Sum of the first n numbers in prolog - prolog

Hello can anyone help me compute the sum of the first n numbers. For example n=4 => sum = 10.
So far I've wrote this
This one works but I need another implementation. I don't have any ideas how I could make this differen . Please help

What #mbratch said.
What you're computing is a triangular number. If your homework is about triangular numbers and not about learning recursive thinking, you can simply compute it thus:
triangular_number(N,R) :- R is N * (N+1) / 2 .
If, as is more likely, you're learning recursive thought, try this:
sum(N,R) :- % to compute the triangular number n,
sum(N,1,0,R) % - invoke the worker predicate with its counter and accumulator properly seeded
sum(0,_,R,R). % when the count gets decremented to zero, we're done. Unify the accumulator with the result.
sum(C,X,T,R) :- % otherwise,
C > 0 , % - assuming the count is greater than zero
T1 is T+X , % - increment the accumulator
X1 is X+1 , % - increment the current number
C1 is C-1 , % - decrement the count
sum(C1,X1,T1,R) % - recurse down
. % Easy!
Edited to add:
Or, if you prefer a count down approach:
sum(N,R) :- sum(N,0,R).
sum(0,R,R). % when the count gets decremented to zero, we're done. Unify the accumulator with the result.
sum(N,T,R) :- % otherwise,
N > 0 , % - assuming the count is greater than zero
T1 is T+N , % - increment the accumulator
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement the count
sum(N1,T1,R) % - recurse down
. % Easy!
Both of these are tail-recursive, meaning that the prolog compiler can turn them into iteration (google "tail recursion optimization" for details).
If you want to eliminate the accumulator, you need to do something like this:
sum(N,R) :-
N > 0 ,
N1 is N-1 ,
sum(N1,R1) ,
R is R1+N
A little bit simpler, but each recursion consumes another stack frame: given a sufficiently large value for N, execution will fail with a stack overflow.

sum(N, Sum) :-
Sum is (N + 1) * N / 2 .

Since you already got plenty of advice about your code, let me throw in a snippet (a bit off-topic).
Counting, and more generally, aggregating, it's an area where Prolog doesn't shine when compared to other relational,declarative languages (read SQL). But some vendor specific library make it much more pleasant:
?- aggregate(sum(N),between(1,4,N),S).
S = 10.

This is the "heart" of your program:
The =/2 predicate (note the /2 means it accepts 2 arguments) is the instantiation predicate, not an assignment, or logical equal. It attempts to unify its arguments to make them the same. So if N is anything but 0, then R=R+N will always fail because R can never be the same as R+N. Likewise for N=N-1: it will always fail because N and N-1 can never be the same.
In the case of =/2 (unification), expressions are not evaluated. They are just terms. So if Y = 1, then X = Y + 1 unifies X with 1+1 as a term (equivalently written +(1,1)).
Because of the above issues, sum will always fail.
Numerical assignment of an arithmetic expression is done in Prolog with the is/2 predicate. Like this:
X is Y + 1.
This operator unifies the value of X to be the same as the value of the evaluated expression Y+1. In this case, you also cannot have X is X+1 for the same reason given above: X cannot be made the same as X+1 and Prolog does not allow "re-instantiation" of a variable inside of a clause. So you would need something like, X1 is X + 1. Also note that for is/2 to work, everything in the expression on the right must be previously instantiated. If any variables in the expression on the right do not have a value, you will get an instantiation error or, in the case of Turbo Prolog, Free variable in expression....
So you need to use different variables for expression results, and organize the code so that, if using is/2, variables in the expression are instantiated.
I understand from Sergey Dymchenko that Turbo Prolog, unlike GNU or SWI, evaluates expressions for =/2. So the = will work in the given problem. However, the error regarding instantiation (or "free variable") is still caused by the same issue I mentioned above.

sum(N, N, N).
sum(M, N, S):-
X is M+1,
sum(X, N, T),
S is M+T.
?- sum(1,5,N).
N = 15 .


Defining a mathematical language in prolog

So I have this mathematical language, it goes like this:
E -> number
[+,E,E,E] //e.g. [+,1,2,3] is 1+2+3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[-,E,E,E] //e.g. [-,1,2,3] is 1-2-3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[*,E,E,E] //e.g. [*,1,2,3] is 1*2*3 %we can put 2 to infinite Es here.
[^,E,E] //e.g. [^,2,3] is 2^3
[sin,E] //e.g. [sin,0] is sin 0
[cos,E] //e.g. [cos,0] is cos 0
and I want to write the set of rules that finds the numeric value of a mathematical expression written by this language in prolog.
I first wrote a function called "check", it checks to see if the list is written in a right way according to the language we have :
check1([L|Ls]):- number(L),check1(Ls).
now I need to write the function "evaluate" that takes a list that is an expression written by this language, and a variable that is the numeric value corresponding to this language.
?-evaluate([*,1,[^,2,2],[*,2,[+,[sin,0],5]]]],N) -> N = 40
so I wrote this:
sum([L|Ls],N):- not(is_list(L)),sum(Ls,No),N is No + L.
min([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), min(Ls,No),N is No - L.
pro([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), pro(Ls,No), N is No * L.
pow([L|Ls],N):-not(is_list(L)), N is L ^ Ls.
sin_(L,N):-not(is_list(L)), N is sin(L).
cos_(L,N):-not(is_list(L)), N is cos(L).
d([L|Ls],N):- L == '+' ,sum(Ls,N);
L == '-',min(Ls,N);
L == '*',pro(Ls,N);
L == '^',pow(Ls,N);
L == 'sin',sin_(Ls,N);
L == 'cos',cos_(Ls,N).
is_list(L) , check(L) , d(L,N),L is N,evaluate(Ls,N);
is_list(L), not(check(L)) , evaluate(Ls,N);
L is N,evaluate(Ls,N);
and it's working for just a list and returning the right answer , but not for multiple lists inside the main list, how should my code be?
The specification you work with looks like a production rule that describes that E (presumably short for Expression) might be a number or one of the 6 specified operations. That is the empty list [] is not an expression. So the fact
should not be in your code. Your predicate sum/2 almost works the way you wrote it, except for the empty list and a list with a single element, that are not valid inputs according to your specification. But the predicates min/2 and pro/2 are not correct. Consider the following examples:
?- sum([1,2,3],X).
X = 6 % <- correct
?- sum([1],X).
X = 1 % <- incorrect
?- sum([],X).
X = 0 % <- incorrect
?- min([1,2,3],X).
X = -6 % <- incorrect
?- pro([1,2,3],X).
X = 6 ? ; % <- correct
X = 0 % <- incorrect
Mathematically speaking, addition and multiplication are associative but subtraction is not. In programming languages all three of these operations are usually left associative (see e.g. Operator associativity) to yield the mathematically correct result. That is, the sequence of subtractions in the above query would be calculated:
1-2-3 = (1-2)-3 = -4
The way you define a sequence of these operations resembles the following calculation:
[A,B,C]: ((0 op C) op B) op A
That works out fine for addition:
[1,2,3]: ((0 + 3) + 2) + 1 = 6
But it doesn't for subtraction:
[1,2,3]: ((0 - 3) - 2) - 1 = -6
And it is responsible for the second, incorrect solution when multiplying:
[1,2,3]: ((0 * 3) * 2) * 1 = 0
There are also some other issues with your code (see e.g. #lurker's comments), however, I won't go into further detail on that. Instead, I suggest a predicate that adheres closely to the specifying production rule. Since the grammar is describing expressions and you want to know the corresponding values, let's call it expr_val/2. Now let's describe top-down what an expression can be: It can be a number:
expr_val(X,X) :-
It can be an arbitrarily long sequence of additions or subtractions or multiplications respectively. For the reasons above all three sequences should be evaluated in a left associative way. So it's tempting to use one rule for all of them:
expr_val([Op|Es],V) :-
sequenceoperator(Op), % Op is one of the 3 operations
exprseq_op_val(Es,Op,V). % V is the result of a sequence of Ops
The power function is given as a list with three elements, the first being ^ and the others being expressions. So that rule is pretty straightforward:
expr_val([^,E1,E2],V) :-
V is V1^V2.
The expressions for sine and cosine are both lists with two elements, the first being sin or cos and the second being an expression. Note that the argument of sin and cos is the angle in radians. If the second argument of the list yields the angle in radians you can use sin/1 and cos/2 as you did in your code. However, if you get the angle in degrees, you need to convert it to radians first. I include the latter case as an example, use the one that fits your application.
expr_val([sin,E],V) :-
V is sin(V1*pi/180). % radians = degrees*pi/180
expr_val([cos,E],V) :-
V is cos(V1*pi/180). % radians = degrees*pi/180
For the second rule of expr_val/2 you need to define the three possible sequence operators:
And subsequently the predicate exprseq_op_val/3. As the leading operator has already been removed from the list in expr_val/2, the list has to have at least two elements according to your specification. In order to evaluate the sequence in a left associative way the value of the head of the list is passed as an accumulator to another predicate exprseq_op_val_/4
exprseq_op_val([E1,E2|Es],Op,V) :-
that is describing the actual evaluation. There are basically two cases: If the list is empty then, regardless of the operator, the accumulator holds the result. Otherwise the list has at least one element. In that case another predicate, op_val_args/4, delivers the result of the respective operation (Acc1) that is then recursively passed as an accumulator to exprseq_op_val_/4 alongside with the tail of the list (Es):
exprseq_op_val_([E1|Es],Op,V,Acc0) :-
At last you have to define op_val_args/4, that is again pretty straightforward:
op_val_args(+,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1+V2.
op_val_args(-,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1-V2.
op_val_args(*,V,V1,V2) :-
V is V1*V2.
Now let's see how this works. First your example query:
?- expr_val([*,1,[^,2,2],[*,2,[+,[sin,0],5]]],V).
V = 40.0 ? ;
The simplest expression according to your specification is a number:
?- expr_val(-3.14,V).
V = -3.14 ? ;
The empty list is not an expression:
?- expr_val([],V).
The operators +, - and * need at least 2 arguments:
?- expr_val([-],V).
?- expr_val([+,1],V).
?- expr_val([*,1,2],V).
V = 2 ? ;
?- expr_val([-,1,2,3],V).
V = -4 ? ;
The power function has exactly two arguments:
?- expr_val([^,1,2,3],V).
?- expr_val([^,2,3],V).
V = 8 ? ;
?- expr_val([^,2],V).
?- expr_val([^],V).
And so on...

Prolog Ending a Recursion

countdown(0, Y).
countdown(X, Y):-
append(Y, X, Y),
Y is Y-1,
countdown(X, Y).
So for this program i am trying to make a countdown program which will take Y a number and count down from say 3 to 0 while adding each number to a list so countdown(3, Y). should produce the result Y=[3,2,1]. I can't seem the end the recursion when i run this and i was wondering if anyone could help me?
I cant seem to get this code to work any help? I seem to be getting out of global stack so I dont understand how to end the recursion.
Your original code
countdown( 0 , Y ) .
countdown( X , Y ) :-
append(Y, X, Y),
Y is Y-1,
countdown(X, Y).
has some problems:
countdown(0,Y). doesn't unify Y with anything.
Y is Y-1 is trying to unify Y with the value of Y-1. In Prolog, variables, once bound to a value, cease to be variable: they become that with which they were unified. So if Y was a numeric value, Y is Y-1 would fail. If Y were a variable, depending on your Prolog implementation, it would either fail or throw an error.
You're never working with lists. You are expecting append(Y,X,Y) to magically produce a list.
A common Prolog idiom is to build lists as you recurse along. The tail of the list is passed along on each recursion and the list itself is incomplete. A complete list is one in which the last item is the atom [], denoting the empty list. While building a list this way, the last item is always a variable and the list won't be complete until the recursion succeeds. So, the simple solution is just to build the list as you recurse down:
countdown( 0 , [] ) . % The special case.
countdown( N , [N|Ns] ) :- % The general case: to count down from N...
N > 0 , % - N must be greater than 0.
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N
countdown(N1,Ns) % - recurse down, with the original N prepended to the [incomplete] result list.
. % Easy!
You might note that this will succeed for countdown(0,L), producing L = []. You could fix it by changing up the rules a we bit. The special (terminating) case is a little different and the general case enforces a lower bound of N > 1 instead of N > 0.
countdown( 1 , [1] ) .
countdown( N , [N|Ns] ) :-
N > 1 ,
N1 is N-1 ,
If you really wanted to use append/3, you could. It introduces another common Prolog idiom: the concept of a helper predicate that carries state and does all the work. It is common for the helper predicate to have the same name as the "public" predicate, with a higher arity. Something like this:
countdown(N,L) :- % to count down from N to 1...
N > 0 , % - N must first be greater than 0,
countdown(N,[],L) % - then, we just invoke the helper with its accumulator seeded as the empty list
. % Easy!
Here, countdown/2 is our "public predicate. It calls countdown/3 to do the work. The additional argument carries the required state. That helper will look like something like this:
countdown( 0 , L , L ) . % once the countdown is complete, unify the accumulator with the result list
countdown( N , T , L ) . % otherwise...
N > 0 , % - if N is greater than 0
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N
append(T,[N],T1) , % - append N to the accumulator (note that append/3 requires lists)
countdown(N1,T1,L) % - and recurse down.
. %
You might notice that using append/3 like this means that it iterates over the accumulator on each invocation, thus giving you O(N2) performance rather than the desired O(N) performance.
One way to avoid this is to just build the list in reverse order and reverse that at the very end. This requires just a single extra pass over the list, meaning you get O(2N) performance rather than O(N2) performance. That gives you this helper:
countdown( 0 , T , L ) :- % once the countdown is complete,
reverse(T,L) % reverse the accumulator and unify it with the result list
. %
countdown( N , T , L ) :- % otherwise...
N > 0 , % - if N is greater than 0
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N
append(T,[N],T1) , % - append N to the accumulator (note that append/3 requires lists)
countdown(N1,T1,L) % - and recurse down.
. %
There are several errors in your code:
first clause does not unify Y.
second clause uses append with first and third argument Y, which would only succeed if X=[].
in that clause you are trying to unify Y with another value which will always fail.
Y should be a list (according to your comment) in the head but you are using it to unify an integer.
You might do it this way:
countdown(X, L):-
findall(Y, between(1, X, Y), R),
reverse(R, L).
between/3 will give you every number from 1 to X (backtracking). Therefore findall/3 can collect all the numbers. This will give you ascending order so we reverse/2 it to get the descending order.
If you want to code yourself recursively:
countdown(X, [X|Z]):-
X > 1,
Y is X-1,
countdown(Y, Z).
countdown(1, [1]).
Base case (clause 2) states that number 1 yields a list with item 1.
Recursive clause (first clause) states that if X is greater than 1 then the output list should contain X appended with the result from the recursive call.

Insert a given value v after the 1-st, 2-nd, 4-th, 8-th ... element of a list. (Prolog)

I'm trying to solve this problem in SWI Prolog, and my code currently looks like this:
NEXT = 1,
insert_plus([H|T],COUNTER,NEXT,X,[H|T1]) :- % don't insert
insert_plus([H|T],COUNTER,NEXT,X,[H|[X|T]]) :- % DO insert
Can someone explain why this does not always work as expected?
?- insert([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],9,X).
X = [1,9,2,3,4,5,6,7]. % BAD! expected: `X = [1,9,2,9,3,4,9,5,6,7]`
Prolog doesn't evaluate expressions, it proves relations. So arithmetic must be carried away explicitly. Here
insert_plus(T, COUNTER+1, NEXT, X, T1).
you need
insert_plus(T, SUCC, NEXT, X, T1).
the same problem - with both COUNTER and NEXT - occurs in the last rule.
The absolute bare minimum that you need to change is:
insert_plus([H|T],COUNTER,NEXT,X,[H|T1]) :-
COUNTER =\= NEXT, % `(=\=)/2` arithmetic not-equal
insert_plus([H|T],COUNTER,NEXT,X,[H|[X|T1]]) :- % use `T1`, not `T`
COUNTER =:= NEXT, % `(=:=)/2` arithmetic equal
insert_plus(T,COUNTER+1,NEXT*2,X,T1). % use `T1` (as above)
Sample query:
?- insert([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],9,X).
X = [1,9,2,9,3,4,9,5,6,7]. % expected result
In addition to the above changes I recommend you take advise that #CapelliC gave
in his answer concerning arithmetic expression evaluation using the builtin Prolog predicate (is)/2...
... or, even better, use clpfd!

Why is this elementary Prolog predicate not stopping execution?

I want to write a predicate that determines if a number is prime or not. I am doing this by a brute force O(sqrt(n)) algorithm:
1) If number is 2, return true and do not check any more predicates.
2) If the number is even, return false and do no more checking predicates.
3) If the number is not even, check the divisors of the number up to the square root. Note that
we need only to check the odd divisors starting at 3 since if we get to this part of
the program the number is not even. Evens were eliminated in step 2.
4) If we find an even divisor, return false and do not check anything else.
5) If the divisor we are checking is larger than the square root of the number,
return true, we found no divisors. Do no more predicate checking.
Here is the code I have:
oddp(N) :- M is N mod 2, M = 1.
evenp(N) :- not(oddp(N)).
prime(2) :- !.
prime(X) :- X < 2, write_ln('case 1'), false, !.
prime(X) :- evenp(X), write_ln('case 2'), false, !.
prime(X) :- not(evenp(X)), write_ln('calling helper'),
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- K is X mod Divisor, K = 0,
write_ln('case 3'), false, !.
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- Divisor > sqrt(X),
write_ln('case 4'), !.
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- write_ln('case 5'),
Temp is Divisor + 2, prime_helper(X,Temp).
I am running into problems though. For example, if I query prime(1). the program is still checking the divisors. I thought that adding '!' would make the program stop checking if the prior conditions were true. Can someone tell me why the program is doing this? Keep in mind I am new at this and I know the code can be simplified. However, any tips would be appreciated!
#Paulo cited the key issues with the program that cause it to behave improperly and a couple of good tips. I'll add a few more tips on this particular program.
When writing a predicate, the focus should be on what's true. If your
predicate properly defines successful cases, then you don't need to explicitly
define the failure cases since they'll fail by default. This means your statements #2 and #4 don't need to be specifically defined as clauses.
You're using a lot of cuts which is usually a sign that your program
isn't defined efficiently or properly.
When writing the predicates, it's helpful to first state the purpose in logical language form (which you have done in your statements 1 through 5, but I'll rephrase here):
A number is prime if it is 2 (your statement #1), or if it is odd and it is not divisible by an odd divisor 3 or higher (your statement #3). If we write this out in Prolog, we get:
prime(X) :- % X is prime if...
oddp(X), % X is odd, AND
no_odd_divisors(X). % X has no odd divisors
prime(2). % 2 is prime
A number X is odd if X module 2 evaluates to 1.
oddp(X) :- X mod 2 =:= 1. % X is odd if X module 2 evaluates to 1
Note that rather than create a helper which essentially fails when I want success, I'm going to create a helper which succeeds when I want it to. no_odd_divisors will succeeds if X doesn't have any odd divisors >= 3.
A number X has no odd divisors if it is not divisible by 3, and if it's not divisible by any number 3+2k up to sqrt(X) (your statement #5).
no_odd_divisors(X) :- % X has no odd divisors if...
no_odd_divisors(X, 3). % X has no odd divisors 3 or above
no_odd_divisors(X, D) :- % X has no odd divisors D or above if...
D > sqrt(X), !. % D is greater than sqrt(X)
no_odd_divisors(X, D) :- % X has no odd divisors D or above if...
X mod D =\= 0, % X is not divisible by D, AND
D1 is D + 2, % X has no odd divisors D+2 or above
no_odd_divisors(X, D1).
Note the one cut above. This indicates that when we reach more than sqrt(X), we've made the final decision and we don't need to backtrack to other options for "no odd divisor" (corresponding to, Do no more predicate checking. in your statement #5).
This will yield the following behavior:
| ?- prime(2).
| ?- prime(3).
(1 ms) yes
| ?- prime(6).
(1 ms) no
| ?- prime(7).
| ?-
Note that I did define the prime(2) clause second above. In this case, prime(2) will first fail prime(X) with X = 2, then succeed prime(2) with nowhere else to backtrack. If I had defined prime(2) first, as your first statement (If number is 2, return true and do not check any more predicates.) indicates:
prime(2). % 2 is prime
prime(X) :- % X is prime if...
oddp(X), % X is odd, AND
no_odd_divisors(X). % X has no odd divisors
Then you'd see:
| ?- prime(2).
true ? a
| ?-
This would be perfectly valid since Prolog first succeeded on prime(2), then knew there was another clause to backtrack to in an effort to find other ways to make prime(2) succeed. It then fails on that second attempt and returns "no". That "no" sometimes confuses Prolog newcomers. You could also prevent the backtrack on the prime(2) case, regardless of clause order, by defining the clause as:
prime(2) :- !.
Which method you choose depends ultimately on the purpose of your predicate relations. The danger in using cuts is that you might unintentionally prevent alternate solutions you may actually want. So it should be used very thoughtfully and not as a quick patch to reduce outputs.
There are several issues on your program:
Writing a cut, !/0, after a call to false/0 is useless and as the cut will never be reached. Try exchanging the order of these two calls.
The first clause can be simplified to oddp(N) :- N mod 2 =:= 1. You can also apply this simplification in other clauses.
The predicate not/1 is better considered deprecated. Write instead evenp(N) :- \+ oddp(N).. The (\+)/1 is the standard operator/control construct for negation as failure.

Sum of a list in prolog

I'm reading 'the art of prolog' book and I found an exercise that reads 'Define the relation sum(ListOfIntegers,Sum) which holds if Sum is the sum of the ListOfIntegers, without using any auxiliary predicate' .I came up with this solution:
sum([0|Xs], Sum):-sum(Xs, Sum).
sum([s(X)|Xs], Sum):-sum([X|Xs],s(Sum)).
Which does not work exactly as I would want it to.
?- sum([s(s(0)),s(0),s(s(s(0)))],X).
true ;
I was expecting X to be
I thought that the problem is that I have to 'initialize' Sum to 0 in the first 'iteration' but that would be very procedural and unfortunately I'm not quite apt in prolog to make that work.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Your first clause should read
sum([], 0).
With that change, the vacuous true return goes away and you're left with one problem: the third clause reverses the logic of summation. It should be
sum([s(X)|Xs], s(Sum)) :- sum([X|Xs], Sum).
because the number of s/1 terms in the left argument to sum/2 should be equal to the number of them in the right argument.
The best way to localize the problem is to first simplify your query:
?- sum([0],S).
?- sum([],S).
Even for those, you get as an answer that any S will do. Like
?- sum([],s(s(0))).
Since [] can only be handled by your fact, an error must lie in that very fact.
You stated:
sum([], Sum).
Which means that the sum of [] is just anything. You probably meant 0.
Another error hides in the last rule... After fixing the first error, we get
?- sum([0],Sum).
Sum = 0.
?- sum([s(0)],Sum).
Here, the last clause is responsible. It reads:
sum([s(X)|Xs], Sum):-sum([X|Xs],s(Sum)).
Recursive rules are relatively tricky to read in Prolog. The simplest way to understand them is to look at the :- and realize that this should be an arrow ← (thus a right-to-left arrow) meaning:
provided, that the goals on the right-hand side are truewe conclude what is found on the left-hand side
So, compared to informal writing, the arrows points into the opposite direction!
For our query, we can consider the following instantiation substituting Xs with [] and X with 0.
sum([s(0)| [] ], Sum) :- sum([0| []],s(Sum)).
So this rule now reads right-to-left: Provided, sum([0],s(Sum)) is true, ... However, we do know that only sum([0],0) holds, but not that goal. Therefore, this rule never applies! What you intended was rather the opposite:
sum([s(X)|Xs], s(Sum)):-sum([X|Xs],Sum).
I'm not really following your logic, what with all the seemingle extraneous s(X) structures floating about.
Wouldn't it be easier and simpler to do something like this?
First, define your solution in plain english, thus:
The sum of an empty list is 0.
The sum of a non-empty list is obtained by adding the head of the list to the sum of the tail of the list.
From that definition, the prolog follows directly:
sum( [] , 0 ) . % the sum of an empty list is 0.
sum( [X|Xs] , T ) :- % the sum of an non-empty list is obtained by:
sum( Xs , T1 ) , % - first computing the sum of the tail
T is X + T1 % - and then, adding that the to head of the list
. % Easy!
