build fails on Xcode due the one signal library - xcode

I have been trying this for few days now but still I had no luck building it successfully.
The error I get is:'React/RCTAnimationType.h' file not found
I have already added into header search path this $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-onesignal/ios and made it recursive.
Do I need to run pod install or anything like that? If anyone would help me on this I would really appreciate it!


React Native Production Build Error ('Build input file cannot be found: {path}ExpoModulesProvider.swift')

So I finished a React Native project and trying to get it into production mode. However, XCode is throwing me this error saying that it cannot find ExpoModulesProvider.swift
Here is the full error,
I have been trying to solve this error the past 2-3 hours. I searched everywhere however, I could't find anything related to this error. Even StackOverFlow doesn't have it.
Thank you
I had the same issue and in my case I solved it by removing the ExpoModulesProvider.swift source from Compile Sources

macOS project failing on runtime

So I have an xcode project that fails every time I run it on my computer. Works on other computers though. I get the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Swift/libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib
Now, when I look in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Swift/ I can't find the libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib file. But other swift projects work just fine. I have no idea how to fix this. I've tried cleaning, restarting my computer, creating a copy of the project, updating Xcode, updating command line tools, everything I could think of.
The project was working just fine a few hours ago. Something went wrong by itself. No clue how to fix things.
After spending 6 straight hours debugging and trying to fix things, I found the solution. For some reason, my "Library Search Paths" was filled with the wrong directory. I never set it to that directory. But it was set.
Here is what I mean:
The highlighted field was filled with the following: macosx/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Swift
I just took that out. I hope this helps save some future traveler the pain and torture I went through

Swift location program wont update

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this program?
I'm using swift and I'm trying to create an app which will give me values such as longitude/latitude etc. When I run the program, the build has 'succeeded' however, nothing prints to the logs or changes in the simulator.
However, the these are the errors that pop up.
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Command /usr/bin/ditto failed with exit code 1
Can someone please tell me what I need to do. I already added the CoreLocation framework too and imported it into my program.
I recently updated to Version 7.1 beta.
thanks in advance.
First, try to clean the project: Product > Clean, or empty the DerivedData folder.
Then if it's not fixed, this error happened to me when I use functions with ambiguous declaration (for example, using .Case instead of MyEnum.Case).
Edit your message by adding your code if the issue still occurs.

clone_at and fetch returning Rugged::NetworkError: This transport isn't implemented. Sorry

So I have been attempting to incorporate the ability to both fetch and clone repo's using rugged. I have tried the following
and this
remote = Rugged::Remote.lookup(repo, remote_name)
also this
subject.clone(url, local_path)
All of these return with the error
This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
Now, ordinarily, I would take the error as it not being implemented yet. However, having seen questions asked like this, and this. I question the accuracy of that error.
I have ensured that libgit2 and libssh2 are both installed on the my local system running this code.
I have also looked through the source attempting to find where this error is generated, and was unable to locate it. To me, this does not make sense, since the error is not as descriptive to point to specifically where it is failing.
My question is, is this intended behavior? I would think it is not, based on the questions and answers I found regarding this. In which case, does someone know if this is a common issue? Any help is appreciated.
so I discovered the issue, in that that libgit2 and libssh2 where not properly linking at installation of rugged using bundler. I was pointed in this general direction by this answer.
By running the following command
bundle install --path bundle/
The conflict was resolved.

iOS Library not found for -lidn (Including xmppframework)

I'm trying to include the xmppframework in my xcode project however I've come to a problem. I get the following error when trying to compile:
Path 'Applications/ following -F not a directory
Library not found for -lidn
I have followed the instructions to setup xmppframework from here and followed these instructions to make sure all the paths are correct, however I'm still getting the error.
I've checked the file path and it's definitely there..
Is there any other reason for this error? Many thanks
Finally fixed it after 3 days..
My advice to anyone else coming across this problem is to load up one of the example projects and compare the build settings on each! Ended up that my Library Search Paths was wrong.
