Scope of RestController and Controller in Spring - spring

What should be the scope of Controller and RestController in a Spring application? The default behavior if being Singleton. But will not having single bean cross over the request/responses from multiple clients, as our Controller will call some other bean (say #Service) which handles user specific request (like fetching user details from a DB or from another REST/SOAP service).

You have two options here:
Option 1 - In your service classes, ensure that you do not save any request specific details in instance variables. Instead pass them around as method arguments.
The below code will corrupt the value stored in userId if there are simultaneous requests.
public class SomeService {
String userId;
public void processRequest(String userId, String orderId) {
this.userId = userId;
// Some code
public void process(String orderId) {
// code that uses orderId
While, the following code is safe.
public class SomeService {
private String userId;
public void processRequest(String userId, String orderId) {
// Some code
process(userId, orderId);
public void process(String userId, String orderId) {
// code that uses userId and orderId
Option 2:
You can save request specific data in request scoped beans and inject them in your singletons. Spring creates a proxy for the injected request scoped beans and proxies calls to the bean associated with the current request.
class UserInfo {
class UserService {
private UserInfo userInfo;
public void process(String orderId) {
// It is safe to invoke methods of userInfo here. The calls will be passed to the bean associated with the current request.


In MVC pattern, which is better to use HttpSession between Controller or Service?

Currently, by declaring HttpSession inside Service, session is created and the value for the key is retrieved.
public class FormAnswerService {
private final FormAnswerRepository formAnswerRepository;
private final FormContentService formContentService;
private final MemberService memberService;
private final HttpServletRequest request;
public List<Long> createFormAnswer(Map<Long,String> answer) {
List<Long> formAnswerIdList = new ArrayList<>();
HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
Long memberId;
if(httpSession.getAttribute("login-user") != null) {
memberId = (Long)httpSession.getAttribute("login-user");
Is the above expression correct? Or is it correct to validate session in Controller in the first place?
In spring mvc session is usually used on controller. In spring you can use #SessionAttributes annotation to define session attributes on class scope and #ModelAttribute annotation in method scope.
public class FormAnswerController {
public String handleFromAnswerRequest(#ModelAttribute("login-user") LoginUser loginUser,
Model model,
HttpServletRequest request) {

Spring Boot - Store current user in global variable and initialise from API call when #service bean is created

I am creating a microservice architectured project with Zuul as gateway. I have all authentication handled in a service called common-service. I have exposed a API from common-service to return current logged in user. This is working fine.
Now, I have another microservice called inventory. In service class of inventory, I want to use current loggedin username in multiple methods. So, I am making a webclient call to common-service and getting current username. This is working fine but I am making a webclient API call to common service everytime I require username. Example - if I add a new entry, doing API call, then on update again API call etc. this seems not to be an optimised way
so problem is - I want to make this API call at global level. i.e. whenever my service bean is autowired, this API call should be made and username should be store somewhere which I can use across methods in my service call.
I tried #PostConstruct and #SessionAttributes but not able to get exact problem solved.
Can somebody help me with best suited solution or concept for handling this issue.
Below are code snippets
public class LeadService
WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
//more autowiring
private void setLeadFields(Lead lead, #Valid LeadCreateData payload,String type)
//some logic
else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("update"))
//some logic
private StatusEnum setLeadStatus(Lead lead, StatusEnum status,String string)
LeadStatus lstatus=null;
case "create":
lstatus = new LeadStatus(lead.getLeadId(),status,userDetailsService.getCurrentUser().getId(),userDetailsService.getCurrentUser().getId());;
case "udpate":
lstatus= lsRepo.FindLeadStatusByLeadID(lead.getLeadId()).get(0);
lstatus = new LeadStatus(lead.getLeadId(),status,userDetailsService.getCurrentUser().getId(),userDetailsService.getCurrentUser().getId());;
return lstatus.getStatus();
private Address setAddress(#Valid LeadCreateData payload,Address address)
//some setters
As you can see, I am using userDetailsService.getCurrentUser().getId() in many places. I am getting this id from below autowired method. But my one API call is required everytime I need this id.
public class UserDetailsService
WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
HttpServletRequest request;
private String reqUrl;
public UserReturnData getCurrentUser()
UserReturnData userDetails =
.header("Authorization", request.getHeader("Authorization"))
return userDetails;
I want a optimal way where I can call this API method to get current user only once. and I can use it throughout my #service class.
Create OncePerPrequestFilter or GenericFilterBean which has your UserDetailsService autowired.
And also you want to create something similar to RequestContextHolder or SecurityContextHolder which can hold your UserReturnData in a ThreadLocal variable. Look at those two spring classes to get idea but yours can be much simpler. Lets call it UserReturnDataContextHolder.
In the filter, you created in step1, when the request comes in populate it and when the response is leaving, clear it.
Now you can access it anywhere in the service via UserReturnDataContextHolder.getUserReturnData() and you are not making multiple calls either
Edit: The section below is contributed by Sridhar Patnaik as reference -
Below code to get it working
Added a class to store currentuserid
public class CurrentUser
private Long currentUserId;
//getter setter
Added a current user filter to intercept request and fetch current user.
public class CurrentUserFilter implements Filter
private CurrentUser currentUser;
UserDetailsService UserDetailsService;
public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
chain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
public void destroy() {
Added required AppConfig
public class AppConfig
public Filter currentUserFilter() {
return new CurrentUserFilter();
public FilterRegistrationBean tenantFilterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean result = new FilterRegistrationBean();
result.setName("Tenant Store Filter");
return result;
#Bean(destroyMethod = "destroy")
public ThreadLocalTargetSource threadLocalTenantStore() {
ThreadLocalTargetSource result = new ThreadLocalTargetSource();
return result;
#Bean(name = "proxiedThreadLocalTargetSource")
public ProxyFactoryBean proxiedThreadLocalTargetSource(ThreadLocalTargetSource threadLocalTargetSource) {
ProxyFactoryBean result = new ProxyFactoryBean();
return result;
#Bean(name = "tenantStore")
#Scope(scopeName = "prototype")
public CurrentUser tenantStore() {
return new CurrentUser();
And then autowired CurrentUser to my existing service class.
CurrentUser currentUser;
private void setLeadFields(Lead lead, #Valid LeadCreateData payload,String type)
//some logic
lead.setAddress(setAddress(payload, new Address()));
else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("update"))

Using Mockito to mock out Spring Boot repository delete call throws java.util.NoSuchElementException on get()

I am new to Spring Boot and Mockito and having a problem mocking out a repository call in my service test.
I have a "delete" service method call as follows that I am trying to test with Mockito by mocking out the repository calls:
public interface IEntityTypeService {
public EntityType getById(long id);
public EntityType getByName(String name);
public List<EntityType> getAll();
public void update(EntityType entityType);
public void delete(long id);
public boolean add(EntityType entityType);
public class EntityTypeServiceImpl implements IEntityTypeService {
private EntityTypeRepository entityTypeRepository;
public void delete(long id) {
public EntityType getById(long id) {
return entityTypeRepository.findById(id).get();
....implementation of other methods from the interface
My repository looks as follows:
public interface EntityTypeRepository extends LookupObjectRepository<EntityType> {
I have not implemented any of the methods in the repository as I am letting Spring Boot wire it up for me.
My test is as follows:
public class EntityTypeServiceTest {
static class EntityTypeServiceImplTestContextConfiguration {
public IEntityTypeService entityTypeService() {
return new EntityTypeServiceImpl();
private IEntityTypeService entityTypeService;
private EntityTypeRepository entityTypeRepository;
public void whenDelete_thenObjectShouldBeDeleted() {
final EntityType entity = new EntityType(1L, "new OET");
// when
// then
Mockito.verify(entityTypeRepository, times(1)).delete(entity);
When I run the test, I get an error saying "java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present"
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
at java.util.Optional.get(
at xyz.unittests.service.EntityTypeServiceTest.whenDelete_thenObjectShouldBeDeleted(
It references the line in the test saying Mockito.when(originatingEntityTypeRepository.findById(1L).get()).thenReturn(entity).thenReturn(null);
The reason I think I have to mock that call out is because the delete method in the Service calls the getById() method in the same service, which in turn calls entityTypeRepository.findById(id).get()
It is that, that I am assuming I have to mock out on the delete. But clearly I am wrong. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Many thanks
public void whenDelete_thenObjectShouldBeDeleted() {
final EntityType entity = new EntityType(1L, "new OET");
Optional<EntityType> optionalEntityType = Optional.of(entity);
// when
// then
Mockito.verify(entityTypeRepository, times(1)).delete(entity);
//I dont think you need to assert to confirm actual delete as you are testing mock registry. to assert somethink like below you need to return null by mocking the same call again and return the null but thats of no use
Updated your test. Basically we first need to mock the result of findById. refer my comment above asserting the actual delete.

Post authorizing Spring asynchronous controller response

I have a REST controller with a GET method. It returns a resource. I want to verify if the resource belongs to the authorized user by comparing the owner field on the Resource with the authorized user's login. With a normal synchronous request I'd do something like this:
public class AController {
private final AService aService;
public AController(AService aService) {
this.aService = aService;
#PostAuthorize("returnObject.ownerLogin ==")
public Resource getResource(#PathVariable Long id) {
return aService.getResource(id);
But what if the controller method is asynchronous (implemented with DeferredResult)?
public class AController {
private final AService aService;
public AController(AService aService) {
this.aService = aService;
#PostAuthorize("returnObject.ownerLogin ==")
public DeferredResult<Resource> getResource(#PathVariable Long id) {
DeferredResult<Resource> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>();
.thenAccept(resource -> {
return deferredResult;
Where AService interface looks like this:
public class AService {
public CompletableFuture<Resource> getResourceAsync(Long id) {
// implementation...
public Resource getResource(Long id) {
// implementation...
And Resource class is a simple DTO:
public class Resource {
private String ownerLogin;
// other fields, getters, setters
In the second example Spring Security obiously looks for the ownerLogin field on the DeferredResult instance. I'd like it to treat the asynchronously resolved Resource as the returnObject in the #PostAuthorize SPEL expression.
Is it possible? Maybe someone can suggest an alternatve approach? Any suggestions are welcome.
Couldn't achieve my goal with PostAuthorize and endedd up doing the following:
Made Resource a subresource of the User resource. Used a PreAuthorize annotation to validate user's login.
public class AController {
private final AService aService;
public AController(AService aService) {
this.aService = aService;
#GetMapping("/users/{login:" + Constants.LOGIN_REGEX + "}/resources/{id}")
#PreAuthorize("#login ==")
public DeferredResult<Resource> getResource(#PathVariable String login, #PathVariable Long id) {
DeferredResult<Resource> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>();
.getResourceAsync(login, id)
.thenAccept(resource -> {
return deferredResult;
Added an ownership check in AService. If Resource owner and the requesting user's login don't match throw an Exception that resolves to a 404 HTTP status:
public class AService {
private final ARepository aRepository;
public AController(ARepository aRepository) {
this.aRepository = aRepository;
public CompletableFuture<Resource> getResourceAsync(String owner, Long id) {
Resource resource = aRepository.getResource(id);
if (!resource.owner.equals(owner)) {
// resolves to 404 response code
throw ResourceNotFounException();
return resource;

Spring MVC - Autowired field from header

I made web service with spring mvc(version 4).
This service used token in http header for authorization.
I want to value in http header bind to field in model class auto.
Is it possible? How can I do?
(See below code and comment)
#RequestMapping(value = "/order")
public class OrderController {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrderController.class);
private OrderService orderService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public List<Order> getAll() throws Exception {
// I want to remove two line below with auto binding (userToken field in model)
// in all controller using token value
String token = request.getHeader("X-Auth-Token"); // remove~
orderService.setUserToken(token); // remove~
return items;
public class OrderService {
//#Autowired - is it possible?
private String userToken;
public String setUserToken(String userToken)
this.userToken = userToken;
public List<Order> getAllbyUser() {
String userId = userMapper.getUserId(userToken);
List<Order> list = orderMapper.getAllbyUser(userId);
return list;
#Autowire is for Spring to inject beans one to another. If you want to inject a String to a bean you can with the org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value annotation.
For example:
private String userToken;
This will make Spring search of the user.token in the VM args and other places (which I don't remember and in some specific order).
But again, as said in my initial comment, from the code you show here it seems to be an error setting this field as it is context specific and the #Service (by default) indicates that the OrderService is a singleton.
In order to read a header value from request, you can use #RequestHeader("X-Auth-Token") in your controller, as shown below:
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public List<Order> getAll(#RequestHeader("X-Auth-Token") String token) throws Exception {
orderService.setUserToken(token); // remove~
return items;
Hope this helps you.
