upload a row to database table in laravel 4.2 - laravel-4

Use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function registerAStudent(Request $request)
I want to upload a row to the database table.
Form data is stored in the request variable and using Student model.
but can't update the database I'm getting following error:
ErrorException (E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR) HELP Argument 1 passed to
AdminController::registerAStudent() must be an instance of
Illuminate\Http\Request, none given
please give me a proper way to do it.


codeigniter 4 mysqli_sql_exception #1064 in view

It's very strange for me. Because in codeigniter 4 one of my function is working in controller but not working in view. I am getting my data's from database in controller, but when I am trying to get same data from view it showing mysqli_sql_exception #1064.
Example codes:
In Controller (MyData.php)
function get_data($status){
return $this->Data->get_data($status);
function view_data(){
return view('user/view-data',['data'=>$this])
In Model (MyData.php)
function get_data($status="approved"){
return $this->select()->where('status',$status)->get()->getResultArray();
In View (MyData.php)
$datas = $data->get_data('approved');
mysqli_sql_exception #1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '*, *, *
I believe your view_data function should be
function view_data(){
return view('user/view-data',['data'=>$this->get_data('approved')])
Then in view just loop through the $data array
Views are places that you MUST NOT need to execute sql queries. You need to pass only data (objects, arrays, string, int, etc.) to views.

Call to undefined method My_model::remove_user() Codeigniter

So I am trying to create a function that allows a user to delete their account: hence I want the function to delete all data in the database related to their profile, etc.
In view I have this button:
Delete Account
Which lead to my controller "Profiles" which has the following code:
function remove_user()
$email = $this->session->userdata('email');
Which calls my model Profiles_model which has the following code:
function remove_user($email)
$this->db->where('email', $email);
The table where the data is stored is "profiles".
I am also using sessions to pull the user's email.
When I execute, I get this error message: "Message: Call to undefined method Profiles_model::remove_user()"
I dont understand, as I use almost identical code to "Update" user data, and it works perfectly.
So I figured it out...my closing "}" tag on my model was ABOVE my function I was trying to call!!!!!!!!! There is 4 days wasted I will never get back again.

Laravel Eloquent model events on created user

I'm trying to automatically create a profile for a user when a user is created.
I'm using the created event and overriding the boot() method. But I when call the create() method on user->profile->create(), it says create was called on null. I checked and profile is null in this.
Here's the code:
static::created(function ($user) {
// it returns profile as null, thus create() can't be used on null.
$user->profile->create(['title' => $user->username,]);
Can anyone help me understand this? It's working in my tutor's code, and he is using Laravel 5.8 but I have version 7.1.
$user->profile returns the related model if any exists. You have to do $user->profile() which returns a query builder to query the relation. Try to do it like so:
$user->profile()->create(['title' => $user->username,]);

Laravel 5.4 Getting Call to a member function fill() on null

I am trying to save image on database to be used as background for the website. The problem is, I am getting Call to a member function fill() on null
Here is what I did
This simply means there is no any record in SiteSettings model with name_setting = $key.
You should always do a check like this:
if (is_null($siteSettingsUpdate)) {
// There is no such record in DB.

Trying to get property of non-object error occurs in my controller

Was trying to call orders made by a particular user
from my database but get error from my controller reporting from controller..
Public function getYourOrders {
$order = Order::where('user_id','=',Auth::user()->id)->get();
return View::make('orders.show')->with('order',$order);
This is where the errorexception is reporting from
If you don't have a logged in user, Auth::user()->id would give you that error.
If you work with framework version 4.1.26+ don't use Auth::user()->id to retrieve user's id.
Instead use id method:
it will take care of returning null if there's no logged in user and it will not execute unnecessary DB query (when using DB driver)
