Multiple root nodes in Alpine.js - alpine.js

Building a data table with the latest Alpine.js (v3.7.0).
Ran into a problem when trying to implement child rows (i.e an additional togglable row under the main/parent row).
Simplified version:
<template x-for="row in currentPageData" :key="">
<td colspan="3">
Some additional content
While I'm not getting any errors in the console, the second node (tr) is not rendered. I assume that's because Alpine requires a single root element. Is there any way around it, as wrapping with div is invalid HTML and a tbody wrapper breaks the layout?

Thanks to Alpine templates being rendered server-side I ended up with the following workaround:
When table has child rows I remove the root tbody and wrap each tr pair with a tbody of its own.
EDIT (23-9-22):
As per #NoobnSad's request code in twig:
{% if not options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}
<template x-for="row in currentPageData" :key="">
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('childRowToggler') %}
{% endif %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('tableCells') %}
{% if options.enableChildRows %}
{% include datatable.componentPath('childRow') with {tableHandle:datatable.handle} %}
{% endif %}
<template x-if="recordsCount===0">
{% include datatable.componentPath('notFound') %}
{% if not options.enableChildRows %}
{% endif %}


how i can sort rows of twig table by using a Stimulus js controller? ican't use knp paginator sort

<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table align-middle table-nowrap table-check table-striped " id="sortMe">
<thead class="table-light">
<th city</th>
<th contry</th>
{% for offer in pagination -%}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ offer.contry }}</td>
<td>{{ offer.address }} %</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Text is overlapping in Table

I can see question asked regarding text overlapping for tables (Not header), but none of the result is helping me. please advice.
I have a table with n number of rows (it is a looping with pebble). some time not every, normal text in the table is overlapping to the 1st and 2nd line in the next page, if the table continues to the next page
{% for Item in toArray( %}
<td valign="top" align="left" style="font-size: 8px;">
{{ Item.ItemQuantity }}
<td valign="top" align="left" style="font-size: 8px;">
{{ Item.ItemDescription }}
<td valign="top" align="right" style="font-size: 8px;">
{{ Item.ListItemPrice }}
<td valign="top" align="right" style="font-size: 8px;">
{{ Item.LineNet }}
{% endfor %}
Any solution?

Nested liquid loop in Jekyll does not iterate multiple sub-items corrently

I have a .yml-file that contains companies. Each company have sub-items, and each sub-item also have tags. It looks like this:
- name: acme
- item: books
- Nice book
- Cool books
- Wow books
I want to display the company names in a table on each row, together with the tags. Right now I am using this solution:
{% for company in %}
{% for subfolderitem in company.subfolderitems %}
{% if subfolderitem.item == page.ref %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{% for subfolderitem in company.subfolderitems %}<span class="tag">{{ subfolderitem.item-tag }}</span>{% endfor %}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Frontmatter (for books)
layout: page
ref: books
title: Books
My problem is that the loop for the tags is not working as intended.
<td><span class="tag">Nice bookCool booksWow books</span></td>
Desired output should instead be this <span class="tag">Nice book</span><span class="tag">Cool books</span><span class="tag">Wow books</span>
Any suggestions?
If you use inspect filter :
<span class="tag">{{ subfolderitem.item-tag | inspect }}</span>
You can see that the tags array is printed in one time.
You need to add another loop to print tags one by one.
{% for company in %}
{% for subfolderitem in company.subfolderitems %}
{% if subfolderitem.item == page.ref %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{% for subfolderitem in company.subfolderitems %}
{% for tag in subfolderitem.item-tag %}
<span class="tag">{{ tag }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Large set of data, DataTables render time awful

I have a view that displays a set of data of about 3000+ records (multiple objects combined into a QuerySet. The result is rendered into a table using DataTables but the render time is terrible - 15 seconds at least.
I dug deeper into DataTables and found deferRender API option together with AJAX thing. As I never used it before I'd like to ask for guidance on how to approach in my particular case. Below are and template with DataTables.
def index(request):
clients = Client.objects.all().prefetch_related('loan_set', 'loan_set__case_set')
return render(request, 'app/index.html',
{'clients': clients})
<table id="case_list" class="display">
<td>Imię i nazwisko</td>
{% for c in clients %}
<td>{{ c.firstName }} {{ c.lastName }}</td>
{% if c.editLock %}
<td><i class="fas fa-lock fa-lg" style="color:Red" title="W edycji przez: {{ c.lockedBy }}"></i> {{ c.lockedBy }}</td>
{% else %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<td><i class="fas fa-pen-square fa-2x" style="color:green"></i></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#case_list').DataTable( {
deferRender: true
Look at the documentation for datatables.
$('#case_list').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "{yourdata_url}"
} );
In your view, you have to send the data in json format. Note that you need to do the search etc with your logic in the view.
I would also look into django-datatable-view package.

Twig and pagerfanta get the fieldname and the fieldname.value

I'm trying to get the fieldname of a pagerfanta results.
Twig template
{% for post in posts %}
{{ dump(post) }}
{% endfor %}
The dump result is:
Users {#764 ▼
-iduser: 11
-username: "xzvdsfg"
-password: "SHHHHHH"
-lastlogin: DateTime {#691 ▶}
-roles: []
i want to get the name of each entry without known it to place in a table like this
<th>{{ fieldname }}</th>
<td>{{ fieldname.value }}</td>
and get this result
I'm new at Twig templates
You could cast the object to array and iterate over then. You have to create your own twig filter to casting your object to array.
{% for key, value in post|cast_to_array %}
{% endfor %}
