Set Go variable with ldflags conflicts with vendor folder - go

I'm currently developing a small Go app and I want to set a specific variable (like Version, GitCommit, BuildID...etc.) at build or runtime (with go build or go run) by using the -ldflags option.
Because in my company we have several projects with the same base, I decided to extract the code with these variables in a separate "info" module which could be imported in every project.
Here's my problem, say I'm running the app like this:
go run -ldflags "-X" app.go
This works well, and the variable is set correctly even though the variable is not part of the "main" app but in a dependency.
Then I decided to deploy the app so I used the new dep tool to generate the vendor folder.
Therefore, the "info" dependency is now in: vendor/
Now when I run the same command as above, the said variable (Version) is not set anymore.
Am I missing something here ?
As soon as I delete the vendor folder, everything works fine again. It's like this vendor folder is conflicting with the -ldflags option or something.
Thanks in advance!

We had exactly the same problem, after lots of research we stumbled upon the solution in a comment to GitHub issue: cmd/link: -X doesn't work for vendored packages.
Solution: the full path name, relative to $GOPATH should be specified.
It works when developing because the full path is correct.
It doesn't work for vendored dependencies because the full path from $GOPATH would be like
Unfortunately, no documentation seem to be present about this ( for further info look at the issue ) but as Dave Cheney points out in a comment:
this is a side effect of the language way vendoring is implemented


go build -buildvcs does not insert vcs.revision buildinfo

This question poses problems that are distinct from those discussed here: How do you read debug VCS version info from a Go 1.18 binary?
I am having trouble getting go build -buildvcs=true to insert correct version information when building executables out of a git repo that has the following structure:
go version go1.18.4 linux/amd64
in project:
(1) If I cd project;go build -buildvcs=true -o /tmp/exe1 cmd/exe1/main.go then the BuildInfo included in the exe includes Deps entries for all the dependencies of all the packages, but there is no embedded Setting with key vcs.revision, and the Dep entry for the module named in go.mod is (devel). I guess this latter issue is related to how to specify versions for modules, which I have not yet looked into, and therefore I assume it's using a default value.
(2) If I cd project/cmd/exe1;go build -buildvcs=true -o /tmp/exe1 (leaving out any relative path specifying what to build) then the BuildInfo included in the exe does NOT include Deps entries but DOES include the vcs.revision
Is there any way to get both Deps and vcs.revision into BuildInfo?
Is this directory structure ok? The documentation for this stuff is not in "reference" format, and many important details are spread out throughout all of the tutorials and howtos. Quite frustrating to get to the bottom of these behaviors.
It seems to me go should embed a vcs.revision whenever generating an executable, but before I open a bug, I wanted to get community feedback on whether this is expected behavior when specifying a relative target on the command line. I've seen that that can be an issue in general, with go build.
Any pointers to the right place to read a comprehensive guide about this would be great.

VS Code showing me "Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace"

I am using the primary GO extension.
I use VS code a lot, now I'm learning GO lang.
And when I open VS Code every time I'm getting this:
Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace.
While running the code it's giving the right output.
I don't know how to fix this.
Anybody, help me with this error.
It would be better to open in VSCode only one folder with its own go.mod project.
A workspace with multiple go.mod/project should be supported with 1.18
The go command now supports a "Workspace" mode.
If a file is found in the working directory or a parent directory, or one is specified using the -workfile flag, it will put the go command into workspace mode.
In workspace mode, the file will be used to determine the set of main modules used as the roots for module resolution, instead of using the normally-found go.mod file to specify the single main module.
As described in "How to make VScode Go work in a Multi-Module Repo" from Varun Kumar, this used to work:
If you want to work with all the nested modules in a single workspace, there is an opt-in module feature that allows to work with multiple modules without creating workspace folders for each module. Set this in your settings -
"build.experimentalWorkspaceModule": true
But as per september 2022 is deprecated.
See more at gopls documentation "Setting up your workspace".

Beego: Routing issues with modules

Routing doesn't work at all for me in bee if I use modules while GOPATH old approach works perfectly.
I am new in golang, correct me if I did something wrong.
I have been trying to create API project with bee, but I found that all new projects have to use the modules approach released in go 1.11.
I used bee api api-name command to scaffold the new project. It appeared in GOPATH. I moved out it from GOPATH path to another directory. Then I did go mod init mod, then I was able to run bee run and API was successfully started but routing didn't work. I did some comparing and found out that commentsRouter file wasn't generated.
What am I do wrong?
I tried to do set GO111MODULE=on and then go get -u but this wasn't helped as well.
Now I can't even run bee API, I see
0004 Failed to build the application: main.go:4:2: package api-name/routers is not in GOROOT (c:\go\src\api-name\routers)
What's happens? I am confused. Official go documentation says that I should prefer modules approach with new projects but I can't find somewhere in docs anything about how to scaffold and use bee with modules system.
Just because missing file commentsRouter_controllers.go. Don't know how beego does not generate file routers/commentsRouter_controllers.go when running app outside $gopath.
Then we can only access to localhost/swagger. Any another path (or route) is all 404 returned.
Not a good way but worked:
copy source code of $your_project to $gopath/src
cd $gopath/src/$your_project > bee run (just for generating file commentsRouter_controllers.go) > stop running app
copy file $gopath/src/$your_project/routers/commentsRouter_controllers.go to $your_project/routers
cd $your_project > bee run
Good luck
It looks like latest Beego Bee supports generating routes outside the GOPATH.
Have a check. It did work for me now.

How to proper configure "Go Build" and what are the differences between Run Kind

I am new to Go language and also to the IDE GoLand so I am sorry if this is very basic.
I am currently trying to configure Run Kind for package for all my files, the problem is I cannot seem to get the configuration straight, I get this error:
"can't load package: package Course: unknown import path "Course": cannot find module providing package Course"
My GOROOT is the standard in C: and GOPATH is in my directory of workplace with the folders: scr, bin and pkg. Inside scr is course folder with training files for Go.
I have tried to google every option on how to properly configure the go Build configuration, I might be missing to install packages not sure to be honest, I have installed the gotools and everything from, and tried following the guide from GoLand in JetBrains but no luck in properly configuring package, or Dir options.
I can create a go Build for each file using Run Kind: File, but I want to create one for all the files inside the folder not one each time I want to run one.
Also I have no idea what -i in Go tool arguments means.
I believe what you need to do is simply enable go module integration. Find the setting at File | Settings | Go | Go Modules (vgo). In that panel also make sure Vgo executable is set to your Project SDK. If it's still not working, enabling the vendor experiment option at File | Settings | Go | Build Tags & Vendoring may help. Be sure your project specific settings aren't overriding these values as well.

'is not within a known GOPATH/src' error on dep init

When I run dep init in project folder, the error occurs:
init failed: unable to detect the containing GOPATH: D:\projects\foo is not within a known GOPATH/src
My projects are located on another drive and not %GOPATH%/src (i.e. %USERPROFILE%\go\src).
It's a known error but it's unclear what is the solution.
How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?
Go makes this choice so that there is nothing like a CLASSPATH (ie: Java) to deal with. You specify a $GOPATH that has a consistent src tree inside of it. If your repo makes references to particular git commits (rather than the ones checked out into $GOPATH/src/$githubUser/$githubProjectName), then those will be in the ./vendor directory of your project.
If you have a different Go project that uses a completely different set of checkouts, due to versioning issues, then you can have multiple $GOPATH values to deal with that.
How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?
Not at all.
Go projects require that your project is within its path..
So first do a
$ go env
to find out where that is. Lets say it says /home/turgut/go
move the project that you downloaded that needs the dep to:
then cd /home/turgut/go/src/myproject
and try the
dep ensure
command now.
what does go env command say your GOPATH is? Set GOPATH for your environment as per this doc
Follow steps here
you can use this command vendor/bin/dep init instead of dep init
