring Boot - my current employer seems to view Spring Boot applications as insecure (I've no idea why) in anyway I'd like to try use this stack for an integration project, so is it possible to use it without Spring Boot?
With Spring Cloud Data Flow you can deploy streams, tasks and batches.
This is all based on Spring, Spring Cloud and Spring Boot. Spring Boot is nothing else as a preconfigured Spring stack.
Spring Data Flow is a runitme that usually needs a cloud infrastructure like Kubernets.
I'm not sure if you really are looking for that or more for something like

How we can integrate Springboot 2.x with Zuul 2

We have a springboot application which is currently having gateway as Zuul 1. Our application is running in Springboot 2.0.0.M2. We are trying to upgrade our Zuul gateway to Zuul 2. We created a springboot application with Zuul 2 dependency and added webflux dependency to get Netty server. The server starts fine, but we are still unclear that how the springboot application will understand that this is a gateway and filters needs to be executed. Although we have created Routes filter, but the same is not getting invoked.
Thanks in advance,
if you go through the video "" at 18:00 from spring developers. They clearly stated that zuul2 is not going to be supported by the spring ecosystem. Also, the replacement of zuul2 (non-blocking calls) is a spring cloud gateway which is also non-blocking calls.

Grails 2.4 application as Spring cloud microservice

We want to integrate legacy grails 2.4 and java7 application to our microservices infrastructure. We use spring cloud netflix, Camden.SR4 release and java8 in microservices setup. We use zuul, eureka, config service.
I know that with grails 3 this task is relatively easy, but currently we cant do that.
The biggest question is how can I register grails 2.4 app in Eureka.
Also, we don't want to use sidecar at the moment.
Spring Cloud requires Spring Boot. There's nothing keeping you from using the netflix eureka libraries directly.

How to configure TLS for Netty in a Spring Boot app?

My microservices are using the latest releases of Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux (Undertow), Spring Data MongoDB, Spring Cloud Netflix, and Kotlin...
Now I've setup a demo project to use the new functional interface instead of the annotations in Spring WebFlux. Using Netty with HTTP works fine. However, I cannot find any information how to configure Netty with TLS resp. HTTPS. Any hint is appreciated!
At the time of writing, configuration of TLS with Netty hasn't been implemented. The work is being tracked by this issue.
