Xamarin Google API client does not exist? - xamarin

I'm new to Xamarin unfortunately. I've been trying to create a simple page with a map on it using the Xamarin.Forms.Maps package, but upon building I run into about 92 errors all describing that various packages could not be found:
error: package com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiClient does not exist
error: package com.google.android.gms.common does not exist
error: package com.google.android.gms.maps.GoogleMap does not exist
error: package com.google.android.gms.maps does not exist
error: package com.google.android.gms.tasks does not exist
...and many others. My solution is a Cross-Platform Xamarin.Forms blank mobile app using a .NET class library which I have nothing but the NETStandard.Library, Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Forms.Maps packages installed on. I thought that I had set it up correctly according to the official Microsoft documentation, but I still get all these weird errors and searching online for a solution has not been much help. Can someone give me assistance? Let me know if I need to clarify anything.

I had exactly the same issue with the same 92 errors after upgrading my version of Xamarin.Forms to V3.0.0.561731 and installing the latest version of Xamarin.Forms.Maps in Visual Studio Community 2017.
I solved the issue by adding "Google Play Services" via the Android SDK Manager. The item can be found on the "Tools" tab of the Android SDK listed under "Extras".
Note: I had to come out of Visual Studio, and rebuild my solution, and it worked.

Make sure you have installed the nuget on your android project
It's a google maps API requisite.
You can see an entire explanation on official documentation on this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/platform/maps-and-location/maps/maps-api#google-maps-api-prerequisites

I had the same error.
For me the solution was to switch to the Visual Studio Preview Channel. I'm now on Version 15.8.0 Preview 2 and the error has gone away.
To get the Preview Channel you can download it here https://www.visualstudio.com/de/vs/preview/

Had this behavior but was because I only included Xamarin.Forms.Maps in PCL project. As soon as I added Xamarin.Forms.Maps also into Android (specially here) and iOS projects all compiled fine.


Found conflicts between different versions of "System.Numerics.Vectors" in Xamarin Forms 5 project

I'm building a new Xamarin Forms 5 app using VS 2022 17.1.1. Everything in the project appears to be up-to-date.
I've been working on this project for a while and never had this issue. All of a sudden it just appeared today. The last action I took was to install the Plugin.InAppBilling package, thought the package in question is not used by the Plugin.InAppBilling package.
The error is as follows:
All I can see is that the shared project is using System.Numerics.Vectors version 4.5.0 and it seems to be dependency of Xamarin.Essentials which is version 1.7.1 in my project.
However, the version number of System.Numerics.Vectors seems to be in the Android and iOS projects.
I found the GitHub issue here but I'm not seeing any clear resolution to this issue. Even though it appears to be a warning, in my case, I can no longer run the app because I keep getting deployment error to the Android Emulator or actual device. It simply refuses to deploy my app to the device/emulator. So, it's really NOT a warning in my case. It's a show-stopper. I'm a bit surprised about how lightly the Xamarin Essentials folks seem to have taken this issue on GitHub.
Has anyone actually resolved this issue? If so, what's the solution?
BTW, in my case both the Android and the iOS projects are throwing this error/warning and both use System.Numberics.Vectors version even though the shared project has version 4.5.0 installed as a dependency undre Xamarin Esssentials.
I'd appreciate some pointers on how to make this issue disappear. Thanks.
At first, you can try to update the Xamarin.Essentials package in the Android and IOS project with the nuget package manager to the version 1.7.1.
And then, if the error is still here, you can right click the reference and remove the reference of the System.Numberics.Vectors both in your Android and IOS project. Then download the System.Numberics.Vectors 4.5.0 in the nuget package manager both too.

failed to resolve ObjCRuntime.TrampolineBlockBase

I am implementing google Admob in my Xamarin.Forms application. My android project is working perfectly but my iOS project fails to build. when I build the project it shows
Failed to resolve "ObjCRuntime.TrampolineBlockBase" reference from "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065"
and it also say I am missing few files.
I tried to download the mobile sdk framework for ios from https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/quick-start#cocoapods and then add to the project but I can't seem to add this framework to references.
Any kind of help is really helpful.
I had this issue on App Center. Resolved by upgrading SDK and Xcode versions in build configuration options
I was able to resolve the issue from upgrading the visual studio 2019 to 16.4.5 and downgrading the Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.AdMob from to
After doing that I restarted Visual Studio and build the project it successfully built.
Also, I referred to this link for help
In short, Visual studio installed the new appropriate mono framework for ios which basically solved the issue here.
In case anyone else runs into this issue, I got this issue after adding the Maps sdk to iOS. I had to upgrade Xamarin.iOS from to to resolve the issue.

Multiple errors when creating Xamarin.Forms - Blank Xaml App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) or Android App

I using Windows 10 and am trying to create a Xamarin.Forms - Blank Xaml App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) project for the first time. I have Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Update 3 installed and have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, and repairing multiple times.
When I create a project, I get the following errors:
"The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context"
"Error encountered while loading the project. Some project features, such as full solution analysis for the failed project and projects that depend on it, have been disabled" - for App, Droid, UWP, WinPhone, Windows, and iOS
"The XamlCTask task failed unexpectedly..." - for UWP, WinPhone, Windows, and iOS
I tried this on my work computer and home computer and I had the same issues with both.
I have tried updating Xamarin.Forms nuget to the latest version and the created 36 errors with Droid. I also tried going to c:/users/[YOURNAME]/AppData/Local. Delete the Xamarin folder and that did not solve the issue.
I tried creating other Visual Studio projects that did not involve Xamarin and did not have any issues with those. I know the issue is with Xamarin (probably something with Android) itself, but I don't think that there is anything that I am missing from the install. I tried installing it by first installing Visual Studio, then going to Modify and adding Cross Platform. That didn't work, so I uninstalled then downloaded the Xamarin Installer. I had the same issues with both.
I created a blank Android App and that give me the warning - "aapt.exe" exited with code - 1073741849".
A blank app for iPhone does not give any errors or warnings.
Windows Phone does not give any errors or warnings either.
Any ideas of what I should check for so I can get this working?
Here is a picture of the error that I'm getting
Try updating to the latest version of Forms to get rid of the XamlC errors. Assuming you haven't updated, the template is using a modestly old version. As for the aapt error, if you have the N SDK preview installed, removing that should help. Alternatively, make certain that you have up through API 23 installed.

Attempting to add an MQTT library from NuGet into Xamarin project

I saw that Xamarin was now free and decided to try writing a mobile app using it instead of what another technology I was playing with. After some various hiccups, I was able to get the new Xamarin Android project to build, deploy and run on the simulator. I then decided to try out MQTT connectivity from it before I went any further. No matter which MQTT library I to install from NuGet, for example the System.Net.Mqtt one from Xamarin, I get the following error:
"Could not install package 'System.Net.Mqtt 0.3.12-pre'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v6.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author."
I tried several others with no success. It does the same for the ios and Android projects. I did try changing the Android SDK version to use for compiling, but still had the same result. I also don't understand why it says MonoAndroid since I thought all the Mono references were changed to Xamarin? I'm using Visual Studio 15 with Update 2. I tried the stable Xamarin version and also tried the latest alpha. I'm not sure what else to try, I'd really to give Xamarin a try for this project. I did some searching and couldn't find anything that appeared to help with this issue.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Use the Package Manager Console. Then, either:
Install the latest version of MQTT library.
Or install first its dependency, RX-Main and then MQTT.
If you still get an error, please share with us the Log that is shown in the PM Console.

error : Error initializing task XamlG: Not registered task XamlG

I am developing a Xamarin Forms (PCL) application for IOS and Android Platform.
My Xamarin Studio version is 5.5.4 (Build 15). I am on stable channel.
My Xamarin Forms dll version is
I have also added a Xamarin Forms Labs reference from NuGet, v1.2.0.
Since yesterday, whenever i am building the solution, i get following error:
error : Error initializing task XamlG: Not registered task XamlG.
Any possible resolution for this error? I have tried clean and build multiple time. Even deleted the entire source code and redownloaded everything from source control but same error.
This error can occur if you have upgraded from an older version of Xamarin.Forms to a newer version. The underlying problem is that the wrong Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.dll is being loaded compared with the one that the custo MSBuild Xamarin.Forms.targets file is expecting.
There is a bug in Xamarin Studio where the old build Xamarin.Forms build tasks are still used after the NuGet package has been upgraded. You can workaround this by closing and re-opening the solution.
However you say you have deleted the source code and downloaded everything again so it sounds like you have a different problem. It may be that your project is trying to use two different versions of Xamarin.Forms at the same time. I would look at your project files (.csproj) in a text editor and make sure they are all using one version of Xamarin.Forms. Check that they are all referencing a single version of Xamarin.Forms.targets and it is the same version.
This is silly.
I just recloned the project in a new fresh folder and build it from scratch and it worked. The more i am using Xamarin Forms, the more buggy and unbaked it seems. There are random issues which get fixed just by rebuilding the project. Or like Matt pointed in his answer below, by just restarting the studio. In my programming experience with different IDEs and platforms, only Xamarin seems to have these problems regularly.
