Access the motor power level - dji-sdk

I am trying to retrieve the current state of the motors (e.g. thrust percentage at each motor). The only state information I can find is whether or not they are on. Is it possible to get more detail about the current power setting?

The motor power level / thrust percentage is not accessible using DJI-SDK at the moment. You can however read the speed (ground speed of the aircraft) and its attitude, if that is something that might work for your calculations.


Tracking wrist position using accelerometer in a smart watch

I am working on a smartwatch project. I want the display to be turned off and only come on when the user brings his hand into the watch-viewing position.
I am running my application on the NRF52 MCU which means machine learning is out of the question. I am using a 3-axis accelerometer from STM.
How can I detect when a user moves his hand into the typically watch viewing position? How is this achieved in smartwatches?
I have the following ideas so far:
- Constantly poll accelerometer and calculate pitch and roll values. Then determine what range of pitch and roll values corresponds to this gesture. This seems a bit wasteful because the CPU will have to be always active.
Is there a simple signal processing algorithm or something similar that can achieve this?
Look into Galvanic skin response sensor - It can measure electrical connectivity of the skin.
When internal or external forces cause arousal — of any kind — the skin becomes a better conductor of electricity. Essentially, when you start to sweat, either from exercise or something else, the band will be able to monitor that.
Detecting when someone is sweating gives the software more information about what a user is doing, which allows for better health tracking. Being able to correlate the level of activity with a different source than just gravity from the accelerometer, allows these programs to take on a more trainer-like role — recommending specific exercises and levels of exertion.
Hope this helps!

iBeacons: bearing to beacon?

Partly a coding problem, partly math problem.
Q1. I have an iOS device with compass active. If it knows I'm moving through the field of an iBeacon - or the Beacon is moving through my detection range - would it be possible for a phone to work out (roughly) the relative direction/bearing of that beacon with a series of readings by comparing signal strengths? Has anyone had a try at this?
Q2. Would it be possible to change the Major and Minor values of a beacon regularly (eg: every second) to pass small pieces of info - such as a second user's Bearing and Course?
Q1. It MIGHT be possible but you would need a controlled environment. Either the beacon or the phone needs to be fixed. You also need to be in an area with no obstructions or sources of radio interference.
Then you'd need to use the signal strength (which is sloppy and varies by a fair amount) as one input, and the device's heading info (which is also grossly inaccurate) and do some petty gnarly math on it.
Assuming you could work out the math, the slop in the input readings might make the results too iffy to be useful. (For example, how would you distinguish moving directly towards the beacon from moving 30 degrees to one side or the other? The signal strength would still increase, just not as quickly.
And your algorithm would have to deal with edge cases like moving along a circle around the beacon. In that case the signal strength should not change.
My gut is that even with clever algorithms that input data is just too unreliable to make much sense out of it, beyond "getting warmer" and "getting colder."
As mentioned above, you'd have to track your device's movement within the field, including distance covered and direction, then with multiple readings of signal strength you could theoretically calculate relative direction to the beacon to some degree of accuracy.
As to your second question about changing the minor version number, I have not seen any beacon APIs that allow that, either from the beacon manufacturers or from Apple's implementation.
However, a typical beacon is an ARM or other low power processor with a BLE transceiver, running a program. In theory it should be possible to create your own iBeacon transmitter that changed one of the parameters in order to transmit changing information. You'd have to set up the iOS device with the beacon region only specifying the UUID or UUID and major ID (depending on whether you wanted to change just the minor or change both the major and minor ID in order to transmit changing information.)
Note, too, that iBeacons are a special case of BLE, and the BLE standard does support the sending of arbitrary, changing data. You might be better off implementing your own BLE scheme either instead of or in addition to iBeacons.

How to detect threshing in accelerometer?

I'm writing an application controlled by an accelerometer built into a wrist watch. I want one of the commands to be "wildly swinging your forehand". How do I detect it and measure for how long it goes?
To supplement John Fisher's suggestion, I would add: Look at analyzing this with spectral/Fourier transform techniques. I would expect to see a strong signal characteristic at low frequencies, but it could easily vary from user to user.
If the characteristic is there, signal processing techniques can help you isolate it and detect it.
Write something to record the measurements while you flail your arm around. Do it several times in different ways. Analyze the measurements for a pattern you can use.
Use a Kalman filter to track a moving average of the absolute value of the current acceleration? Or, if you can, the current acceleration minus gravity?
If that goes over a threshold, that indicates a lot of acceleration has been happening recently. That suggests thrashing.

Measuring distance - Windows phone app

Good evening all.
I'm just trying to collate some ideas really and was wondering if I could pick some brains.
I'd like to develop an app that relies upon measuring distance reasonably accurately. So for example, I have a central point, I want to be able to detect whether the phone is within a radius of a meter.
How could I achieve this?
The points would be static but I don't think GPS would be accurate enough to rely on this solely.
I'm definitely not a hardware chap but is there a way of combining GPS and some other sort of transmitter to ensure accuracy?
Any help or suggests greatly appreciated.
One meter accuracy? It's probably not going to happen with any phone hardware out there - definitely not with any Windows Phone. GPS isn't accurace enough without a differential beacon, and phones don't have the hardware to receive that (and I doubt you have a differential transmitter either).
The location service on the phone (assuming high accuracy is selected) combines data from GPS, cell towers and WiFi hot spots to provide a location.
There is no way to include the use of other sensors to improve this data.
You also won't be able to get the level of accuracy you're after from the phone. It's just not designed for the purpose you describe.

Algorithms needed on filtering the noise caused by the vibration

For example you measure the data coming from some device, it can be a mass of the object moving on the bridge. Because it is moving the mass will give data which will vibrate in some amplitude depending on the mass of the object. Bigger the mass - bigger the vibrations.
Are there any methods for filtering such kind of noise from that data?
May be using some formulas of vibrations? Have no idea what kind of formulas or algorithms (filters) can be used here. Please suggest anything.
Better picture, I just draw it for better understanding:
Not very good picture. From that graph you can see that the frequency is the same every
time, but the amplitude chanbges periodically. Something like that I have when there are no objects on the moving road. (conveyer belt). vibrating near zero value.
When the object moves, I there are the same waves with changing amplitude.
The graph can tell that there may be some force applying to the system and which produces forced occilations. So I am interested in removing such kind of noise. I do not know what force causes such occilations. Soon I hope I will get some data on the non moving road with and without object on it for comparison with moving road case.
What you have in your last plot is basically an amplitude modulated oscillation coming from a function like:
f[x] := 10 * (4 + Sin[x]) * Sin[80 * x]
The constants have been chosen to match your plot (using just a rule of thumb)
The Plot of this function is
That isn't "noise" (although may be some noise is there too), but can be filtered easily.
Let's see your data for the static and moving payloads ....
Based on your response to several comments, and based in my previous experience with weighting devices:
You are interfacing the physical world, not just getting input from a mouse and keyboard. It is very important for you understand the device, how it works and how it is designed.
You need a calibration procedure. You have to use several master weights to be sure that the device is working properly and linearly in the whole scale, and that the static case is measured much better than your dynamic needs.
You'll not be able to predict if you can measure with several loads in the conveyor until you do some experiments and look very carefully at the resulting plots
You need to be sure that a load placed anywhere in the conveyor shows the same reading. Or at least you should be able to correlate reading and position.
As I said before, you need a lot of info, and it seems that is not available. I always worked as a team with the engineers designing the device.
Don't hesitate to add more info ...
Have you tried filters with lowpass characteristics? There are different approaches for smoothing data (i.e. Savitzky-Golay, Gauss, moving average) but often, a simple N-point median filter is already sufficient.
It really depends on what you're after.
Take a look at this book:
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
You can download it for free. In particular, check chapters 14 and 15.
If the frequency changes with mass and you're trying to measure mass, why not measure the frequency of the oscillations and use that as your primary measure?
Otherwise you need a notch filter which is tunable - figure out the frequency of the "noise" and tune the notch filter to that.
Another book to try is Lyons Understanding Digital Signal Processing
In order to smooth the signal, I'd average the previous 2 * n samples where n is the maximum expected wavelength of the vibrations.
This should cause most of the noise to be eliminated.
If you have some idea of the range of frequencies, you could do a simple average as long as the measurement period were sufficiently long to give you the level of accuracy you want to achieve. The more wavelengths worth of data you average against, the smaller the ratio of contributed error from a partial wavelength.
I'd suggest first simulating/modeling this in software like Matlab.
Data you'll need to consider:
The expected range of vibration frequencies
The measurement accuracy you want to achieve
The expected range of mass you'll want to measure
The function of mass to vibration amplitude
You should be able to apply the same principles as noise-cancelling microphones: put two sensors out, then subtract the secondary sensor's (farther away from the good signal source) signal from the primary sensor's (closer to the good signal source) signal.
Obviously, this works best if the "noise" will reach both sensors fairly equally while the "signal" reaches the primary sensor much more strongly.
For things like sound, this is pretty easy to do in the sensor itself, which makes your software a lot easier and more performant. Depending on what you're measuring, this might be easier to do with multiple sets of hardware and doing the cancellation in software.
If you can characterize the frequency spectra of the unwanted vibration noise, you might be able to synthesize a set of (near) minimum phase notch or band reject filter(s) to allow you to acquire your desired signal at your desired S/N ratio with minimized latency or data set size.
Filtering noisy digital signals is straight forward, as previous posters have noted. There are lots of references. You have not however stated what your objectives are clearly, so we cannot point you into a good direction. Are you looking for a single measurement of a single object on a bridge? [Then see other answers].
Are you monitoring traffic on this bridge and weighing each entity as it passes by? Then you need to determine when entities are on the sensor and when they are not. Typically, as long as the sensor's noise floor is significantly lower than the signal you're measuring this can be accomplished by simple thresholding.
Are you trying to measure the vibrations of the bridge caused by other vehicles? In which case you need either a more expensive sensor if you're having problems doing this, or a clearer measuring objective.
