smwebmail and ISAPI extension during restore backup - windows

Hi i want to restore backup in Plesk Windows and get these errors
The PHP handler 5 ISAPI extension (id=isapi-5) is not available. Instead, Plesk will use 7.2.5 FastCGI application (id=fastcgi-7.2) for the following websites: ####
The webmail service smwebmail is unavailable. It will be replaced with horde for the following objects: ####
how i can enable ISAPI?
how i can install smwebmail?

It seems that you are trying to restore the backup on a newer server with a different configuration.
PHP 5 as an ISAPI extension is actually PHP version 5.2, which is no longer supported by PHP community. It is recommended to modify the website code to make it compatible with newer PHP versions. The oldest supported PHP version at the moment is 5.6.
If you still want to use PHP 5.2 ISAPI, you can add to any Plesk version except Plesk Onyx 17.8 in Tools & Settings > Updates & Upgrades or via a single line in CMD:
C:\>"%plesk_bin%\ai.exe" --select-release-current --install-component php5
As for smwebmail, you should have SmarterMail installed on the server and configured in Plesk. I suggest referring to Plesk documentation and help center for exact instructions, as it contains all necessary information. Here are some links:
How to configure a local SmarterMail server for Plesk?
How to enable additional PHP version available in Plesk?


Homestead refuses to use specific PHP version (7.1 instead of 8.0)

The Short Version
Laravel application on Homestead is using PHP 8.x as seen in phpinfo(), yet php -v is stating the server is using 7.1 (which is what I want). How is this possible? How do I tell the Laravel application to use 7.1 not 8.x?
The Long Version
I have an older Laravel application (5.8) that I need to upgrade to 8.0. I may be using Shift to do this but I have never done an upgrade manually so I thought I should do that at least once.
So I upgraded Homestead to current (12.x), and everything continued to run fine.
Then I tried to upgrade my PHP version from 7.1 to 8.0 using sudo update-alternatives --config php and chose PHP. Then I verified with php -v that it switched to that version. As expected, I began getting deprecation errors in browser. Knowing I would have to spend some time resolving those I switched back to 7.1... but the errors remained!
I restarted PHP, I restarted the server, I reloaded and reprovisioned the server, I destroyed and reprovisioned the server and absolutely nothing is resolving this issue. I even specified php: "7.1" in the Homestead.yaml file and re-provisioned to no avail.
At this point it seems that the upgrading of Homestead itself is somehow telling PHP to ignore the version I'm specifying it to use. So I know I could downgrade, I suppose, but that isn't really a solution but a band aid. And I'm not certain that will actually work either.
I've tried the Answers in this StackOverflows Change Laravel Homestead v7.0.1 with php 7.2 to php 7.1 including php71.
OS: Windows 10
Homestead: 12.x
This person has an identical problem and resolved it with Docker somehow but I don't understand how to translate that to Homestead.
There is PHP-CLI and PHP-web. PHP-CLI version is what is reported when using php -v but PHP-CLI is what NGinx is using, hence getting 8.0 when using phpinfo() in ~/public/index.php
To resolve the issue I manually updated /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mysite and edited line below location where it says fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.0-fpm.sock; to say fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock; and then I restarted PHP with sudo systemctl restart nginx.

Installing APC on Centos PHP7

I am trying to get the modules installed for an old Symfony site.
I tried
sudo yum install php-pecl-apc
No package php-pecl-apc available.
I can't apt-get s it is not installed. How can I get this module installed
php-pecl-apc is not available for centos7, so you need to install php73-php-pecl-apcu.
Note- not available in official centos repo, so you have to use Remi repo.
APC is a dead project, no stable version was released for any version of PHP > 5.3.
For opcode cache, the opcache extension exists for PHP 5.x and is now part of PHP 7.x
For user data cache, the APCu extension version 4 exists for PHP 5.x and provides a new API, and a compatibility layer to emulate APC
For PHP 7.x, APCU version 5 only provides the new API, but the apcu_bc extension provides the compatibility layer.
How do you install PHP 7 on your CentOS box ? Good package providers have these extensions available (php-pecl-apcu and php-pecl-apcu-bc).
P.S. "remi" repository is a possible provider for PHP and its extensions, follow the wizard instuctions.

Using Sagepay PHP Integration Toolkit

When I go to sagepay/demo/index.php it gives error:
Setup error: curl not loaded.
I follow instructions to install php5 etc but my server is running php7. Is this an issue?
It could be an issue with your Apache configuration with the curl module not being enabled as this is a required module for the SagePay toolkit.
You should downgrade to PHP 5.6 anyway for SagePay as their toolkit makes use of mcrypt, found in their requirements section (VspPHPKit/demo/readme.html#2) obtained from here, which according to is deprecated in PHP 7+.
The mcrypt extension has been abandonware for nearly a decade now, and was also fairly complex to use. It has therefore been deprecated in favour of OpenSSL, where it will be removed from the core and into PECL in PHP 7.2.
"I follow instructions to install php5 etc" - which instructions are these?
You might find the demo code runs better on a server running PHP5, some of the code is pretty ancient and not compatible with php7...

Can someone provide me a link to download XAMPP or WAMP according to my requirement?

Can someone provide me a link to download XAMPP or WAMP which should support the following requirements - PHP 5.4.4, MariaDB 5.5.31 or MySQL 5.5.31 or Postgres 9.1 or MSSQL 2008 or Oracle 10.2?
You can use this link to search for required version
If you are not happy with above answer, please try another given below-
Install WAMP SERVER 2.1 and you will get PHP 5.3.5 and then upgrade manually PHP 5.4 following below steps
Download PHP5.4 From (Download Thread Safe)
Go to PHP Folder Location (i.e E:\wamp\bin\php)
Create a new folder with name php5.4.42.
Extract the download files and save in E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.42.
Copy the following files from your old PHP directory to your new PHP directory()
File - php.ini, phpForApache.ini, wampserver.conf
Open new copied php.ini file.
Update the extension_dir path in file.
Open new phpForApache.ini file.
Update the extension_dir path in file.
Reboot your system.
Start wamp Server
Go to wampserver =>PHP=>Version=>PHP 5.4.42
Now running PHP5.4.42
Note: you might need to Re-enable the PHP extension like CURL, Openssl etc

Cannot install Joomla 3.6.5 because blank page appears

I tried to install Joomla 3.6.5,
but when I try to view localhost.localdomain to configure Joomla!, a blank page appears.
My specs:
Apache version: 2.4.25
PHP version: 2.6.0
MySql version: 15.1
Operating system: Fedora 26
Enable PDO in Apache in web server.
First Make Sure You have Read/Write Permissions for www folder and Joomla installation folder
PHP Version 2.6.0? Are you really sure? Can you double check and post the real PHP version?
Your MySQL version is also wrong, could you please check? Something like 5.1 probably makes more sense. Note that 5.1 is the bare minimum to run a Joomla website, but it should work.
Also, can you modify your PHP settings (in php.ini) to display all errors? You can do that by ensuring that the following line is present in your php.ini:
display_errors =on
