VS 2017 + Unity + Mac OS high sierra (10.13.4) symbolic links and aliases are not working - macos

I am using VS 2017 on mac with Unity3d. I have a project where different files and folders are soft linked (aliased) in to the project folder. The problem is that VS doesn't index those files, meaning that there is no autocompletion or visibility of other classes outside the current open file. The projects builds without problems, but there is no support when typing. Before High Sierra I could use hard links and that worked fine, but since High Sierra has apple file system, which doesn't support hard links, so I had to use soft links. Did anybody had this issue or knows where to look and what to try?


Android Studio - Cannot Lock System Folders Problem - MAC OS X

Recently I am not successding to start my Android Studio on my MAC OS, despite I had used it several times without problem.
Recently when I attempt to start the Android Studio it pops a big internal error message "Cannot Lock System Folders".
enter image description here
I searched for information, something about this problem on MAC OS, but unfortunately I haven't reached to any conclusion and most of all I cannot use the Android Studio anymore.
Does anyone have came across with this problem and was able to sort it out?
Thanks is advance for any help
I have figured out what was going wrong with Android Studio.
Somehow there's a problem of linkage when user's home folder is moved to other volume different from the one used by the system.
In my case I have moved my Home folder to a secondary drive (ExFat) to be shareable between MAC OS X // Linux // Windows. My main OS is MAC, then ROS and other programming I use Linux and to program some ST microcontroller and design some CAD object I must use Windows.
That was a hit after making all A.S. application's folder 777.
After returning the Home folder back to MAC OS system volume all Java libraries were linked again and the Android Studio started normally.
In my case the problem is partially solved. Need to figure out haw I can make the Android Studio running with my Home folder located in non-system volume.

How to Build an Application compatible with older MacOS with Xcode?

I just installed the latest version of Xcode (10.1) on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave).
I can build my application and it runs fine on my Mac or similar system.
However, I want to share this application with someone using MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) and it fails to launch, asking for a minimum requirement of MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
My application is only very simple, can't I compile it to be compatible with older MacOS ?
After some research, I did download MacOSX10.11.sdk
(from https://github.com/phracker/MacOSX-SDKs/releases/).
I did decompress it, and drag it into:
(This folder originally contains only "MacOSX.sdk" and a link pointing to it, named "MacOSX10.14.sdk")
I also noticed the value of the string "MinimumSDKVersion" from the file /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Info.plist is equal to "10.11", which sounds good in my case.
I read on some forums adding additional SDK versions into Xcode is not supported. And by the way, I cannot see any menu from Xcode to specify my target build (neither in Xcode Preferences, nor in the project settings (see picture below).
Where can I tell Xcode to use, let's say "MacOSX10.11.sdk" over "MacOSX10.14.sdk"?
And, is there a better way?
Or, do I have to install an old version of MacOS on a different partition, with an old version of Xcode (which would be a pain)?
I am not sure if this still works on Mojave, but there is a project called XcodeLegacy which is created specifically with this intention in mind:
Regarding the menu, you can find it at: Xcode -> Select File -> Project/Workspace Setting
Open Workspace Settings
Works on Xcode 13, I'm a bit late to the party but just had the very same question.

Appcelerator Studio is very slow when scroll

Appcelerator Studio, build:
macOS Sierra 10.12
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015)
Java 8
Node.js 4.4.7
npm 2.15.8
Titanium CLI 5.0.9
I've tried (many times) to reinstall the editor, but without solving the problem. The editor is really really slow when scroll (after macOS Sierra update). It's impossible to use it without going crazy. I use Appcelerator Studio for many years and i have never had these problems.
There are other external components that could upgrade / reinstall? (Java.. etc etc)
In addition to the slowdown, the editor does not properly recognize the file format.
I had this slow down issue with appcelerator Studio as well (some of my colleagues swear by using Atom editor)... this happens with Appcelerator when you have one .js file that is huge (thousands of lines).
Ideally, split your js file into seperate commonJS files and coll them into the original js file with require('filejs')
I also had this problem for almost 1 month and I went completely crazy one day due to Studio slow-ness.
I tried complete fresh installation of Appc & all of its components 2-3 times, but no luck.
Then on one day, it was not working even like previous day, so I decided to completely format my MacintoshHD and re-install the macOS Sierra because I noticed that some other normal apps like Skype & Email were also started working slowly. So I got the idea that it's related to macOS Sierra update.
Very Important Note (take system backup first)
Before installing OS, I took backup in external hard-drive and then I ran the First Aid (Disk Utility Tool) on MacintoshHD and found that there were some corruptions in it, so I fixed them but then something really crazy & out of this world happened with my system - Kernel Panic and my system did not start-up for 3 hours of hectic try.
So the last solution was to format the Macintosh HD & install the OS again. The best way to do this is to make a bootable pen-drive having macOS Sierra in it and then install using it.
Another way (if you have very good speed LAN) is to connect your system to Apple server and let it install latest OS from online. But it will download the whole OS & other required files (of at least 5GB size).
There are many online tutorials on how to install macOS Sierra again after such creepy issues.
FYI: I did re-installation of macOS Sierra last week & now everything is working like it is supposed to work on a Mac machine (just buttery smooth.).

install Iphone SDK 4.0 on top of 4.2

There is a nasty bug in IOS 4.2 having to do with the tint color of the navigation bar in a split view controller.
I have the 4.2 sdk on my mac, is there a way to install 4.0 on top of it and have them both work?
The relevant SDKs live in:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs, and
In the past I've been able to keep an SDK from a previous version by simply copying the relevant folder forwards. Xcode simply spotted the old SDK and continued offering it as a Base SDK. So you'd need to install the old SDK somewhere, keep hold of the relevant iPhoneOS4.0.sdk and iPhoneSimulator4.0.sdk folders, install the new SDK and then copy the backed up folders in. If you use Time Machine, you may even be able to grab them directly from there.
However, I believe this to be an unsupported way of proceeding, so it's not necessarily guaranteed to work. And all the usual warnings about doing anything Apple don't support apply.

Xcode Only Gives Me Desktop Architectures for iOS App

I have an iOS project that I've put in Dropbox to work with a few friends. The issue is that it seems to get "corrupted", so that after some time (after someone else has accessed the Xcode project file), when I try to go and open it again I get a Base SDK Missing error. In the Project Settings, I discover that I'm missing the valid ARM6/ARM7 architecture for iOS apps—I can only choose from 32-bit or 64-bit Intel. My only other options are i386, various forms of PPC, and x86_64. I simply can't build for iOS anymore.
No one else that I'm working with seems to have this problem. It exists in both Xcode 3 and 4, so it's not an Xcode 4 issue either.
Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a fix?
In these cases it's often a good idea to 'Clean All Targets'. I have found that particularly after upgrades to XCode where platforms or architectures have changed, that XCode can become confused about the state of previous builds. Cleaning, then re-specifying your desired targets/architectures/etc and then rebuilding will work well.
Also don't forget that if you hold Alt (or Option) down when you click on the Active build settings drop down will give you additional options.
Can you reinstall XCode? Also, it might be wiser to host the project under source control.
Hehe...turns out that the project had been used under the 4.2 SDK and at the time I only had 4.0, which explained the missing SDK part...Updated to 4.2 and it's all fixed now.
Source control would've been nice, but there aren't that many good ones that support the features we need (for free); if anyone's got a guide to installing Subversion on OS X and using it (without being too technical read Terminal), I'd appreciate that. Or how to set up Git with Xcode 4 (although I know that's under NDA, so that's probably not going to happen).
