Jenkins Execute shell is failed after executing ssh to a remote server - bash

I am creating a Jenkins job in which am running a ssh command to execute a script for comparing two folders using diff command on a remote server. Script is running fine, output file is getting created. But after this command Jenkins execute shell block is failed.
ssh -T "bash /tmp/" >> result.txt
ssh -T "bash /tmp/" >> result.txt
stdin: is not a tty
"Execute shell" is marked as failure

I am not sure what is supposed to do, but I understand that you are trying to capture what is logged by this script.
I would try several solutions:
ssh -T "bash /tmp/ >> result.txt"
This should save your output in your remote server. Then you could copy this file from remote to local using:
scp /local/dir/
More context: Copying files from server to local computer using ssh
If you are choosing this solution, you could also consider to write your result.txt directly from your script, and keep the console output for important logging purpose.
Another Solution I could think of would be to use
ssh "bash /tmp/" > result.txt
With this solution you will redirect your output directly to your local machine.
But you will need to delete the ssh "-T" option. And you will run into other problems with Jenkins. So this might not fit you.
ssh -T Disables pseudo-tty allocation, what sounds like your problem's root cause. (


How to ssh into remote linux server using username / ip address and password from window using shell script?

What I am trying to do is to login to remote Linux server using SSH from my Windows machine by running a shell script via git bash.
I would like to write a script which will be used by an user with basic IT knowledge. This script will execute a bunch of commands on the remote machine, so it does need to establish a SSH connection.
What I have tried to write in this script so far is:
ssh username#ip <password>
EDIT: You should consider installing Jenkins on the remote system.
Running a command on a remote system can be done via:
ssh user#host command arg1 arg2
If you omit the password, a password prompt will appear, to get around the password prompt, you should consider setting passwordless SSH login.
Rephrasing what you said, you want to write a script (namely which does the following (in this order):
Start a ssh connection with a remote
Execute some commands, possibly written in another script (namely
Close the connection / Keep it open for additional command line commands
If you want to put the remote commands on instead of listing them in, you need to consider that must be on the remote server. If not, then you may consider to delegate to the creation/copy of on the remote machine. You may copy it in a temporary folder.
In this case, my suggestion is to write as follows:
Copy of with
scp /path/to/local/ user#host:/path/to/remote/
Switch bash sheel to remote shell with
ssh user#host
Execution of
sh /path/to/remote/
Instead, if you prefer to list everything in just one script file, you may want to write:
Switch bash sheel to remote shell with
ssh user#host
Execution of commands
echo "This command has been executed on the remote server"
echo "This command has also been executed on the remote server"
Possibly closing the SSH connection to prevent that the user execute additional commands
You may consider to copy the ssh-keys on the remote server so to avoid password prompts. More information here.

Run SSH on Jenkins from file in Git

I have a file on Git with the following shell script
File Name =
echo "Warehouse script starting"
ssh -n username#server_name "mkdir -p ~/directory_name/folder_name/file_name"
Under Execute Shell in Jenkins I am running -
The echo command gets printed in the console. But the job is not doing ssh into username#server_name and creating the directory. Appreciate any feedback.
Try the same command when connected directly to the Jenkins agent (using the account used by Jenkins on that agent)
The goal is to check if that user (on that server agent) does have the right pubic/private key pair in its $HOME/.ssh folder.
And double-check the public key is in servername:~username/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Make sure the private key is not encrypted, to avoid having to deal with ssh-agent and passphrase caching. At least for now, for testing your setup.
Note: the -n option (preventing to read from stdin) is usually for ssh commands executed in the background. You might not need it in your case.
Try also to add #!/bin/bash -x at the beginning of your script (assuming you do have a bash) in order to print all lines executed.

Running bash command through ssh that only exists on remote

I am writing a bash script that involves ssh-ing into a remote host and running commands there. That in itself is not a problem. The issue is that I want to run a command which doesn't exist locally, only on the remote. The script fails with bash: line 1: type: remote_only_command: not found, even though it's successfully connecting to the remote host and can run basic commands without issue.
I can run the command on the remote host if I ssh in and run it manually. I've tried writing a separate bash script on the remote host and running that through the script (sh, but that gets the same command not found error.
ssh $REMOTE var=$var 'bash -s' << 'EOF'
ls # works no problem, lists files on the remote server
remote_only_command # bash: line 1: type: remote_only_command: not found
Is it possible to run a command that is only accessible from the remote host and not locally where the script is being run?
I think this is the way it should work, as the command is only executed on the remote host. But i suspect your problem is the environment, which is NOT permitted over ssh. Try to use the complete path to the command, eg:

Execute local script remotely and direct output back to local file

I have a shell script ( on a local linux machine that I want to run on a few remote servers. The script should take a local txt file (output.txt) as an argument and write to it from the remote server.
echo "hello from remote server" >> $file
I have tried the following with no success:
ssh user#host "bash -s" < /path/to/output.txt
So if I'm reading this correctly... is stored on the local machine, but you'd like to execute it on remote machines,
output.txt should get the output of the remotely executed script, but should live on the local machine.
As you've written things in your question, you're providing the name of the local output file to a script that won't be run locally. While $1 may be populated with a value, that file it references is nowhere to be seen from the perspective of where it's running.
In order to get a script to run on a remote machine, you have to get it to the remote machine. The standard way to do this would be to copy the script there:
$ scp user#remotehost:.
$ ssh user#remotehost sh ./ > output.txt
Though, depending on the complexity of the script, you might be able to get away with embedding it:
$ ssh user#remotehost sh -c "$(cat" > output.txt
The advantage of this is of course that it doesn't require disk space to be used on the remote machine. But it may be trickier to debug, and the script may function a little differently if it's run in-line like this rather than from a file. (For example, positional options will be different.)
If you REALLY want to provide the local output file as an option to the script you're running remotely, then you need to include a remote path to get to that script. For example:
outputhost="${1%:*}" # trim off path, leaving host
outputpath="${1#*:}" # trim off host, leaving path
echo "Hello from $(hostname)." | ssh "$outputhost" "cat >> '$outputpath'"
Then after copying the script over, call the script with:
$ ssh user#remotehost sh ./ localhostname:/path/to/output.txt
That way, running on the remote host will send its output independently, rather than through your existing SSH connection. Of course, you'll want to set up SSH keys and such to facilitate this extra connection.
You can achieve it like below:-
For saving output locally on UNIX/Linux:
ssh remote_host "bash -s" > /tmp/output.txt
The first line of your script file should be #!/bin/bash and you don't need to use bash -s in your command line. Lets try like below:-
Better always put full path for your bash file like
ssh remote_host "/tmp/scriptlocation/" > /tmp/output.txt
For testing execute any unix command first:-
ssh remote_host "/usr/bin/ls -l" > /tmp/output.txt
For saving output locally on Windows:,
ssh remote_host "" > .\output.txt
Better use plink.exe . Example
plink remote_host "" > log.txt

SSH : Remotely run a script and stay there

I wish to run a script on the remote system and then wish to stay there.
Running following script:-
ssh user#remote
This do run the script but after that I am back to my host system. i need to stay on remote one. I tried with..
ssh user#remote;bash -l
somehow it solves the problem but still not working exactly as a fresh login as the command:-
ssh user#remote
Or it will be better if i could include something in my script that would open the bash terminal in the same directory where the script was running. Please suggest.
Try this:
ssh -t user#remote '; bash -l'
The quotes are needed to pass both commands to ssh. The -t option forces a pseudo-tty allocation.
ssh user#remote;bash -l
When the shell parses this line, it splits it into two commands. The first is:
ssh user#remote
This runs on the remote machine. The second command is:
bash -l
This opens a login shell on the local machine.
The quotes were added above to prevent the shell from splitting up the commands this way.
