Missing C# Rules in SonarQubeversion 6.4 - sonarqube

Earlier I was using SONARQUBE 5.5 and sonar-csharp-plugin-5.0 which was having 407 C# Rules. But now i have upgraded to SonarQube 6.4 with which sonar-csharp-plugin- comes by default and it has only 229 rules. I tried using the older version of SonarC# plugin but it is not compatible with this SonarQube version. Is there any way I can get all the C# Rules in SonarQube 6.4

The "407 rules" number included all of the Roslyn-based analysis rules written by SonarSource and the approximately 230 rules implemented in the now-obsolete FxCop.
Support for the FxCop rules was split out into a separate plugin, so from version 5.4 onwards the SonarC# plugin only contains the Roslyn-based analysis rules implemented by SonarSource.
If you still want to use the legacy FxCop rules you can install the community plugin.
However, we have been re-implementing the most useful FxCop rules in the SonarC# plugin using Roslyn. The latest version (v7.1) of the SonarC# plugin now has 343 rules with more being added in each release.


Where can I find the "Customize On/Off" option?

In our Sonar Build Environment we use SonarQube Server Version 5.6.6 (64-Bit) and our analysis runs on a Sonar Client Build Operating System with Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (64-Bit).
Recently I have upgraded SonarQube from 5.1 to 5.6.6 (LTS). But under "Project Code" the "Customize ON|OFF" option is now missing.
Currently I can see only these options:
Lines of Code
Code Smells
In SonarQube version 5.1 I was using the "Customize ON|OFF" option to customize and add required columns.
How can I enable this feature back in SonarQube 5.6.6?
The feature does not exist any longer (it has been dropped when rewriting the Project space), and there's currently no plan to reintroduce it.

What are the options for generating a report in SonarQube v6.3.1

The Governance plugin is not working with the version. And pdf-report plugin is also not supported.
There is currently no option that we are aware of.
You are right that Governance is indeed not compatible with SonarQube 6.3.1 because it's not a LTS (Long Term Supported) version - and Governance is released only for LTS versions of SonarQube.

Does SonarQube 5.1.1 Support integration test coverage?

I have verified SonarQube + jacoco analyzer's integration test coverage using v 6.1 and jacoco maven plugin
This works as expected and is able to list coverage by integration tests.
We have a SonarQube server running at version 5.1.1 does anyone know if that version of SonarQube is capable of showing integration test coverage numbers when using agents at
Reading JaCoCo report is done by the sonar java analyzer (so the sonarqube version is a rather indirect information here).
JaCoCo produces binary report and last incompatibility introduced was in 0.7.6 and that was handled in sonar java analyzer 3.4.
So if you use any version of SonarQube with a java analyzer with a version greater than 3.4 you should be fine to analyze JaCoCo reports produced with version 0.7.7
However given that 5.1.1 is not the latest LTS I would recommend you to upgrade to at least 5.6 and use latest sonar java analyzer.

Importing PC-lint report along with SonarQube C++ Commercial Plugin

I would like to know if there is any way where we can integrate PC-lint report along with C++ analysis using Commercial C++ Plugin.
we are using SonarQube 5.1.2 currently.
But I am ready to upgrade if that's what it takes
If you are using the SonarSource C++ Plugin, this means that you are a customer so you should contact the commercial support who will answer your question.

troubles with getting c# plugin 3.0 and resharper to work properly

we have upgraded to SonarQube 4.3 and C# plugin 3.0 but we are struggling to get the integration with resharper working.
Which version of the Reshaprer plugin shall be available for SonarQube 4.3?
In update center I find version 1.0 but when I look at the reshaper plugin documentation there shall be a version 1.1 available.
Can I upgrade to the resharper plugin to version 1.1 in any other way? I have tried to put the 1.1 jar file in the plugin directory but then SonarQube refuse to start due to missing dependencies.
The reason for wanting version 1.1 is that we need to use our own dotsettings file and this seems to not be available in version 1.0. We also can´t get the reuseReport mode to work at all with the current installed version. Even if we use “sonar.resharper.mode=skip” resharper is trigged in the analysis.
The situation is quite messy, there indeed was a ".NET ReSharper" plugin available in version 1.0 and 1.1. This plugin is only compatible with the .NET ecosystem 2.1.
C# 3.0 is only compatible with a "ReSharper" plugin, which only exists in version 1.0.
Please refer to the following documentation: http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/ReSharper+Plugin
Indeed the ReSharper 1.0 plugin does not support reuseReport mode (and it is not planned to add it currently).
However, there are plans to be able to import/export DotSettings files from/to SonarQube quality profiles: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SONARPLUGINS-3738
Have also a look at the example project: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-examples/tree/master/projects/languages/csharp
Final note: The .NET ecosystem 2.1 is not compatible with SonarQube 4.3.
