Getting dynamic token from ChatBot URL in iFrame - botframework

I am working on ChatBot development using MS BOTFramework. URL of my ChatBot is This . I am using this in iFrame like below code -
{iframe src="" width = "455" height = "600"}
I want to get dynamic value of sess inside Bot code for user authentication.
I have tried this URL
ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(message.ServiceUrl));
any workaround for this?

This cannot be done with the iframed version. You would need to host the webchat on a page of your own in your site, then use const params = BotChat.queryParams(; to access the query string parameters on the page. If you want to have the query parameters in the bot, you would need to send a backchannel event that contains the parameters and handle that event within the bot.
Here is an example of how to send a backchannel event:


.Net MAUI WebAuthenticator CallbackUrl for social logins

I'm following this guide to setup authenticating with social logins using MSAL and Web Authenticator. The example call looks like this:
WebAuthenticatorResult authResult = await WebAuthenticator.Default.AuthenticateAsync(
new Uri(""),
new Uri("myapp://"));
But what should the second URI parameter be? In the guide it says:
The URI the flow is expected to ultimately call back to, that is registered to your app.
So how do I register a URI like that to my app?? I've tried following this guide and have 'registered' my app in azure active directory but facebook/google etc won't accept urls of the form "myapp://" as valid redirect URIs... What am I missing?
So the first half of the flow is working but I keep getting errors from the OAuth providers (the green highlight in the diagram isn't working).
This from Google:
And this from Facebook:
But I've added all these valid callback URLs:
I'm afraid that example is broken.
The second URI parameter represents where your app is listening to get the authentication result.
Actually, myapp:// is not a valid URI. You should try with something like myapp://callback.
Finally got to the bottom of it thanks to this old Xamarin issue:
You have to set the "CallbackPath" property in the API config like so:
.AddGoogle(g => {
g.ClientId = "{Client ID}";
g.ClientSecret = "{Client Secret}";
g.CallbackPath = "/mobileauth"; //mobileauth is api controller
g.SaveTokens = true; })
And then tell the provider of that redirect e.g. adding "https://{API-URL}/mobileauth" in google console.

manipulate an existing Dialogflow CX session with a python backend script

I have an existing and functional Chat Bot with Google Dialogflow CX. The Chatbot is directly integrated in a website by the Google Bootstrap.
In some cases a Python script must trigger an intent or page for the user from the backend. In that case the user (and his client) should directly jump in this intent. The session ID of the user is known.
So far I managed it to set a parameter for the user from the python script using the following code.
from import dialogflowcx_v3beta1 as dialogflow
from import types
session_id = "7826e7-0b7-794-b24-b95271869"
api_endpoint = f"{location_id}"
client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
client =
event = "live_chat_event"
params = {'message': "Hello World"}
event_input = types.EventInput(event=event)
query_input = types.QueryInput(event=event_input, language_code=language_code)
query_params = types.QueryParameters(parameters=params)
request = types.DetectIntentRequest(
query_params = query_params
response = client.detect_intent(request=request)
These parameters are then visible by the user on his client, but only after typing the next message.
I need the client to refresh itself or let it jump directly into the next page without any additional input from the user.
How can that be achieved?
Hey bro don't get complicated.
If you are struggling to get the DF API to work you are not the only one.
I can advise you to try the Voximplant Python Client so you can connect to your DF CX Agent easily and control that script . On top of that you can also handle calls with your DF CX or ES Agent.
You can check the documentation to add teh Credentials for DF here.
Also please check this Python API Client so you can run a Scenario that communicates with your CX Agent.

Microsoft Teams App - Add Authentication and Authorization for Task/Fetch Card Action

Located in the BotBuilder-Samples GitHub repo:
There is a sample app: 54.teams-task-module. This app demonstrates a task/fetch action with a Url to a Custom Form which is rendered by a Razor Page.
In the Bot, the OnTeamsTaskModuleFetchAsync method is overridden to return a TaskModuleResponse which tells the system to fetch the URL passed back to Teams in the response.
protected override Task<TaskModuleResponse> OnTeamsTaskModuleFetchAsync(ITurnContext<IInvokeActivity> turnContext, TaskModuleRequest taskModuleRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var asJobject = JObject.FromObject(taskModuleRequest.Data);
var value = asJobject.ToObject<CardTaskFetchValue<string>>()?.Data;
var taskInfo = new TaskModuleTaskInfo();
switch (value)
case TaskModuleIds.YouTube:
taskInfo.Url = taskInfo.FallbackUrl = _baseUrl + "/" + TaskModuleIds.YouTube;
SetTaskInfo(taskInfo, TaskModuleUIConstants.YouTube);
case TaskModuleIds.CustomForm:
taskInfo.Url = taskInfo.FallbackUrl = _baseUrl + "/" + TaskModuleIds.CustomForm;
SetTaskInfo(taskInfo, TaskModuleUIConstants.CustomForm);
case TaskModuleIds.AdaptiveCard:
taskInfo.Card = CreateAdaptiveCardAttachment();
SetTaskInfo(taskInfo, TaskModuleUIConstants.AdaptiveCard);
return Task.FromResult(taskInfo.ToTaskModuleResponse());
I have enabled developer tools in Teams and watched the network requests, as well as overridden every method I can find to try find an extensibility point to inject some sort of token into the request so that the URL can be secured from public anonymous access.
Question: The only way to provide authorization on the Razor Page I see right now is passing the token on the query string and using a custom authorization handler to process the token.
Is there a better way to inject a token or any other info into the task/fetch request so that the request can be authenticated and authorized?
To be clear on this, authentication -is- possible, but only for web pages (Adaptive Cards don't need it). This auth would rely on the standard SSO Teams offers for Task Modules as well as Tabs. See here for intro guidance:, especially:
The SSO API also works in task modules that embed web content.
So really your question kind of becomes "how do I do SSO for web content in Teams". Here's a great video, which includes a link to text (blog) version of the content: Here's a working sample, with both Node and DotNet backend options: Note that the samples and docs generally focus on doing an OnBehalfOf (OBO) operation to call Graph, but the principle remains the same - you get a JWT token that you can pass back to your backend, which you can then validate. You can also, from the token, get user info for the logged in user.
From my comments: Looking at it as "Web inside Adaptive" and revisiting the sample project and your information it does seem the "CustomForm" razor page is initializing the Teams JavaScript SDK.
This DOES mean I can authenticate this content using the SSO as you mentioned.
I had only thought it would work in a TAB, not inside a bot card.Solved, follow the tabs javascript SDK guidance.

How can create access token for Twilio video conference

Basically I'm backend developer of Laravel. I want to create accessToken for video call using Twilio, front-end is mobile app (Flutter) backend is Laravel.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
As mentioned in these docs, you can generate an access token
on the Testing Tools page of the Twilio Console
with a Twilio helper library
In PHP, that'd look like
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'; // Loads the library
use Twilio\Jwt\AccessToken;
use Twilio\Jwt\Grants\VideoGrant;
// Required for all Twilio access tokens
$twilioAccountSid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$twilioApiKey = 'SKxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$twilioApiSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
// A unique identifier for this user
$identity = "alice";
// The specific Room we'll allow the user to access
$roomName = 'DailyStandup';
// Create access token, which we will serialize and send to the client
$token = new AccessToken($twilioAccountSid, $twilioApiKey, $twilioApiSecret, 3600, $identity);
// Create Video grant
$videoGrant = new VideoGrant();
// Add grant to token
// render token to string
echo $token->toJWT();
Depending on what your Twilio Video app looks like, you may be able to do something like what I did in JavaScript here with the Twilio CLI.
Let me know if this helps at all!

How can I pass a required input from application to Amazon Lex Bot?

I have created a bot with Amazon lex and it's validation & fulfillment with Python and MongoDb.
Bot is working as expected.
Now I am working to integrate my Bot with an ipad application.
Currently my bot asks user about his account id and then bot validate that id in DB and according responses.
Now after integration instead of asking the account id from user, that id should be passed from ipad application to the bot and then bot should responds according.
My question is about this. How can we pass account id from ipad app to bot and then how can my bot or lambda function can get that?
Please suggest if anyone has done similar functionality.
You will want to use requestAttributes or sessionAttributes to pass information like an account ID to your bot with the initial input.
Your bot can then retrieve these from event.requestAttributes or event.sessionAttributes
References: Lex-Lambda Input Event and Response Format
sessionAttributes – Application-specific session attributes that the client sends in the request. If you want Amazon Lex to include them in the response to the client, your Lambda function should send these back to Amazon Lex in the response. For more information, see Setting Session Attributes
requestAttributes – Request-specific attributes that the client sends in the request. Use request attributes to pass information that doesn't need to persist for the entire session. If there are no request attributes, the value will be null. For more information, see Setting Request Attributes
Additional Info
You will want to handle the passing of userInput to your Lex bot yourself in order to include requestAttributes data. To do this, you will need to use PostContent (text or audio input) or PostText (text input only) to send data to your Lex bot.
Your Lex bot will interpret the input and pass along the requestAttributes to your Lambda function, where you can handle the logic based on the Account ID.
Sending user input data as JSON object via PostText:
POST /bot/botName/alias/botAlias/user/userId/text HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"inputText": "Hello Bot",
"requestAttributes": {
"accountID" : "xxxxxxxx"
"sessionAttributes": {
"name" : "John Smith"
To see what Lex will pass to your Lambda Function and how to retrieve the requestAttributes there, see this question where I've answered that in more depth:
AWS Lex Python Codehook references
