Using Meteor behind a proxy is not working - heroku

I am connecting to an external Mongo DB that only accepts certain IPs. I have a Meteor instance running on Heroku, and I have a Quotaguard static URL that I am trying to route Meteor through so I can connect to the Mongo server from that IP. Currently I have two environment variables on Heroku:
However, when I check the logs, the application was not connecting to the database from my proxy IP. It was connecting as if there were no proxy. Is there an extra step I must take on Heroku?


Does Heroku provide any VPN client like AWS Client VPN?

I want to host a database in Heroku server and also a django application. The problem is: To transfer data to my Heroku database i would need be connected to a VPN. Does Heroku provides a way to connect to a VPN in order to access another database, like AWS client VPN?
My infra would be like this:
Airflow running DAGs to pull data from a AWS database that requires VPN connection to source from it. I would transfer the data from this AWS database to my heroku database.
Is it possible?
Thank you
Another thing that i'm wondering is if it is possible to connect Heroku to AWS client VPN, in case Heroku does not have something similar or a way to do this step.
Yes Heroku does provides a VPN labelled as Heroku Private Spaces and Shield Spaces.
Here is the link

How to connect a Laravel Sail instance with an SSH tunnel?

I have a Laravel app which needs to connect to a secure external API with very strict access requirements. There is a handler hosted on AWS which has a bunch of signed certificates etc. The only way to connect to that API is via that specific server due to those requirements.
Now, to test things on my local machine, I do the following:
SSH to the server using the -D flag to set up a SOCKS proxy.
Use this socks to http package to convert the proxy.
Set up Postman's proxy settings to use that http proxy.
That all works fine and I can complete the requests as expected.
However, I'd like to be able to use the proxy in my local Laravel environment too, for which I use Sail.
The problem is that I'm unsure of how to get the container to interact with the proxy. Using the method above in my local machine, I can cURL the required endpoint just fine, but if I try to do it via the container itself, it refuses to connect.
Any help would be appreciated!

cloudfoundry NoHostAvailableException while deploying app

I have deplyed my local cloudfoundry instance. When I try to deploy my application , my app requires cassandra to be up and running. I have cassandra host setup on independant server. Cloud foundry throws com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException
Whereas when I try to ping this host from the machine on which CF is installed , Ping is successful. Even this cassandra host is accessible from my local computer and works fine with my eclipse deployment.
How can I make cloudfoundry recognize this host?
You will need to make sure that (a) your application has access to the information about the address and credentials to access the cassandra server, and that (b) networking (and maybe DNS) are such that your application instances will actually be able to reach the cassandra server.
For (a), you will want to bind your application to a "user-provided service instance". For (b), you need to make sure your application's running security groups allow it to reach your cassandra server.

Creating static IP for heroku to connect to external firewall

I'm trying to connect to ObjectRocket with my Heroku app, I'm running into a little problem where I can't seem to set a static IP (tried Proximo for that).
ObjectRocket requires me to define all IP's connecting to the database, so I need a non-dynamic IP for my heroku app.
How could I create this, or is this not possible with Heroku?
Hello you can use this answer to see how to use NGINX as a reverse proxy.
If in your case where you require a outbound reverse proxy, setup an AWS instance and use NGINX to point it to ObjectRocket as your backend

Connecting to server behind VPN with Heroku and Ruby

I'm writing an application in Ruby/RoR that will be hosted on Heroku.
One of its requirements is that it connects to an (Active Directory) authentication server which is behind a Sonicwall VPN.
How can I establish this VPN authentication using Ruby to access this server?
Heroku is just a service built on top of EC2 that manages deployment using a linux env. You don't have root access on on which means you can connect out to any service using any TCP protocol. But you can only listen for HTTP connections. Unfortunately this rules out setting up VPNs and SSH tunnels. You can do this on Amazon EC2.
