How to simplify O(2^(logN)) to O(N) - runtime

In Cracking the Coding Interview there's an example where the runtime for a recursive algorithm that counts the nodes in a binary search tree is O(2^(logN)). The book explains how we simplify to get O(N) like so...
2^p = Q
logQ = P
Let P = 2^(logN).
but I am lost at the step when they say Let P = 2^(logN). I don't understand how we know to set those two equal to one another, and I also don't understand this next step... (Although they tell me they do it by the definition of log base 2)
logP = logN
P = N
2^(logN) = N
Therefore the runtime of the code is O(N)

Assuming logN is log2N
This line:
Let P = 2^(logN).
Just assumes that P equals to 2^(logN). You do not know N yet, you just define how P and N relates to each other.
Later, you can apply log function to both sides of equation. And since log(2^(logN)) is logN, the next step is:
logP = logN
And, obviously, when logP = logN, then:
P = N
And previously you assumed that P = 2^(logN), then:
2^(logN) = N
Moreover, all of this could be simplified to 2^logN = N by definition of the log function.

The short answer is that the original question probably implicitly assumed that the logarithm was supposed to be in base 2, so that 2^(log_2(N)) is just N, by definition of log_2(x) as the inverse function of 2^y.
However, it's interesting to examine this a bit more carefully if the logarithm is to a different base. Standard results allow us to write the logarithm to base b as follows:
where ln(x) is the natural logarithm (using base e). Similarly, one can rewrite 2^x as follows:
We can then rewrite the original order-expression as follows:
which can be reduced to:
So, if the base b of our logarithm is 2, then this is clearly just N. However, if the base is different, then we get N raised to a power. For example, if b=10 we get N raised to the power 0.301, which is definitely a more slowly increasing function than O(N).
We can check this directly with the following Python script:
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = numpy.arange(1, 100)
plt.plot(N, 2**(numpy.log2(N)))
plt.ylabel(r'$2^{\log_2 N}$')
plt.plot(N, 2**(numpy.log10(N)))
plt.ylabel(r'$2^{\log_{10} N}$')
The graph this produces when we assume that the logarithm is to base two:
is very different from the graph when the logarithm is taken to base ten:

The definition of logarithm is “to what power does the base need to be raised to get this value” so if the base of the logarithm is 2, then raising 2 to that power brings us to the original value.
Example: N is 256. If we take the base 2 log of it we get 8. If we raise 2 to the power of 8 we get 256. So it is linear and we can make it to be just N.
If the log would be in a different base, for example 10, the conversion would just require dividing the exponent with a constant, making the more accurate form into N = 2^(log N / log 2), which can be changed into N / 2^(1 / log 2) = 2^log N. Here the divider for N on the left is a constant so we can forget it when discussing complexity and again come to N = 2^log N.
You can also test it by hand. Log2 of 256 is 8. Log2 of 128 is 7. 8/7 is about 1.14. Log10 of 256 is 2.4. Log10 of 128 is 2.1. 2.4/2.1 is about 1.14. So the base doesn’t matter, the value you get out isn’t the same but it is linear. So mathematically N doesn’t equal to 2^Log10 N, but in complexity terms it does.


Binary vs Linear searches for unsorted N elements

I try to understand a formula when we should use quicksort. For instance, we have an array with N = 1_000_000 elements. If we will search only once, we should use a simple linear search, but if we'll do it 10 times we should use sort array O(n log n). How can I detect threshold when and for which size of input array should I use sorting and after that use binary search?
You want to solve inequality that rougly might be described as
t * n > C * n * log(n) + t * log(n)
where t is number of checks and C is some constant for sort implementation (should be determined experimentally). When you evaluate this constant, you can solve inequality numerically (with uncertainty, of course)
Like you already pointed out, it depends on the number of searches you want to do. A good threshold can come out of the following statement:
n*log[b](n) + x*log[2](n) <= x*n/2 x is the number of searches; n the input size; b the base of the logarithm for the sort, depending on the partitioning you use.
When this statement evaluates to true, you should switch methods from linear search to sort and search.
Generally speaking, a linear search through an unordered array will take n/2 steps on average, though this average will only play a big role once x approaches n. If you want to stick with big Omicron or big Theta notation then you can omit the /2 in the above.
Assuming n elements and m searches, with crude approximations
the cost of the sort will be C0.n.log n,
the cost of the m binary searches C1.m.log n,
the cost of the m linear searches C2.m.n,
with C2 ~ C1 < C0.
Now you compare
C0.n.log n + C1.m.log n vs. C2.m.n
C0.n.log n / (C2.n - C1.log n) vs. m
For reasonably large n, the breakeven point is about C0.log n / C2.
For instance, taking C0 / C2 = 5, n = 1000000 gives m = 100.
You should plot the complexities of both operations.
Linear search: O(n)
Sort and binary search: O(nlogn + logn)
In the plot, you will see for which values of n it makes sense to choose the one approach over the other.
This actually turned into an interesting question for me as I looked into the expected runtime of a quicksort-like algorithm when the expected split at each level is not 50/50.
the first question I wanted to answer was for random data, what is the average split at each level. It surely must be greater than 50% (for the larger subdivision). Well, given an array of size N of random values, the smallest value has a subdivision of (1, N-1), the second smallest value has a subdivision of (2, N-2) and etc. I put this in a quick script:
split = 0
for x in range(10000):
split += float(max(x, 10000 - x)) / 10000
split /= 10000
print split
And got exactly 0.75 as an answer. I'm sure I could show that this is always the exact answer, but I wanted to move on to the harder part.
Now, let's assume that even 25/75 split follows an nlogn progression for some unknown logarithm base. That means that num_comparisons(n) = n * log_b(n) and the question is to find b via statistical means (since I don't expect that model to be exact at every step). We can do this with a clever application of least-squares fitting after we use a logarithm identity to get:
C(n) = n * log(n) / log(b)
where now the logarithm can have any base, as long as log(n) and log(b) use the same base. This is a linear equation just waiting for some data! So I wrote another script to generate an array of xs and filled it with C(n) and ys and filled it with n*log(n) and used numpy to tell me the slope of that least squares fit, which I expect to equal 1 / log(b). I ran the script and got b inside of [2.16, 2.3] depending on how high I set n to (I varied n from 100 to 100'000'000). The fact that b seems to vary depending on n shows that my model isn't exact, but I think that's okay for this example.
To actually answer your question now, with these assumptions, we can solve for the cutoff point of when: N * n/2 = n*log_2.3(n) + N * log_2.3(n). I'm just assuming that the binary search will have the same logarithm base as the sorting method for a 25/75 split. Isolating N you get:
N = n*log_2.3(n) / (n/2 - log_2.3(n))
If your number of searches N exceeds the quantity on the RHS (where n is the size of the array in question) then it will be more efficient to sort once and use binary searches on that.

Time complexity of recursive function dividing the input value by 2/3 everytime

I know that the time complexity of a recursive function dividing its input by /2 is log n base 2,I have come across some interesting scenarios on
Kindly help me to understand the logic behind the scenarios in the answer regarding the derivation of the formula
It's back to the recursion tree. Why for 1/2 is O(log2(n))? Because if n = 2^k, you should divide k times to reach to 1. Hence, the number of computation is k = log2(n) comparison at most. Now suppose it is (c-1)/c. Hence, if n = (c/(c-1))^k, we need log_{c/(c-1)}(n) operations to reach to 1.
Now as for any constant c > 1, limit log2(n)/log_{c/(c-1)}(n), n \to \infty is equal to a constant greater than zero, log_{c/(c-1)}(n) = \Theta(log2(n)). Indeed, you can say this for any constants a, b > 1, log_a(n) = \Theta(log_b(n)). Now, the proof is completed.

How do I prove that this algorithm is O(loglogn)

How do I prove that this algorithm is O(loglogn)
i <-- 2
while i < n
i <-- i*i
Well, I believe we should first start with n / 2^k < 1, but that will yield O(logn). Any ideas?
I want to look at this in a simple way, what happends after one iteration, after two iterations, and after k iterations, I think this way I'll be able to understand better how to compute this correctly. What do you think about this approach? I'm new to this, so excuse me.
Let us use the name A for the presented algorithm. Let us further assume that the input variable is n.
Then, strictly speaking, A is not in the runtime complexity class O(log log n). A must be in (Omega)(n), i.e. in terms of runtime complexity, it is at least linear. Why? There is i*i, a multiplication that depends on i that depends on n. A naive multiplication approach might require quadratic runtime complexity. More sophisticated approaches will reduce the exponent, but not below linear in terms of n.
For the sake of completeness, the comparison < is also a linear operation.
For the purpose of the question, we could assume that multiplication and comparison is done in constant time. Then, we can formulate the question: How often do we have to apply the constant time operations > and * until A terminates for a given n?
Simply speaking, the multiplication reduces the effort logarithmic and the iterative application leads to a further logarithmic reduce. How can we show this? Thankfully to the simple structure of A, we can transform A to an equation that we can solve directly.
A changes i to the power of 2 and does this repeatedly. Therefore, A calculates 2^(2^k). When is 2^(2^k) = n? To solve this for k, we apply the logarithm (base 2) two times, i.e., with ignoring the bases, we get k = log log n. The < can be ignored due to the O notation.
To answer the very last part of the original question, we can also look at examples for each iteration. We can note the state of i at the end of the while loop body for each iteration of the while loop:
1: i = 4 = 2^2 = 2^(2^1)
2: i = 16 = 4*4 = (2^2)*(2^2) = 2^(2^2)
3: i = 256 = 16*16 = 4*4 = (2^2)*(2^2)*(2^2)*(2^2) = 2^(2^3)
4: i = 65536 = 256*256 = 16*16*16*16 = ... = 2^(2^4)
k: i = ... = 2^(2^k)

Determining whether a system of congruences has a solution

Having a system of linear congruences, I'd like to determine if it has a solution. Using simple algorithms that solve such systems is impossible, as the answer may grow exponentially.
One hypothesis I have is that if a system of congruences has no solution, then there are two of them that contradict each other. I have no idea if this holds, if it did that would lead to an easy O(n^2 log n) algo, as checking if a pair of congruences has a solution requires O(log n) time. Nevertheless for this problem I'd rather see something closer to O(n).
We may assume that no moduli exceeds 10^6, especially we can quickly factor them all to begin with. We may even further assume that the sum of all moduli doesn't exceed 10^6 (but still, their product can be huge).
As you suspect, there's a fairly simple way to determine whether the set of congruences has a solution without actually needing to build that solution. You need to:
Reduce each congruence to the form x = a (mod n) if necessary; from the comments, it sounds as though you already have this.
Factorize each modulus n as a product of prime powers: n = p1^e1 * p2^e2 * ... * pk^ek.
Replace each congruence x = a (mod n) with a collection of congruences x = a (mod pi^ei), one for each of the k prime powers you found in step 2.
And now, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem it's enough to check compatibility for each prime independently: given any two congruences x = a (mod p^e) and x = b (mod p^f), they're compatible if and only if a = b (mod p^(min(e, f)). Having determined compatibility, you can throw out the congruence with smaller modulus without losing any information.
With the right data structures, you can do all this in a single pass through your congruences: for each prime p encountered, you'll need to keep track of the biggest exponent e found so far, together with the corresponding right-hand side (reduced modulo p^e for convenience). The running time will likely be dominated by the modulus factorizations, though if no modulus exceeds 10^6, then you can make that step very fast, too, by prebuilding a mapping from each integer in the range 1 .. 10^6 to its smallest prime factor.
EDIT: And since this is supposed to be a programming site, here's some (Python 3) code to illustrate the above. (For Python 2, replace the range call with xrange for better efficiency.)
def prime_power_factorisation(n):
"""Brain-dead factorisation routine, for illustration purposes only."""
while n > 1:
p, pe = next(d for d in range(2, n+1) if n % d == 0), 1
while n % p == 0:
n, pe = n // p, pe*p
yield p, pe
def compatible(old_ppc, new_ppc):
"""Determine whether two prime power congruences (with the same
prime) are compatible."""
m, a = old_ppc
n, b = new_ppc
return (a - b) % min(m, n) == 0
def are_congruences_solvable(moduli, right_hand_sides):
"""Determine whether the given congruences have a common solution."""
# prime_power_congruences is a dictionary mapping each prime encountered
# so far to a pair (prime power modulus, right-hand side).
prime_power_congruences = {}
for m, a in zip(moduli, right_hand_sides):
for p, pe in prime_power_factorisation(m):
# new prime-power congruence: modulus, rhs
new_ppc = pe, a % pe
if p in prime_power_congruences:
old_ppc = prime_power_congruences[p]
if not compatible(new_ppc, old_ppc):
return False
# Keep the one with bigger exponent.
prime_power_congruences[p] = max(new_ppc, old_ppc)
prime_power_congruences[p] = new_ppc
# If we got this far, there are no incompatibilities, and
# the congruences have a mutual solution.
return True
One final note: in the above, we made use of the fact that the moduli were small, so that computing prime power factorisations wasn't a big deal. But if you do need to do this for much larger moduli (hundreds or thousands of digits), it's still feasible. You can skip the factorisation step, and instead find a "coprime base" for the collection of moduli: that is, a collection of pairwise relatively prime positive integers such that each modulus appearing in your congruences can be expressed as a product (possibly with repetitions) of elements of that collection. Now proceed as above, but with reference to that coprime base instead of the set of primes and prime powers. See this article by Daniel Bernstein for an efficient way to compute a coprime base for a set of positive integers. You'd likely end up making two passes through your list: one to compute the coprime base, and a second to check the consistency.

Merge sort - recursion tree

So I've been studying sorting algorithms.
I am stuck on finding the complexity of merge sort.
Can someone please explain to me how h=1+lg(n)
If you keep dividing n by 2, you'll eventually get to 1.
Namely, it takes log2(n) divisions by 2 to make this happen, by definition of the logarithm.
Every time we divide by 2, we add a new level to the recursion tree.
Add that to the root level (which didn't require any divisions), and we have log2(n) + 1 levels total.
Here's a cooler proof. Notice that, rearranging, we have T(2n) - 2 T(n) = 2 c n.
If n = 2k, then we have T(2k + 1) - 2 T(2k) = 2 c 2k.
Let's simplify the mess. Let's define U(k) = T(2k) / (2 c).
Then we have U(k + 1) - 2 U(k) = 2k, or, if we define U'(k) = U(k + 1) - U(k):
U'(k) - U(k) = 2k
k is discrete here, but we can let it be continuous, and if we do, then U' is the derivative of U.
At that point the solution is obvious: if you've ever taken derivatives, then you know that if the difference of a function and its derivative is exponential, then the function itself has to be exponential (since only in that case will the derivative be some multiple of itself).
At that point you know U(k) is exponential, so you can just plug in an exponential for the unknown coefficients in the exponential, and plug it back in to solve for T.
