Laravel Reset Password Error? - laravel

I've previously set up password resets with Laravel 5.6 and the password reset links were working fine, but now it suddenly gives me a RuntimeException ( Could not find resource 'views/layouts.html.php' in any resource paths.(searched: /var/www/{domain}/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Handler/../Resources)) when I click on the "Send Password Reset Link" button. I double checked my mail settings in my .env file and everything is normal, but I'm absolutely clueless why this is now giving me an error on both the aforementioned site (where it worked fine 7 days ago) and on a new site I'm working on.
It's even adding the token to the database, but isn't sending the Email and is giving that error right after I click the button, instead of redirecting with a status message like it should be doing.
Does anybody have any idea why this might have happened and what I can do to go about fixing it?
Note: I'm using zoho with the following settings in the .env file


Facebook Login generic error - how to troubleshoot?

I have developed a Website on a dev environment, using Laravel and Socialite.
Months ago, I set up a project on Facebook Login in order to use it on my website. Login works fine on this environment, no errors.
Now I deployed it to a production environment, and set up a new FB Login for it. But now I got a generic error in the first login attempt.Image below.
Messages are in portuguese. In english: "An error occurred. Close and open your browser again".
If I try again, I get no errors, and Login works.
I have tried with 3-4 test users provided by Facebook, and with all of them the same occur: that error on first attempt, but works fine on a second attempt.
Use the same process on dev (create test user, try to login) and everything works fine. Login with no errors on first attempt.
The first project, for dev, was using API version 2.1. Update to 3.3 and everything continued to works fine.
The second project, for production, already started with API 3.3, and got all the errors described above.
As I copied all files dev->prod, every version (Laravel, Socialite... ) are the same on both environment. Just update hosts, users , database name (...)
Have now idea how to troubleshoot it.
Any help will be appreciate.

Laravel 5 Mailing Issue

I seem to be having issues when trying to perform password resets with Laravel 5. The error I keep getting is:
View [layouts] not found.
(View: /var/www/leaptrade/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/resources/views/html/message.blade.php)
(View: /var/www/leaptrade/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/resources/views/html/message.blade.php)
I've checked through all of my views and ensured that they all are correct, but I keep getting this error. It occurs after I click "Send Password Reset Link". The path it redirects to is correct, from /password/reset to /password/email, and it also only causes an error when it's a correct user Email.
Would anybody happen to have any ideas on a solution for this?

Error 403 Forbidden, When Logged in for almost 5 Minutes in Laravel App

I recently uploaded my laravel project to production server through git. Now Every time I browse my website, it works fine but when I logged in then after 4,5 minutes I start seeing error 403 Forbidden (You don't have permission to access / on this server.)
Then I clear the site's cookies from browser and it works fine again.
What could be the reason ? how can I fix this permanently ? I tried searching on internet and found something which is saying that it has something to do with login session. But I could not figured out what it is. Please help me to resolve this.
Look's like you need to change the default value for the session tokens lifetime in config/session.php
there should be a part like this:
'lifetime' => 120,
Hope it helps o/
Thanks for helping. I figured out that the problem was with my user's permission. Which I fixed and its working good.Thanks

I changed Joomla FTP password.... access denied

So, I changed my FTP password from my hosting panel.
And I've no idea what the old password was.
And now my website displays "Access denied." on every page.
It's a Joomla website.
Thank you for your help !
Edit: When I try to login on the admnistrator page, here is what I get :
Warning: include_once(/home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/config/provider.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/autoloader/fof.php on line 87
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/config/provider.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/autoloader/fof.php on line 87
Fatal error: Class 'FOFConfigProvider' not found in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/model/model.php on line 570
Then I cant get back to the administrator page, it keeps saying that error message.
It sounds like you may have unintentionally changed the credentials that Joomla uses to connect to its database.
You'll need to know the username and password that your hosting account uses to connect to the Joomla database. If you don't know what these are you'll be able to find the username in your cPanel and you should be able to reset the password.
Then using either an FTP client or your cPanel file manager,
- open the configuration.php file in the root of your site
- locate the lines that start with public $user and public $password
- as precaution first copy and save the vales on these two lines
- then change their values to what you noted above, eg
public $password = "my_database_password";
That should do it.
The name of your Joomla database is set in the same configuration file on the line public $db. I think it's unlikely that you could have unintentionally changed this, though you could double check if updating your username and password doesn't work.
Good luck!
The FTP section you see at the Joomla! admin is for handling FTP jobs between your website and the server and it can't manage the server's FTP account.
In any case, you can bring your site back by disabling FTP like what it was before. Since you have no access to the website, you can do it via FTP or cPanel. Go to root folder of the Joomla! site and open configuration.php file. Then change the value of public $ftp_enable = '1'; to public $ftp_enable = '0';. It'll disable it again and you'll be able to see the website again.

Can't log into Joomla frontend

So we just started a website ( We only have 2 accounts so far. Josh (the superuser) and me. I am marked as an administrator. For some reason, every time I try to log into the frontend, it just reloads the page. If I put in false credentials, It tells me I have the wrong username/password. But If they're correct, it doesn't do anything. I can still log into the backend just fine though, and it tells me I'm logged in to the site, but I can't access it. Our superuser can still log on.
The most probable reason that it gives error for wrong credential but for valid credential it's not allowing you to login is might be because you have set wrong cookie domain in configuration.php
public $cookie_domain = '';
Recheck that setting, if it points to correct one or try with blank.
There's a myriad of reasons of why you are redirected back to the login page without any error, it might be:
Unwritable tmp and/or logs folder
Non-empty cookie domain
Forced caching in the .htaccess file (see here )
Invalid session handler
The above list is not exhaustive.
