So I have this mathematical language, it goes like this:
E -> number
[+,E,E,E] //e.g. [+,1,2,3] is 1+2+3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[-,E,E,E] //e.g. [-,1,2,3] is 1-2-3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[*,E,E,E] //e.g. [*,1,2,3] is 1*2*3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[^,E,E] //e.g. [^,2,3] is 2^3
[sin,E] //e.g. [sin,0] is sin 0
[cos,E] //e.g. [cos,0] is cos 0
and I want to write the set of rules that finds the numeric value of a mathematical expression written by this language in prolog.
I first wrote a function called "check", it checks to see if the list is written in a right way according to the language we have :
check1([L|Ls]):- number(L),check1(Ls).
now I need to write the function "evaluate" that takes a list that is an expression written by this language, and a variable that is the numeric value corresponding to this language.
?-evaluate([*,1,[^,2,2],[*,2,[+,[sin,0],5]]]],N) -> N = 40
so I wrote this:
sum([L|Ls],N):- not(is_list(L)),sum(Ls,No),N is No + L.
min([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), min(Ls,No),N is No - L.
pro([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), pro(Ls,No), N is No * L.
pow([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), N is L ^ Ls.
sin_(L,N):-not(is_list(L)), N is sin(L).
cos_(L,N):-not(is_list(L)), N is cos(L).
d([L|Ls],N):- L == '+' ,sum(Ls,N);
L == '-',min(Ls,N);
L == '*',pro(Ls,N);
L == '^',pow(Ls,N);
L == 'sin',sin_(Ls,N);
L == 'cos',cos_(Ls,N).
is_list(L) , check(L) , d(L,N),L is N,evaluate(Ls,N);
is_list(L), not(check(L)) , evaluate(Ls,N);
L is N,evaluate(Ls,N);
and it's working for just a list and returning the right answer , but not for multiple lists inside the main list, how should my code be?
The specification you work with looks like a production rule that describes that E (presumably short for Expression) might be a number or one of the 6 specified operations. That is the empty list [] is not an expression. So the fact
should not be in your code. Your predicate sum/2 almost works the way you wrote it, except for the empty list and a list with a single element, that are not valid inputs according to your specification. But the predicates min/2 and pro/2 are not correct. Consider the following examples:
?- sum([1,2,3],X).
X = 6 % <- correct
?- sum([1],X).
X = 1 % <- incorrect
?- sum([],X).
X = 0 % <- incorrect
?- min([1,2,3],X).
X = -6 % <- incorrect
?- pro([1,2,3],X).
X = 6 ? ; % <- correct
X = 0 % <- incorrect
Mathematically speaking, addition and multiplication are associative but subtraction is not. In programming languages all three of these operations are usually left associative (see e.g. Operator associativity) to yield the mathematically correct result. That is, the sequence of subtractions in the above query would be calculated:
1-2-3 = (1-2)-3 = -4
The way you define a sequence of these operations resembles the following calculation:
[A,B,C]: ((0 op C) op B) op A
That works out fine for addition:
[1,2,3]: ((0 + 3) + 2) + 1 = 6
But it doesn't for subtraction:
[1,2,3]: ((0 - 3) - 2) - 1 = -6
And it is responsible for the second, incorrect solution when multiplying:
[1,2,3]: ((0 * 3) * 2) * 1 = 0
There are also some other issues with your code (see e.g. #lurker's comments), however, I won't go into further detail on that. Instead, I suggest a predicate that adheres closely to the specifying production rule. Since the grammar is describing expressions and you want to know the corresponding values, let's call it expr_val/2. Now let's describe top-down what an expression can be: It can be a number:
expr_val(X,X) :-
It can be an arbitrarily long sequence of additions or subtractions or multiplications respectively. For the reasons above all three sequences should be evaluated in a left associative way. So it's tempting to use one rule for all of them:
expr_val([Op|Es],V) :-
sequenceoperator(Op), % Op is one of the 3 operations
exprseq_op_val(Es,Op,V). % V is the result of a sequence of Ops
The power function is given as a list with three elements, the first being ^ and the others being expressions. So that rule is pretty straightforward:
expr_val([^,E1,E2],V) :-
V is V1^V2.
The expressions for sine and cosine are both lists with two elements, the first being sin or cos and the second being an expression. Note that the argument of sin and cos is the angle in radians. If the second argument of the list yields the angle in radians you can use sin/1 and cos/2 as you did in your code. However, if you get the angle in degrees, you need to convert it to radians first. I include the latter case as an example, use the one that fits your application.
expr_val([sin,E],V) :-
V is sin(V1*pi/180). % radians = degrees*pi/180
expr_val([cos,E],V) :-
V is cos(V1*pi/180). % radians = degrees*pi/180
For the second rule of expr_val/2 you need to define the three possible sequence operators:
And subsequently the predicate exprseq_op_val/3. As the leading operator has already been removed from the list in expr_val/2, the list has to have at least two elements according to your specification. In order to evaluate the sequence in a left associative way the value of the head of the list is passed as an accumulator to another predicate exprseq_op_val_/4
exprseq_op_val([E1,E2|Es],Op,V) :-
that is describing the actual evaluation. There are basically two cases: If the list is empty then, regardless of the operator, the accumulator holds the result. Otherwise the list has at least one element. In that case another predicate, op_val_args/4, delivers the result of the respective operation (Acc1) that is then recursively passed as an accumulator to exprseq_op_val_/4 alongside with the tail of the list (Es):
exprseq_op_val_([E1|Es],Op,V,Acc0) :-
At last you have to define op_val_args/4, that is again pretty straightforward:
op_val_args(+,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1+V2.
op_val_args(-,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1-V2.
op_val_args(*,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1*V2.
Now let's see how this works. First your example query:
?- expr_val([*,1,[^,2,2],[*,2,[+,[sin,0],5]]],V).
V = 40.0 ? ;
The simplest expression according to your specification is a number:
?- expr_val(-3.14,V).
V = -3.14 ? ;
The empty list is not an expression:
?- expr_val([],V).
The operators +, - and * need at least 2 arguments:
?- expr_val([-],V).
?- expr_val([+,1],V).
?- expr_val([*,1,2],V).
V = 2 ? ;
?- expr_val([-,1,2,3],V).
V = -4 ? ;
The power function has exactly two arguments:
?- expr_val([^,1,2,3],V).
?- expr_val([^,2,3],V).
V = 8 ? ;
?- expr_val([^,2],V).
?- expr_val([^],V).
And so on...
I'm new to Prolog, so please be gentle.
This is my rule:
solve(X) :- A = B, A is (7 * (X - 2)), B is (3 * (X + 4)).
Obviously, the correct answer here is 6.5. If I give that to Prolog, it confirms:
| ?- solve(6.5).
However, if I ask Prolog to do the dirty work, it throws an error:
| ?- solve(X).
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,(is)/2)
I fully concede that whatever is going on here is due to my misunderstanding of Prolog. Can someone explain to me how I might get this to work or why it won't work?
In Prolog, is is an arithmetic evaluation operator. It calculates the result of an expression on its right side, and assigns it to a variable on its left side.
The expression to be evaluated must contain only numbers and arithmetic operators/functions. In other words, to evaluate an expression, is must already know all the numbers in it.
Another way of saying this is that is is "unidirectional", unlike the = which is bi-directional. Which is what you expected. And that is the meaning of the error that you got.
Solving such equations - constraints - is a job for a constraint solver.
You can use a library for this, available in SWI-Prolog at least: library(clpr) and library(clpq).
Here from the top level for Reals:
?- use_module(library(clpr)).
?- {7 * (X - 2) = 3 * (X + 4)}.
X = 6.5 ;
Or, if you use Rationals:
?- use_module(library(clpq)).
?- {7 * (X - 2) = 3 * (X + 4)}, R is float(X).
X = 13 rdiv 2,
R = 6.5.
If you want to do it yourself, it will be of course much more work. You would have to write code like
( ground(X)
-> 7 * (X - 2) =:= 3 * (X + 4)
; X is (3*4 + 2*7) / (7 - 3)
By the way, what you are doing: A = B, A is ..., B is ....
This is a bit dangerous, for example:
?- A = B, A is 3 - 2, B is sin(pi/2).
?- 3 - 2 =:= sin(pi/2).
3 - 2 evaluates to the integer 1; then, sin(pi/2) evaluates to the floating point number 1.0, and this does not unify with the integer 1. So, the first query fails!
?- 1 = 1.0.
Prolog works by unification. It tries to make structures the same.
So, for example, if I try to unify [3, X, 5] with [3, 4, 5] that works fine and X = 4.
In your code you are first saying A = B. That's fine as initially A and B are not instantiated so you are basically tying their destinies to each other - if A is later instantiated then B automatically is too, or visa-versa.
Then you go on to ask A is (7 * (X - 2)). Now if you have already unified X with 6.5 then this can be evaluated - A is then unified with 7 * (6.5 - 2) or 31.5. But remember that A was already unified with B, so B now also is 31.5.
Now you say B is (3 * (X + 4)). So with X unified to 6.5 and B unified with 31.5 this is the same as 31.5 is (3 * (6.5 + 4)). The right hand side is 31.5 so this is 31.5 is 31.5 which is true.
So, solving for solve(6.5) works.
However, if you try to solve for X then the first predicate works just fine. But the second one doesn't. It's like me asking "What's 7 times the number that is 2 less than the number I'm thinking of?" Unless I tell you the number I'm thinking of you can't give me an answer. The same for Prolog. It gets stuck and reports an error.
I'm starting learning Prolog and I want a program that given a integer P gives to integers A and B such that P = A² + B². If there aren't values of A and B that satisfy this equation, false should be returned
For example: if P = 5, it should give A = 1 and B = 2 (or A = 2 and B = 1) because 1² + 2² = 5.
I was thinking this should work:
giveSum(P, A, B) :- integer(A), integer(B), integer(P), P is A*A + B*B.
with the query:
giveSum(5, A, B).
However, it does not. What should I do? I'm very new to Prolog so I'm still making lot of mistakes.
Thanks in advance!
integer/1 is a non-monotonic predicate. It is not a relation that allows the reasoning you expect to apply in this case. To exemplify this:
?- integer(I).
No integer exists, yes? Colour me surprised, to say the least!
Instead of such non-relational constructs, use your Prolog system's CLP(FD) constraints to reason about integers.
For example:
?- 5 #= A*A + B*B.
A in -2..-1\/1..2,
_G1025 in 1..4,
_G1052 in 1..4,
B in -2..-1\/1..2
And for concrete solutions:
?- 5 #= A*A + B*B, label([A,B]).
A = -2,
B = -1 ;
A = -2,
B = 1 ;
A = -1,
B = -2 ;
CLP(FD) constraints are completely pure relations that can be used in the way you expect. See clpfd for more information.
Other things I noticed:
use_underscores_for_readability_as_is_the_convention_in_prolog instead ofMixingTheCasesToMakePredicatesHardToRead.
use declarative names, avoid imperatives. For example, why call it give_sum? This predicate also makes perfect sense if the sum is already given. So, what about sum_of_squares/3, for example?
For efficiency sake, Prolog implementers have choosen - many,many years ago - some compromise. Now, there are chances your Prolog implements advanced integer arithmetic, like CLP(FD) does. If this is the case, mat' answer is perfect. But some Prologs (maybe a naive ISO Prolog compliant processor), could complain about missing label/1, and (#=)/2. So, a traditional Prolog solution: the technique is called generate and test:
giveSum(P, A, B) :-
( integer(P) -> between(1,P,A), between(1,P,B) ; integer(A),integer(B) ),
P is A*A + B*B.
between/3 it's not an ISO builtin, but it's rather easier than (#=)/2 and label/1 to write :)
Anyway, please follow mat' advice and avoid 'imperative' naming. Often a description of the relation is better, because Prolog it's just that: a relational language.
Hello can anyone help me compute the sum of the first n numbers. For example n=4 => sum = 10.
So far I've wrote this
This one works but I need another implementation. I don't have any ideas how I could make this differen . Please help
What #mbratch said.
What you're computing is a triangular number. If your homework is about triangular numbers and not about learning recursive thinking, you can simply compute it thus:
triangular_number(N,R) :- R is N * (N+1) / 2 .
If, as is more likely, you're learning recursive thought, try this:
sum(N,R) :- % to compute the triangular number n,
sum(N,1,0,R) % - invoke the worker predicate with its counter and accumulator properly seeded
sum(0,_,R,R). % when the count gets decremented to zero, we're done. Unify the accumulator with the result.
sum(C,X,T,R) :- % otherwise,
C > 0 , % - assuming the count is greater than zero
T1 is T+X , % - increment the accumulator
X1 is X+1 , % - increment the current number
C1 is C-1 , % - decrement the count
sum(C1,X1,T1,R) % - recurse down
. % Easy!
Edited to add:
Or, if you prefer a count down approach:
sum(N,R) :- sum(N,0,R).
sum(0,R,R). % when the count gets decremented to zero, we're done. Unify the accumulator with the result.
sum(N,T,R) :- % otherwise,
N > 0 , % - assuming the count is greater than zero
T1 is T+N , % - increment the accumulator
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement the count
sum(N1,T1,R) % - recurse down
. % Easy!
Both of these are tail-recursive, meaning that the prolog compiler can turn them into iteration (google "tail recursion optimization" for details).
If you want to eliminate the accumulator, you need to do something like this:
sum(N,R) :-
N > 0 ,
N1 is N-1 ,
sum(N1,R1) ,
R is R1+N
A little bit simpler, but each recursion consumes another stack frame: given a sufficiently large value for N, execution will fail with a stack overflow.
sum(N, Sum) :-
Sum is (N + 1) * N / 2 .
Since you already got plenty of advice about your code, let me throw in a snippet (a bit off-topic).
Counting, and more generally, aggregating, it's an area where Prolog doesn't shine when compared to other relational,declarative languages (read SQL). But some vendor specific library make it much more pleasant:
?- aggregate(sum(N),between(1,4,N),S).
S = 10.
This is the "heart" of your program:
The =/2 predicate (note the /2 means it accepts 2 arguments) is the instantiation predicate, not an assignment, or logical equal. It attempts to unify its arguments to make them the same. So if N is anything but 0, then R=R+N will always fail because R can never be the same as R+N. Likewise for N=N-1: it will always fail because N and N-1 can never be the same.
In the case of =/2 (unification), expressions are not evaluated. They are just terms. So if Y = 1, then X = Y + 1 unifies X with 1+1 as a term (equivalently written +(1,1)).
Because of the above issues, sum will always fail.
Numerical assignment of an arithmetic expression is done in Prolog with the is/2 predicate. Like this:
X is Y + 1.
This operator unifies the value of X to be the same as the value of the evaluated expression Y+1. In this case, you also cannot have X is X+1 for the same reason given above: X cannot be made the same as X+1 and Prolog does not allow "re-instantiation" of a variable inside of a clause. So you would need something like, X1 is X + 1. Also note that for is/2 to work, everything in the expression on the right must be previously instantiated. If any variables in the expression on the right do not have a value, you will get an instantiation error or, in the case of Turbo Prolog, Free variable in expression....
So you need to use different variables for expression results, and organize the code so that, if using is/2, variables in the expression are instantiated.
I understand from Sergey Dymchenko that Turbo Prolog, unlike GNU or SWI, evaluates expressions for =/2. So the = will work in the given problem. However, the error regarding instantiation (or "free variable") is still caused by the same issue I mentioned above.
sum(N, N, N).
sum(M, N, S):-
X is M+1,
sum(X, N, T),
S is M+T.
?- sum(1,5,N).
N = 15 .
Implement the division operator in a way that: A is 12 div 6 div 2 result is: A = 4
So I think that I have to create an infix operator belonging to the type: yfx because this operator have first to calculate 6 div 2 and then calculate 12 div result(6 div 2)
I hope to be clear in my explanation...I know that I have explained the concept in a procedural way, but I did not know how else to express the precedence of the operations to be performed on arguments...
Ok, so I think (I hope) that the yfx form of operator is correct...
The problem is that now I don't know how to describe this operator.
In a previous exercise I have defined operator in this way:
/* perter has information */
has(peter, information).
As I can read on Ivan Bratko book:
The operator definitions do not specify any operation or action. In principle, no operation or data is associated with an operator.
So I think that I can't define an operator that performs calculations.
So I think that a solution of my exercise could be something like:
div(X div Y, Division) :- Division is X/Y.
But don't work well and moreover I think that this is not that they asking me to implement.
div appears to be a predeclared operator, already doing integer division, then it's sufficient to change its associativity.
Here it's the default:
?- current_op(P,A,div).
P = 400,
A = yfx.
?- A is 12 div 6 div 2.
A = 1.
change as you like:
?- [user].
|: :-op(400,xfy,div).
|: % user://1 compiled 0,04 sec, 1 clauses
and you'll get
?- A is 12 div 6 div 2.
A = 4.
Beware that changing predefined operators it's bad practice. But I must say that I don't know if there is any standard way to add operators to is/2 evaluation....
edit SWI-Prolog has a way to add arithmetic: you get
?- X is 12 mydiv 6 mydiv 2.
X = 4.
:- op(400,xfy,mydiv).
:- arithmetic_function(mydiv/2).
mydiv(A,B,C) :- C is A div B.