Large set of data, DataTables render time awful - ajax

I have a view that displays a set of data of about 3000+ records (multiple objects combined into a QuerySet. The result is rendered into a table using DataTables but the render time is terrible - 15 seconds at least.
I dug deeper into DataTables and found deferRender API option together with AJAX thing. As I never used it before I'd like to ask for guidance on how to approach in my particular case. Below are and template with DataTables.
def index(request):
clients = Client.objects.all().prefetch_related('loan_set', 'loan_set__case_set')
return render(request, 'app/index.html',
{'clients': clients})
<table id="case_list" class="display">
<td>Imię i nazwisko</td>
{% for c in clients %}
<td>{{ c.firstName }} {{ c.lastName }}</td>
{% if c.editLock %}
<td><i class="fas fa-lock fa-lg" style="color:Red" title="W edycji przez: {{ c.lockedBy }}"></i> {{ c.lockedBy }}</td>
{% else %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<td><i class="fas fa-pen-square fa-2x" style="color:green"></i></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#case_list').DataTable( {
deferRender: true

Look at the documentation for datatables.
$('#case_list').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "{yourdata_url}"
} );
In your view, you have to send the data in json format. Note that you need to do the search etc with your logic in the view.
I would also look into django-datatable-view package.


Multiple root nodes in Alpine.js

Building a data table with the latest Alpine.js (v3.7.0).
Ran into a problem when trying to implement child rows (i.e an additional togglable row under the main/parent row).
Simplified version:
<template x-for="row in currentPageData" :key="">
<td colspan="3">
Some additional content
While I'm not getting any errors in the console, the second node (tr) is not rendered. I assume that's because Alpine requires a single root element. Is there any way around it, as wrapping with div is invalid HTML and a tbody wrapper breaks the layout?
Thanks to Alpine templates being rendered server-side I ended up with the following workaround:
When table has child rows I remove the root tbody and wrap each tr pair with a tbody of its own.
EDIT (23-9-22):
As per #NoobnSad's request code in twig:
{% if not options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}
<template x-for="row in currentPageData" :key="">
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('childRowToggler') %}
{% endif %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('tableCells') %}
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('childRow') with {tableHandle:datatable.handle} %}
{% endif %}
<template x-if="recordsCount===0">
{% include datatable.componentPath('notFound') %}
{% if not options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}

Laravel vue js conditional rendering inside v-for

I'm having a trouble on how can I implement conditional rendering inside v-for in laravel vue js
based on the documentation of vue js v-for and v-if together is not recommended. It would be great if anybody could help me out, thank you so much in advance!.
This is what flow looks like I know the format is incorrect
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" :value="">
<v-if =user.gender="Male" >
<span>Male - {{ user.gender }}</span>
<span>FeMale - {{ user.gender }}</span>
export default {
data() {
return {
users: [],
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
getUsers() {
axios.get(BASE_URL + "/users/listUsers").then(response => {
this.users =;
Your v-if syntax is completely incorrect. Let's fix it first.
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" :value="">
<span v-if="user.gender=='Male'">Male - {{ user.gender }}</span>
<span v-else>FeMale - {{ user.gender }}</span>
If <span> isn't necessary I would use this:
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" :value="">
<td v-if="user.gender=='Male'">Male - {{ user.gender }}</td>
<td v-else>FeMale - {{ user.gender }</td>
Actually, there is a better way:
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" :value="">
<td>{{ user.gender=="Male" ? "Male" : "FeMale" }} - {{ user.gender }}</td>
v-for and v-if can't be used in the same tag. This is not the case in your code. When you need v-for and v-if together, you should use a computed property, and return the array/object that is filtered based on the condition, then inject it into v-for.
Let's say you need something like this:
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" v-if=" > 10">...</tr>
In this case, we use computed property:
computed: {
filteredUsers() {
return this.users.filter(user => > 10);
and in the template:
<tr v-for="user in filteredUsers" :key="">...</tr>
I think there is a misunderstanding. You should not use v-if and v-for on the same element the way you used it is fine. You can see an example here.
If you don't want to have v-if at all since you aren't rendering completely different elements you could use ternary operation in mustaches:
<tr v-for="user in users" :key="" :value="">
<span>{{ user.gender === 'Male' ? `Male - ${user.gender}` : `Female - ${user.gender}` }}</span>

how to change the number of total rows in datatable

I'm developing an application with Symfony 3 in which I'm using datatables.
to avoid getting all rows of database, I'm using doctrine's paginator. so i want the datatable will get 100 elements first, then when I click in next button it will charge the next 100 elements.
My problem is that when setting datatable with first 100 elements, I can't click on next button. ( because it's showing the 100 elements so there are no other elements for it). I want to tell it that I have more than 100 elements. so how can I do it.
My table :
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered dt-responsive nowrap" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
<th class="no-sort">Actions</th>
{% for core_city in core_cities %}
<td>{{ core_city.code }}</td>
<td>{{ core_city }}</td>
<td>{{ core_city.CoreRegion }}</td>
<td>{{ core_city.CoreRegion.coreCountry }}</td>
<td class="datatable_td_buttons">
<a class="m-portlet__nav-link btn m-btn m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill"
title="Show" href="{{ path('core_city_show', { 'id': }) }}">
<i class="la la-search"></i>
<a href="{{ path('core_city_edit', { 'id': }) }}"
class="m-portlet__nav-link btn m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill" title="Edit">
<i class="la la-edit"></i>
<a href="{{ path('core_zip_code_import_by_city', { 'id': } ) }}"
class="m-portlet__nav-link btn m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill"
title="Import Zip Code">
<i class="la la-upload"></i>
{% endfor %}
I found solution :
$('#example').dataTable( {
"infoCallback": function( settings, start, end, max, total, pre ) {
return start +" to "+ end;
} );

update my database and discard an element from table

i want to delete an item from database and remove it from table
Entity product
i want to select all the products and after a click on button x i want it to update name and remove it from table
Any help ??
my twig :
$("document").ready(function () {
$(".btn-group-vertical").click(function () {
beforeSend: function () {
success: function(data){
var x = $("produit").val(data.approuver);
{% endblock script %}
{% block body %}
<section class="content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="box">
<div class="box-header">
<h3 class="box-title">Produit en attente</h3>
<!-- /.box-header -->
<div class="box-body">
<table id="example2" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<th>Produit de</th>
<th>Libelle Produit</th>
<th>Quantite stock</th>
{% for product in products %}
<tr class="tt">
<td align="center">{{ product.seller }}</td>
<td align="center">{{ product.libelle }}</td>
<td align="center">{{ product.quantiteStock }}</td>
class="btn btn-group-vertical btn-danger btn-xs"
<button type="button"
class="btn btn-group-vertical btn-sucess btn-xs"
{% endfor %}
<th>Produit de</th>
<th>Libelle Produit</th>
<th>Quantite stock</th>
<!-- /.box-body -->
<!-- /.box -->
<!-- ./wrapper -->
my controller :
public function approuverAction($id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$produit = $em->getRepository('ProductBundle:Product')
$respones = new JsonResponse();
return $em->merge($produit);
Any help please
I want to delete an item from database and remove it from table Entity
To remove a product:

Twig and pagerfanta get the fieldname and the fieldname.value

I'm trying to get the fieldname of a pagerfanta results.
Twig template
{% for post in posts %}
{{ dump(post) }}
{% endfor %}
The dump result is:
Users {#764 ▼
-iduser: 11
-username: "xzvdsfg"
-password: "SHHHHHH"
-lastlogin: DateTime {#691 ▶}
-roles: []
i want to get the name of each entry without known it to place in a table like this
<th>{{ fieldname }}</th>
<td>{{ fieldname.value }}</td>
and get this result
I'm new at Twig templates
You could cast the object to array and iterate over then. You have to create your own twig filter to casting your object to array.
{% for key, value in post|cast_to_array %}
{% endfor %}
