How to bootstrap generated files task output with msbuild - visual-studio

I have a .csproj file where I declare some generated files:
<AutoGenerated Include="generated\*.cs;generated\Models\*.cs"/>
This is used as Outputs on a task:
<Target Name="GenerateFilesFromTemplate" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild;BeforeRebuild"
Command="somegenerator.exe ... "
The generated/ is added .gitignore, so the generated files are not part of the source control.
My problem is that this setup does not bootstrap itself. As initially the generated folder is empty, the build skips the generate files task because it has no outputs:
Skipping target "GenerateFilesFromTemplate" because it has no outputs.
I feel I'm doing this the wrong way, or I'm missing the obvious. I know I can remove the Inputs and Outputs on the Task and then it will generate the files on every build. But the generation is lengthy, and I want to avoid it if no necessary (the template file did not change). How can I make the build self-bootstrap and generate the files on first build, or when necessary?

The output items are meant to indicate known output files of a target. MSBuild then checks if all modification dates of the outputs are greater than the highest modification date of the input items to see if it can skip the target. It will also run the target if one of the outputs are missing.
If you cannot know in advance which files are generated by a target, a workaround is to produce a temporary file with a known location.
e.g. write use the WriteLinesToFile task (configured to overwrite) to update a file ($(IntermediateOutputPath)autogen.marker) and use the file as output element. It will then run the target on the first build and then only run if the input template file is newer than the marker.


How to use an msbuild CopyTask to copy a list of directories recursively

I would like to copy a list of directories recursively using a CopyTask.
The list is defined by a macro like so;
I know a CopyTask can copy a single directory recursively, but how to deal with the specified format.
The ConanBinaryDirectories seems to be a MSBuild Property. If so, I assume you can use Msbuild Property Functions to get the single path.
Something like this:
<SourcePath1>$(ConanBinaryDirectories.Split(";")[0])</SourcePath1> //C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\Path1
<SourcePath2>$(ConanBinaryDirectories.Split(";")[1])</SourcePath2> //C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\Path2
After you get the property which represents the single directory, you can use either 1.Copy task or 2.Exec task with xcopy command in it like this to copy the single directory to destination path.
All you need to do is to call the corresponding task twice in your custom target.
I know maybe what you want when you ask this question is a way like turn the MSBuild property to an MSBuild Item as the input of a task and do the copy job. But after my check: 1. The msbuild copy task actually doesn't support the input format like this some/path/ 2.We can use something like some/path/**/*.*, but it doesn't work well when our input could be something like #(...)/**/*.*.
So I suggest you split the macro to several paths and then use them into copy job.
The msbuild property doesn't support wildcard well. So to use something like **/*.*, you need to use Item instead of Property. You can have a look at this similar issue.
For a Property whose value is Path/*.*, it only represents a string Path/*.* most of the time while for an Item <MyItem Include="Path/*.*"/>, it represents all the files in the specified path. So no matter which way(copy task or xcopy command) we choose to do the copy job,the input should be an Item.
The script which works after test:
<MySourceFiles Include="$(SourcePath1)\**\*.*" />
<MySourceFiles Include="$(SourcePath2)\**\*.*" />
<Target Name="TestItem" AfterTargets="build">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(MySourceFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)"/>
$(OutputPath) for C#, $(OutDir) for C++.

How can I create a task in Gradle that depends on all files in a directory?

I have a directory, let's call it inputs. I need to create a task that will:
read in all of the files in the inputs directory, ie: inputs/*.
produce a new file somewhere else that combines these files in some way. (For the sake of example, you can assume I just want to concatenate all of the files into a single output file.)
How do I set up the task correctly such that the following requirements are met?
requesting the task a second time when nothing has changed doesn't execute the task ("Already up to date").
adding, editing, or deleting files in the inputs directory causes the task to be "out of date", and so requesting it after any of those has happened will cause it to re-execute.

code reuse for file existence test in a Visual Studio vcxproj file

I have a vcxproj file that contains explicit Windows shell commands in the NMakeBuildCommandLine section:
<NMakeBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
move file1 file2
I'm using MSBuild to execute the vcxproj, either directly or via a sln file. The problem is that when file1 does not exist, the output is very unhelpful and doesn't even list the file's name:
The system cannot find the file specified.
My naive solution is to replace move file1 file2 with:
if exist file1 (move file1 file2) else (echo file1 does not exist && exit 1)
(Note that I need to write && instead of &&.)
This works, but it's error-prone because I need to type file1 three times per line and make sure they all match. file1 is only one of many files that need to be moved. Furthermore, the series of commands is virtually identical across the various build configurations.
How can I avoid repeating myself both within a command line and across build configurations? I thought that the UserMacros property group might help me, but I couldn't figure out how to write such a macro via the IDE. (Right-clicking on the project in Visual Studio doesn't show a field for entering user macros.) Nor could I find any discussion of the syntax of this section on the Internet, so I didn't know how to write macros with a text editor (which I would actually prefer).
There may be yet a better way within a vcxproj file to identify files that need to exist, so I'm open to any alternatives.
MsBuild has 'variables' like most other programming languages called properties. You declare one in a PropertyGroup element in the project file xml and then reuse it using the $(PropertyName) syntax. Example for your case:
if exist $(Src) (move $(Src) $(Dst)) else (echo $(Src) does not exist && exit 1)
If you want to use the IDE, which might get tedious if you have lots of values, you can indeed use so-called UserMacros but you have to declare those in a proprty sheet. Go to View->Property Manager, right-click on your project and select 'Add new Property Sheet'. Doubleclick on it, go to 'User Macros' and add key/value pairs there. If you save everything and look in the generated files you'll see the vcxproj now Imports the propertysheet, and the propertysheet itself has a PropertyGroup just like shown above - but editable thgough the IDE.
As an alternative which might be better (less duplication, easier to automate) in the long run you can use MsBuild code for checking file existence and moving files which has the benefit you only have to write the move command once as you can have MsBuild loop over items. Those are declared in an ItemGroup. Explaining everything here is a bit out of scope but an example should make things clear:
<Target Name="BatchMove">
<SrcFiles Include="file1">
<SrcFiles Include="file3">
<Warning Text="Source file %(SrcFiles.Identity) does not exist" Condition="!Exists(%(SrcFiles.Identity))" />
<Move SourceFiles="%(SrcFiles.Identity)" DestinationFiles="%(SrcFiles.Dest)" Condition="Exists(%(SrcFiles.Identity))" />
This declares 2 source files file1/file3 and their respective destination files file2/file4. If the source does not exists (using standard MsBuild Exists check) a message is shown, else it is moved to the destination. Those % characters will make the line they occur in loop over each element of the SrcFiles collection. To add more files, just add to the ItemGroup. Last step is to get this target invoked from the nmake command line which is done simply by calling msbuild on the file itself and telling it to run the target:
msbuild $(MSBuildThisFile) /t:BatchMove

Make: Dependency on newest file in directory

For a small project, I have the following workflow:
compile code and generate ./data and ./images
run code, which will write many files to ./data
generate images from the data files, place them in ./images
generate a video from the images
I have written a makefile, which can run the code, and compile it before, if necessary. But I don't know how to implement the dependencies of steps 3 and 4, and currently make that targets manually.
So, is there a way to check if e.g. the newest file in ./data is newer than the newest file in ./images ? It's not necessary to do this on a file-by-file basis, and the total number of data / image files is not known.
Typically the date of the directory is the date that the last file was added/modified, so you could use the timestamp on the directory itself for dependencies.
images : data
// generate images
Alternatively, if there is a mapping between the files in the two directories, you could do something like:
images/%.img: data/%.dat
// generate image...
which would prevent reprocessing data that's already been handled.

How using MSBuild Copy task? and Making target as lowercase filename?

How do I use the MSBuild Copy task? Also, it is seems to be making target as lowercase in the filename - is this right?
<Copy SourceFiles="#(DATA)" DestinationFiles="#(DATA->'$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\BuildWin32\data\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')"/>
I mean, the part "%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)" become lower case in the final file name and folder name.
Try to think that %(RecursiveDir) is like an array.
So if you have DIRA with files file1.xml and files2.xml and DIRB with file file3.xml (obtained with something similar to C:\dir***.xml)... the copy task will make a substitution for each dir & file of the array and copy all the wanted files.
