Adding a new line to a text file after 5 occurrences of a comma in Bash - bash

I have a text file that is basically one giant excel file on one line in a text file. An example would be like this:
I need to change the third occurance of a comma into a new line so that I get
Please let me know if that is too ambiguous and as always thank you in advance for all the help!

With Gnu sed:
sed -E 's/(([^,]*,){2}[^,]*),/\1\n/g'
To change the number of fields per line, change {2} to one less than the number of fields. For example, to change every fifth comma (as in the title of your question), you would use:
sed -E 's/(([^,]*,){4}[^,]*),/\1\n/g'
In the regular expression, [^,]*, is "zero or more characters other than , followed by a ,; in other words, it is a single comma-delimited field. This won't work if the fields are quoted strings with internal commas or newlines.
Regardless of what Linux's man sed says, the -E flag is an extension to Posix sed, which causes sed to use extended regular expressions (EREs) rather than basic regular expressions (see man 7 regex). -E also works on BSD sed, used by default on Mac OS X. (Thanks to #EdMorton for the note.)

With GNU awk for multi-char RS:
$ awk -v RS='[,\n]' '{ORS=(NR%3 ? "," : "\n")} 1' file
With any awk:
$ awk -v RS=',' '{sub(/\n$/,""); ORS=(NR%3 ? "," : "\n")} 1' file

Try this:
$ cat /tmp/22.txt
$ echo "Name,Age,Year"; grep -o "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]\{3\}" /tmp/22.txt
Or, ,[1-9][0-9]\{3\} if you don't want to put [0-9] 3 more times for the YYYY part.
PS: This solution will give you only YYYY for the year (even if the data for YYYY is 19811 (typo mistakes if any), you'll still get 1981

You are looking for 3 fragments, each without a comma and separated by a comma.
The last fields can give problems (not ending with a comma and mayby only two fields.
The next command looks fine.
grep -Eo "([^,]*[,]{0,1}){0,3}" inputfile

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/,/\n/3;P;D' file
Replace every third , with a newline, print ,delete the first line and repeat.


Replace spaces between two strings with symbol using sed

I have string like this:
20.07.2010|Berlin|id 100|bd-22.10.94|Marry Scott Robinson|
I need to replace whitespaces only between "Marry Scott Robinson" with "|". So to have bd-22.10.94|Marry|Scott|Robinson|
There many of such rows, so problem is in replace whitespace only between "bd-" and vertical line after name.
I'll assume that the name is always on the fifth column :
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{gsub(/ /,OFS,$5)}1' file
If it is not the case, you can do :
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i ~ /bd-/){break}};gsub(/ /,OFS,$(i+1))}1' file
Returns :
20.07.2010|Berlin|id 100|bd-22.10.94|Marry|Scott|Robinson|
Perl to the rescue!
perl -lne '($before, $change, $after) = /(.*\|bd-.*?\|)(.*?)(\|.*)/;
print $before, $change =~ s/ /|/gr, $after' -- file
-n reads the input line by line, running the code for each line
-l removes newlines from input and adds them to output
the first line populates three variables by values captured from the line. $before contains verything up to the first | after bd-; $change contains what follows up to the next |, and $after contains the rest.
s/ /|/gr replaces spaces by pipes (/g for "all of them") and returns (/r) the result.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/[^|]*/\n&\n/5;:a;s/\(\n[^\n ]*\) /\1\|/;ta;s/\n//g' file
Sometimes to fix a problem we must erect scaffolding, then fix the original problem and finally remove the scaffolding.
Here we need to isolate the field by surrounding it by newlines.
Remove the spaces between the newlines by looping until failure.
Finally, remove the scaffolding i.e. the introduced newlines.
Another perl version:
$ perl -F'\|' -ne '$F[4] =~ tr/ /|/; print join("|", #F)' foo.txt
20.07.2010|Berlin|id 100|bd-22.10.94|Marry|Scott|Robinson|
Same basic idea as Corentin's first awk example. Split each line into columns based on |, replace spaces in the 5th one with |'s, print the re-joined lines.

Align numbers using only sed

I need to align decimal numbers with the "," symbol using only the sed command. The "," should go in the 5th position. For example:
Should turn into:
The maximum amount of numbers before the comma is 4. I have tried using this to remove spaces:
sed 's/ //g' input.txt > nospaces.txt
And then I thought about adding spaces depending on the number of digits before the comma, but I don't know how to do this using only sed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming that there is only one number on each line; that there are at most four digits before the ,, and that there is always a ,:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
The first s gets rid of everything other than the (first) number on the line, and puts four spaces before it. The second one deletes everything before the fifth character prior to the ,, leaving just enough spaces to right justify the number.
The second s command might mangle input lines which didn't match the first s command. If it is possible that the input contains such lines, you can add a conditional branch to avoid executing the second substitution if the first one failed. With Gnu sed, this is trivial:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;T;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
T jumps to the end of the commands if the previous s failed. Posix standard sed only has a conditional branch on success, so you need to use this circuitous construction:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;ta;b;:a;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
where ta (conditional branch to a on success) is used to skip over a b (unconditional branch to end). :a is the label referred to by the t command.
if you change your mind, here is an awk solution
$ awk -F, 'NF{printf "%5d,%-d\n", $1,$2} !NF' file
set the delimiter to comma and handle both parts as separate fields
Try with this:
gawk -F, '{ if($0=="") print ; else printf "%5d,%-d\n", $1, $2 }' input.txt
If you are using GNU sed, you could do as below
sed -r 's/([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/printf "%5s,%d" \1 \2/e' input.txt

Use awk to extract value from a line

I have these two lines within a file:
<first-value system-property="unique.setting.limit">3</first-value>
where I'd like to get the following as output using awk or sed:
Using this sed command does not work as I had hoped, and I suspect this is due to the presence of the quotes and delimiters in my line entry.
sed -n '/WORD1/,/WORD2/p' /path/to/file
How can I extract the values I want from the file?
awk -F'[<>]' '{print $3}' input.txt
<first-value system-property="unique.setting.limit">3</first-value>
sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z.<\/>= \-]//g' file
Using sed:
sed -E 's/.*limit"*>([0-9]+)<.*/\1/' file
.* takes care of everything that comes before the string limit
limit"* takes care of both the lines, one with limit" and the other one with just limit
([0-9]+) takes care of matching numbers and only numbers as stated in your requirement.
\1 is actually a shortcut for capturing pattern. When a pattern groups all or part of its content into a pair of parentheses, it captures that content and stores it temporarily in memory. For more details, please refer
The script solution with parameter expansion:
while read line || test -n "$line" ; do
printf "%s\n" "${value##*\>}"
done <"$1"
$ ./ dat/ltags.txt
Looks like XML to me, so assuming it forms part of some valid XML, e.g.
<first-value system-property="unique.setting.limit">3</first-value>
You can use Perl's XML::Simple and do something like this:
perl -MXML::Simple -E '$xml = XMLin("file"); say $xml->{"first-value"}->{"content"}; say $xml->{"second-value-limit"}'
If the XML structure is more complicated, then you may have to drill down a bit deeper to get to the values you want. If that's the case, you should edit the question to show the bigger picture.
Ashkan's awk solution is straightforward, but let me suggest a sed solution that accepts non-integer numbers:
sed -n 's/[^>]*>\([.[:digit:]]*\)<.*/\1/p' input.txt
This extracts the number between the first > character of the line and the following <. In my RE this "number" can be the empty string, if you don't want to accept an empty string please add the -r option to sed and replace \([.[:digit:]]*\) by ([.[:digit:]]+).

Sed is not replacing all occurrences of pattern

I've got a the following variable LINES with the format date;album;song;duration;singer;author;genre.
August 2013;MDNA;Falling Free;00:31:40;Madonna;Madonna;Pop
August 2013;MDNA;I don't give a;00:45:40;Madonna;Madonna;Pop
August 2013;MDNA;I'm a sinner;01:00:29;Madonna;Madonna;Pop
August 2013;MDNA;Give Me All Your Luvin';01:15:02;Madonna;Madonna;Pop
I want to output author-song, so I made this script:
echo $LINES | sed s_"^[^;]*;[^;]*;\([^;]*\);[^;]*;[^;]*;\([^;]*\)"_"\2-\1"_g
The desired output is:
Madonna-Falling Free
Madonna-I don't give a
Madonna-I'm a sinner
Madonna-Give Me All Your Luvin'
However, I am getting this:
Madonna-Falling Free;Madonna;Pop August 2013;MDNA;I don't give a;00:45:40;Madonna;Madonna;Pop August 2013;MDNA;I'm a sinner;01:00:29;Madonna;Madonna;Pop August 2013;MDNA;Give Me All Your Luvin';01:15:02;Madonna;Madonna;Pop
EDIT: I need to use sed.
When I run your sed script on your input, I get this output:
Madonna-Falling Free;Pop
Madonna-I don't give a;Pop
Madonna-I'm a sinner;Pop
Madonna-Give Me All Your Luvin';Pop
which is fine except for the extra ;Pop - you just need to add .*$ to the end of your regex so that the entire line is replaced.
Based on your reported output, I'm guessing your input file is using a different newline convention from what sed expects.
In any case, this is a pretty silly thing to use sed for. Much better with awk, for instance:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=";";OFS="-"} {print $5,$3}'
or, slightly more tersely,
awk -F\; -vOFS=- '{print $5,$3}'
If you want sed to see more than one line of input, you must quote the variable to echo:
echo "$LINES" | sed ...
Note that I'm not even going to try to evaluate the correctness of your sed script; using sed here is a travesty, given that awk is so much better suited to the task.
It looks like sed is viewing your entire sample text as a single line. So it is performing the operation requested and then leaving the rest unchanged.
I would look into the newline issue first. How are you populating $LINES?
You should also add to the pattern that seventh field in your input (genre), so that the expression actually does consume all of the text that you want it to. And perhaps anchor the end of the pattern on $ or \b (word boundary) or \s (a spacey character) or \n (newline).
If your format is absolutely permanent, just try below:
echo $line | sed 's#.*;.*;\(.*\);.*;.*;\(.*\);.*#\2-\1#'

Remove nth character from middle of string using Shell

I've been searching google for ever, and I cannot find an example of how to do this. I also do not grasp the concept of how to construct a regular expression for SED, so I was hoping someone could explain this to me.
I'm running a bash script against a file full of lines of text that look like this: 2222,H,73.82,04,07,2012
and I need to make them all look like this: 2222,H,73.82,04072012
I need to remove the last two commas, which are the 16th and 19th characters in the line.
Can someone tell me how to do that? I was going to use colrm, which is blessedly simple, but i can't seem to get that installed in CYGWIN. Please and thank you!
I'd use awk for this:
awk -F',' -v OFS=',' '{ print $1, $2, $3, $4$5$6 }' inputfile
This takes a CSV file and prints the first, second and third fields, each followed by the output field separator (",") and then the fourth, fifth and sixth fields concatenated.
Personally I find this easier to read and maintain than regular expression-based solutions in sed and it will cope well if any of your columns get wider (or narrower!).
This will work on any string and will remove only the last 2 commas:
sed -e 's/\(.*\),\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\)$/\1\2\3/' infile.txt
Note that in my sed variant I have to escape parenthesis, YMMV.
I also do not grasp the concept of how to construct a regular
expression for SED, so I was hoping someone could explain this to me.
The basic notation that people are telling you here is: s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/
Your PATTERN is a regular expression, which may contain parts that are in brackets. Those parts can then be referred to in the REPLACEMENT part of the command. For example:
> echo "aabbcc" | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\2\3\1/'
Note that in the version of sed I'm using defaults to the "basic" RE dialect, where the brackets in expressions need to be escaped. You can do the same thing in the "extended" dialect:
> echo "aabbcc" | sed -E 's/(..)(..)(..)/\2\3\1/'
(In GNU sed (which you'd find in Linux), you can get the same results with the -r options instead of -E. I'm using OS X.)
I should say that for your task, I would definitely follow Johnsyweb's advice and use awk instead of sed. Much easier to understand. :)
It should work :
sed -e 's~,~~4g' file.txt
remove 4th and next commas
echo "2222,H,73.82,04,07,2012" | sed -r 's/(.{15}).(..)./\1\2/'
Take 15 chars, drop one, take 2, drop one.
sed -e 's/(..),(..),(....)$/\1\2\3/' myfile.txt
