Spring Cloud Data Flow - can it be used without spring boot? - spring

Can Spring Cloud Data Flow be used in Spring5 applications - NOT Spring Boot - my current employer seems to view Spring Boot applications as insecure (I've no idea why) in anyway I'd like to try use this stack for an integration project, so is it possible to use it without Spring Boot?

With Spring Cloud Data Flow you can deploy streams, tasks and batches.
This is all based on Spring, Spring Cloud and Spring Boot. Spring Boot is nothing else as a preconfigured Spring stack.
Spring Data Flow is a runitme that usually needs a cloud infrastructure like Kubernets.
I'm not sure if you really are looking for that or more for something like https://spring.io/projects/spring-integration


Can Spring Cloud Stream work with Spring Cloud Kubernetes?

I haven't seen any example of combining the two, even though it makes sense they'll work together (because of being both subprojects of Spring Cloud). I want to use Spring Cloud Stream (Reactive Processing) for reading from Kafka and writing to MongoDB with the Reactive Mongo driver. Can I use Spring Cloud Config and Spring Cloud Kubernetes for a remote git configuration server, even though the application is an event-driven application and not a requests-based API?
It's pretty unclear how to plug these Kubernetes and config projects into Spring Cloud Stream, and in general, it's unclear to me if all of the other Spring Cloud projects can work with Spring Cloud Stream reactively. For instance, I couldn't also find a reference for using Spring Cloud Sleuth & Zipkin with Spring Cloud Stream. Can someone make it clearer for me and reference code examples if exists?

Spring Boot Confusion (using spring cloud dependency in spring boot framework)

I am new to spring framework. I have a confusion regarding spring boot and spring cloud.
I used https://start.spring.io/ to initialize a spring boot application. I think I am using the spring boot framework. However, I would like to use some spring cloud dependencies such as spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka.
Question 1: If I added this dependency above to my spring boot application, I am wondering if I still can go with the spring boot framework, or I have to change to spring cloud framework.
Question 2: I am wondering if there is any difference when deploying the spring boot or spring cloud application. Or, they just have the different frameworks, and we could deploy them in the same way.
Thank you so much!
You can use together Spring Boot and Spring Cloud packages.
Spring Boot is just a preconfigured Spring Framework with some extra functionalities. It also uses library versions compatibile with each other. Spring Cloud is also the part of the Spring ecosystem, contains libraries that mostly used in cloud applications.
In the background, these packages will pull all necessary Spring (and other) libraries into your project, as transitive dependencies.
So you can use the generated pom/gradle, and add other dependencies. In this case Spring boot will be your core and cloud add extras.

Spring contract-first REST

I have a Spring web application - which doesn't use Spring-based GUI, but Wicket - and I would like to build contract-first REST services.
I already have a contract defined in Swagger and I generate model and API artifacts. Swagger codegen generates either Spring Boot artifacts, or Spring MVC ones.
My intention is to use ideally just a model, and maybe API (controllers) from this generated code. But up to my knowledge/research, there is no simple way to have just simple REST service without MVC/Boot boilerplate.
Therefore my questions are:
Is it possible to build lightweight Spring-based REST service, without having "heavy" dependency of full Spring MVC/Spring Boot?
If not, which approach is more lightweight? Spring Boot, or Spring MVC?
You are misinterpreting the Spring ecosystem.
Spring MVC is THE rest web and web service library within Spring portfolio.
The same way as Spring-WS is THE soap web service library.
They are very similar in architecture and style of use.
The fact that Spring MVC is bundled with Spring Framework does not change the situation.
Spring Boot does not bring any new REST offering. It is just a bootstrap mechanism to start Java web server with web app already deployed from a plain main() method. Therefore if you see "Building REST web services with Spring Boot", it just means that it is Spring MVC bootstrapped by Spring Boot.
Therefore, the question to what is more lightweight is straightforward: Spring MVC.
To answer the question #2:
The usage of Spring MVC is more lighweight, then usage of Spring Boot:
Size of the WAR archive:
6,1 MB for Spring MVC
9,2 MB for Spring Boot
Number of libraries in WAR archive:
12 for Spring MVC
28 for Spring Boot

Consuming Spring cloud config using Spring REST service (non-boot rest service)

I'm just curious, is it possible to consume Spring Cloud config by a Spring REST service which is not a Spring boot application. If it is possible, where to define the properties in a Spring REST service. I meant, where should I define
spring.cloud.config.uri etc.
Or, only Spring boot applications are allowed to consume Cloud configuration?
Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks
well spring boot just bootstrap all configuration automatically . so for simple spring application you have to config it manually and define the cloud config server beans in your application configuration file . it could be pure old fashion xml files or just using java code configuration with #Configuration. you could find some samples in github

Spring Boot Actuator in the traditional container

Can we use the Spring Boot Actuator in the traditional shared container within the context of an application? If so, how would be the configuration look like?
I have tried it by bootstrapping EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration. However, could not map mvc urls.
There's nothing stopping you from just using it as a dependency. Any Spring Boot app should be able to use actuator features out of the box.
