Align numbers using only sed - bash

I need to align decimal numbers with the "," symbol using only the sed command. The "," should go in the 5th position. For example:
Should turn into:
The maximum amount of numbers before the comma is 4. I have tried using this to remove spaces:
sed 's/ //g' input.txt > nospaces.txt
And then I thought about adding spaces depending on the number of digits before the comma, but I don't know how to do this using only sed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Assuming that there is only one number on each line; that there are at most four digits before the ,, and that there is always a ,:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
The first s gets rid of everything other than the (first) number on the line, and puts four spaces before it. The second one deletes everything before the fifth character prior to the ,, leaving just enough spaces to right justify the number.
The second s command might mangle input lines which didn't match the first s command. If it is possible that the input contains such lines, you can add a conditional branch to avoid executing the second substitution if the first one failed. With Gnu sed, this is trivial:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;T;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
T jumps to the end of the commands if the previous s failed. Posix standard sed only has a conditional branch on success, so you need to use this circuitous construction:
sed 's/[^0-9,]*\([0-9]\+,[0-9]*\).*/ \1/;ta;b;:a;s/.*\(.....,.*\)/\1/;'
where ta (conditional branch to a on success) is used to skip over a b (unconditional branch to end). :a is the label referred to by the t command.

if you change your mind, here is an awk solution
$ awk -F, 'NF{printf "%5d,%-d\n", $1,$2} !NF' file
set the delimiter to comma and handle both parts as separate fields

Try with this:
gawk -F, '{ if($0=="") print ; else printf "%5d,%-d\n", $1, $2 }' input.txt

If you are using GNU sed, you could do as below
sed -r 's/([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/printf "%5s,%d" \1 \2/e' input.txt


Using shell scripts to remove all commas except for the first on each line

I have a text file consisting of lines which all begin with a numerical code, followed by one or several words, a comma, and then a list of words separated by commas. I need to delete all commas in every line apart from the first comma. For example:
1.2.3 Example question, a, question, that, is, hopefully, not, too, rudimentary
which should be changed to
1.2.3 Example question, a question that is hopefully not too rudimentary
I have tried using sed and shell scripts to solve this, and I can figure out how to delete the first comma on each line (1) and how to delete all commas (2), but not how to delete only the commas after the first comma on each line
while read -r line
echo "${line/,/}"
done <"filename.txt" > newfile.txt
mv newfile.txt filename.txt
sed 's/,//g' filename.txt > newfile.txt
You need to capture the first comma, and then remove the others. One option is to change the first comma into some otherwise unused character (Control-A for example), then remove the remaining commas, and finally replace the replacement character with a comma:
sed -e $'s/,/\001/; s/,//g; s/\001/,/'
(using Bash ANSI C quoting — the \001 maps to Control-A).
An alternative mechanism uses sed's labels and branches, as illustrated by Wiktor Stribiżew's answer.
If using GNU sed, you can specify a number in the flags of sed's s/// command along with g to indicate which match to start replacing at:
$ sed 's/,//2g' <<<'1.2.3 Example question, a, question, that, is, hopefully, not, too, rudimentary'
1.2.3 Example question, a question that is hopefully not too rudimentary
Its manual says:
Note: the POSIX standard does not specify what should happen when you mix the g and NUMBER modifiers, and currently there is no widely agreed upon meaning across sed implementations. For GNU sed, the interaction is defined to be: ignore matches before the NUMBERth, and then match and replace all matches from the NUMBERth on.
so if you're using a different sed, your mileage may vary. (OpenBSD and NetBSD seds raise an error instead, for example).
You can use
sed ':a; s/^\([^,]*,[^,]*\),/\1/;ta' filename.txt > newfile.txt
:a - sets an a label
s/^\([^,]*,[^,]*\),/\1/ - finds 0+ non-commas at the start of string, a comma and again 0+ non-commas, capturing this substring into Group 1, and then just matching a , and replacing the match with the contents of Group 1 (removes the non-first comma)
ta - upon a successful replacement, jumps back to the a label location.
See an online sed demo:
s='1.2.3 Example question, a, question, that, is, hopefully, not, too, rudimentary'
sed ':a; s/^\([^,]*,[^,]*\),/\1/;ta' <<< "$s"
# => 1.2.3 Example question, a question that is hopefully not too rudimentary
awk 'NF>1 {$1=$1","} 1' FS=, OFS= filename.txt
sed ':a;s/,//2;t a' filename.txt
sed 's/,/\
/;s/,//g;y/\n/,/' filename.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/,/&\n/;h;s/,//g;H;g;s/\n.*\n//' file
Append a newline to the first comma.
Copy the current line to the hold space.
Remove all commas in the current line.
Append the current line to the hold space.
Swap the current line for the hold space.
Remove everything between the introduced newlines.

Adding a new line to a text file after 5 occurrences of a comma in Bash

I have a text file that is basically one giant excel file on one line in a text file. An example would be like this:
I need to change the third occurance of a comma into a new line so that I get
Please let me know if that is too ambiguous and as always thank you in advance for all the help!
With Gnu sed:
sed -E 's/(([^,]*,){2}[^,]*),/\1\n/g'
To change the number of fields per line, change {2} to one less than the number of fields. For example, to change every fifth comma (as in the title of your question), you would use:
sed -E 's/(([^,]*,){4}[^,]*),/\1\n/g'
In the regular expression, [^,]*, is "zero or more characters other than , followed by a ,; in other words, it is a single comma-delimited field. This won't work if the fields are quoted strings with internal commas or newlines.
Regardless of what Linux's man sed says, the -E flag is an extension to Posix sed, which causes sed to use extended regular expressions (EREs) rather than basic regular expressions (see man 7 regex). -E also works on BSD sed, used by default on Mac OS X. (Thanks to #EdMorton for the note.)
With GNU awk for multi-char RS:
$ awk -v RS='[,\n]' '{ORS=(NR%3 ? "," : "\n")} 1' file
With any awk:
$ awk -v RS=',' '{sub(/\n$/,""); ORS=(NR%3 ? "," : "\n")} 1' file
Try this:
$ cat /tmp/22.txt
$ echo "Name,Age,Year"; grep -o "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]\{3\}" /tmp/22.txt
Or, ,[1-9][0-9]\{3\} if you don't want to put [0-9] 3 more times for the YYYY part.
PS: This solution will give you only YYYY for the year (even if the data for YYYY is 19811 (typo mistakes if any), you'll still get 1981
You are looking for 3 fragments, each without a comma and separated by a comma.
The last fields can give problems (not ending with a comma and mayby only two fields.
The next command looks fine.
grep -Eo "([^,]*[,]{0,1}){0,3}" inputfile
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/,/\n/3;P;D' file
Replace every third , with a newline, print ,delete the first line and repeat.

Replace string after first semicolon while retaining the string after that

I have a result file, values separated by ; as below:
and I want to change the second value (AJP14028.1_VP35) to only AJP14028, without the ".1_VP35" at the back. So the result will be:
Any idea on how to do this? I am trying to solve this using either sed or awk but I am not really familiar with them yet.
With that input, and focusing on the second field, you can use awk:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {split($2, arr, /\.1/); $2=arr[1]} 1' file
BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} sets FS and OFS to ";". This splits the input on the ; character and set the output field separator to that same character.
{split($2, arr, /\.1/) splits the second field on the pattern of a literal .1 and places the result in an array.
$2=arr[1] is an awk idiom that resets the second field, $2, to the trimmed value. A side effect is the total record, $0 is reset using the output field separator, OFS
1 at the end is another awkism -- print the current record.
If you just have the fixed string .1_VP35 to remove (and you do not care if it is field specific) you can just used sed:
sed 's/\.1_VP35//' file
awk '{sub(/.1_VP35/,"")}1' file
sed -r 's/(^[^.]*)(.[^;]*)(.*)/\1\3/g' inputfile
Here: back referencing is used to divide the input line into three groups,seprated by `()'. Later they are referred as "\1" and so on.
The first group will match from the start of the line till the first dot.
The second group will match string followed by the first dot till the first semicolon.
The third group will match everything followed by it.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/\(;[^.]*\)[^;]*/\1/' file
Make a back reference of the first ; and everything thereafter which is not a . and then remove everything from thereon which is not a ;.

sed print more than one matches in a line

I have a file, including some strings and variables, like:
I want to print all the strings between "{}". In some lines there are more than one such string and in this case they should remain in the same line. The output should be:
xfire.port plfservice.url
xfire.port spkservice.synch.url
xfire.port spkservice.asynch.request.url
soabp.protocol hpc.reward113.port
I tried the following:
sed -n 's/.*{//;s/}.*//p' filename
but it printed only the last occurrence of each line. How can I get all the occurrences, remaining in the same line, as in the original file?
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n 's/${/\n/g;T;s/[^\n]*\n\([^}]*\)}[^\n]*/\1 /g;s/ $//p' file
Replace all ${ by newlines and if there are non then move on as there is nothing to process. If there are newlines then remove non-newline characters to the left and non-newline characters to the right of the next } globally. To finish off remove the extra space introduced in the RHS of the global substitution.
If you're not against awk, you can try the following:
awk -v RS='{|}' -v ORS=' ' '/\n/{printf "\n"} (NR+1)%2' file
The record separator RS is set to either { or }. This splits the wanted pattern from the rest.
The script then displays 1 record out of 2 with the statement (NR+1)%2.
In order to keep the alignment as expected, the output record separator is set to a space ORS=' ' and everytime a newline is encountered this statement /\n/{printf "\n"} inserts one.

Delete all lines before last case of a string

How would I go about deleting all the lines before the last occurrence of a string. Like if I had a file that looked like
Icecream is good
Chocolate is good
They have lots of sugar
If I want all lines after and including the last occurrence of "And" what's the cleanest way to do this? Specifically, I want
They have lots of sugar
I was doing sed -n -E -e '/And/,$p' file but I see this gives me the first occurrence.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/And/h;//!H;$!d;x;//p' file
Replace anything in the hold space by the line containing And. Append all other lines to the hold space. At the end of the file, swap the pattern space for the hold space and print out the result as long it matches the required string And.
I know that you asked for sed and that Potong provided a good sed solution. But, for comparison, here is an awk solution:
$ awk 's{s=s"\n"$0;} /And/{s=$0;} END{print s;}' file
They have lots of sugar
How it works:
If the variable s is not empty, then add to it the current line, $0.
If the current line contains And, then set s to the current line, $0.
END{print s;}
After we have reached the end of the file, print s.
$ tac file | awk '!f; /And/{f=1}' | tac
They have lots of sugar
$ awk 'NR==FNR{if(/And/)nr=NR;next} FNR>=nr' file file
They have lots of sugar
