Using Sagepay PHP Integration Toolkit - opayo

When I go to sagepay/demo/index.php it gives error:
Setup error: curl not loaded.
I follow instructions to install php5 etc but my server is running php7. Is this an issue?

It could be an issue with your Apache configuration with the curl module not being enabled as this is a required module for the SagePay toolkit.
You should downgrade to PHP 5.6 anyway for SagePay as their toolkit makes use of mcrypt, found in their requirements section (VspPHPKit/demo/readme.html#2) obtained from here, which according to is deprecated in PHP 7+.
The mcrypt extension has been abandonware for nearly a decade now, and was also fairly complex to use. It has therefore been deprecated in favour of OpenSSL, where it will be removed from the core and into PECL in PHP 7.2.

"I follow instructions to install php5 etc" - which instructions are these?
You might find the demo code runs better on a server running PHP5, some of the code is pretty ancient and not compatible with php7...


Heroku - Unable to install Firebase firestore - Grpc extension issue

I am using heroku 20 and wanted to install cloud firestore but getting the error
google/cloud-firestore v1.27.2 requires ext-grpc
Here is how i am installing package,
composer require google/cloud-firestore
Does anyone know how to install grpc extension on heroku ?
ext-grpc is not listed among the PHP extensions available on Heroku, nor are arbitrary PECL packages supported by the official PHP buildpack.
I found a few attempts at adding support via third-party buildpacks, but don't believe that any of them actually work. If you need ext-grpc, you may have to host elsewhere.

How to install mpdf v8 with composer (currently it only installs v6)

I am on ubuntu 12.04 and trying to install the latest release (v8) of mPDF using the following command:
composer require mpdf/mpdf
However, only v6 gets installed.
Is there any easy way to install version 7 or 8 of mPDF - or is it quite a long process?
After running composer require mpdf/mpdf:^8.0
it looks like the PHP version on the server is 5.3.0.
Although none of the domains on the server use this (I use plesk to force all domains to use 7.1).
The PHP version on the server was a lot older than used by plesk.
As composer was looking at the older version, we could download a more recent version of mpdf.

Installing APC on Centos PHP7

I am trying to get the modules installed for an old Symfony site.
I tried
sudo yum install php-pecl-apc
No package php-pecl-apc available.
I can't apt-get s it is not installed. How can I get this module installed
php-pecl-apc is not available for centos7, so you need to install php73-php-pecl-apcu.
Note- not available in official centos repo, so you have to use Remi repo.
APC is a dead project, no stable version was released for any version of PHP > 5.3.
For opcode cache, the opcache extension exists for PHP 5.x and is now part of PHP 7.x
For user data cache, the APCu extension version 4 exists for PHP 5.x and provides a new API, and a compatibility layer to emulate APC
For PHP 7.x, APCU version 5 only provides the new API, but the apcu_bc extension provides the compatibility layer.
How do you install PHP 7 on your CentOS box ? Good package providers have these extensions available (php-pecl-apcu and php-pecl-apcu-bc).
P.S. "remi" repository is a possible provider for PHP and its extensions, follow the wizard instuctions.

Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable

I'm doing exactly like what is suggested in the official documentation.
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework
However, I'm getting this error instead:
Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable.
I fully understand it is not stable yet but I'd like to try and develop a simple app for learning purpose since I've been using CI3 all this while. What should I do? This is the closest possible answer to this question but it was left hanging.
You may install develop branch by:
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework:dev-develop
Codeigniter 4 Moved to Production and also updated documentation in Feb 24,2020 you should try this code in composer
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter project-root
Check the latest documentation
Codeigniter4 Documentation
It looks like your PHP version is older than required in codeigniter4. please check whether your PHP version is 7.2(or higher) or not. if you're running below 7.2 version of PHP you'll not be able to use codeigniter4.
Check the php version you have installed globally,
using command php -v in cmd,
if it is below 7.2,
edit the php version in environmental variables.
example: D:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12
this solved the issue I was facing while installing ci4 using composer,
have a good day.

How to solve Laravel requires php mcrypt extension?

I searched the net, I followed the instructions to solve this problem but I could not solve it,
when I want to use Laravel php artisian it gives errors like this:
Laravel requires php Mcrypt extenstion.
Note: I am using MAMP in Mac
please give example and solution for mac with MAMP.
I had a similar issue on Ubuntu 12.04. What version of PHP are you running and does Mcrypt show up as active when you run:
It's quite possible that your command-line PHP isn't the same that MAMP is using, but rather the one that came with OSX. To find out, you can open your terminal and type php -i | grep php.ini, which will show you what ini file you're using.
If this is the case, which seems likely, you can follow the steps of older SO posts such as this one to create a symlink or overwrite the default PHP.
Alternatively, you can upgrade your system's PHP using Homebrew, for instance. I'm running 5.5.8 on my Macs, and it's working great. Do note that I do not necessarily recommend this, though, as configuring MAMP to use the new version isn't a fun experience. Also note that if you do this, you'll have to install both PHP and Mcrypt through Homebrew.
